Oh Nooo, Mr. Bill, Mercury Retrograde is Coming on June 7th!

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I really hoped it would be different this time. But it is the same. Mercury officially begins its retrograde motion at 7:56 AM EDT on Saturday June 7th. The transit takes place in Cancer and moves back into Gemini. Right now emotions are raw and untamed with Mercury in early degrees of Cancer. The DVR is acting up. My commute to and from work is a congested mess, complete with detours, utility work, and general confusion. Communication problems are running rampant, especially at my new job. Tried as I might to find the best starting date,having used all the astrological tools at my disposal, no dates were good and mayhem has ensued. I will not describe the details, but I will say that I am wondering if it is worth my time and energy. I am at a place in my life where I do not want to waste my time and energy.

Michael Lutin discusses how transiting Mars will be passing over Saturn’s position during the rare Venus transit of June 2012.He predicts that many of us will experience a haunting or two. I am feeling this way about my job. I have been here before and I do not know if I want to be in this situation in the future. Been there, done that. Projections, scapegoating, manipulation, and deceit, good times, not so much!

I have much to ponder.

There is much more to the story of course, but Mercury is intensely triggering these dynamics for me. To those who say these transits are easier for people like me with natal Mercury retrograde, I wonder if any of them actually have the placement themselves. I do not find it easier at all.  I really hope we can thrive during this transit and eventually see the promise of movement and energy fulfilled in this Year of the Horse. 2014 has been a slow motion year so far, a cosmic traffic jam that has fenced in the Horse and kept him immobilized for months. Late July may be the light at the end of the tunnel.

But until then…..

Some of you may be old enough to recall the early years of Saturday Night Live. I really got a kick ( pun intended) out of the Mr. Bill skits. With Mr. Bill all starts out well, but inevitably life gets messy. But fortunately, Mr. Bill always survives to live another day and has even resurfaced decades later in Subway commercials and other campaigns.

I guess if he can make it, so can we!      Mr. Bill


image courtesy of wikimedia commons, public domain


  1. I am galloping too. It seems I am a horse :-). And real horse is on my shoulders. What’s a strange mess! Hope the distance is not so long. Love and Strength to you, my beautiful Linda.


  2. Chaos for many around me at the moment Linda, and sorry to hear your job not a smooth run, Its often a hard transition But I am certain you will know what to do and when to act upon it..
    For me life at the moment is galloping along at a steady pace.. Maybe as I was born in the year of the horse..;-) who knows.. But I have never felt more positive this month and I haven’t had that feeling in a while…
    Mr Bill I had’nt met lol and was intrigued with his health and safety vid :-D…
    I so thank you for your much appreciated visit Linda.. and apologise its taken me a while to catch up with your post..
    Sending you thoughts and hope you have a perfect weekend…
    Love and Light.
    Sue xox


    1. Hope you gallop off into a spirit led , rain free, joy filled weekend Sue. I pray for a departure from this challenging, arduous 2014. Saturn has been informative, but not kind to me 🙂

      Namaste my friend,
      xx Linda


  3. I know exactly how you feel. Everything has been a mess – my car, my house, my hair. Speaking of haunted, my son has been talking to his ghost a lot more lately. I’ve always felt like this is my Papaw so I am not concerned. While we were on vacation and out of the apartment, he didn’t talk to him but when we would return to the apartment, it was almost like he went up to Papaw to tell him all about the day. He acts embarrassed if I ask him about the conversations and he has told me before that there are no ghosts, but I can’t shake the feeling that he knows better. Maybe he doesn’t want to scare me! I have shut myself down from experiencing any Earth-shattering psychic events since I was on vacation, but the missing of the world have been bugging the crap out of me. I haven’t been sleeping well and I lay awake watching this show on Netflix, detailing missing persons accounts. I don’t know if I am supposed to watch all of them or if someone is having me watch until I get to their story, but I am sure they are disappointed because while I will watch the darn show endlessly, I am NOT interested in wasting energy on wild ghost chases.

    Whew! Breathe, Shelley…

    So how are you? I have missed you. We didn’t have WiFi where we stayed and my daughter used a whopping 90% of our data in the first ten days of our plan, so I figured I would take a break from the internet. But now I am back home, swimming in WiFi, and hoping I can get caught back up.

    As far as your job problems go, we both know what we need to do, but maybe we are not ready. Maybe there will always be a problem with our current situation so that we are reminded that there is more out there for us. We can’t get too complacent and get paid the big money or we might stay forever on this path which is meant to be temporary. I think I have been trying too hard to figure out what I am supposed to be doing and I am missing these lessons that I am to learn right now. Lord knows I have had to repeat some of these so many times so maybe I need to embrace the dysfunction and figure it all out.


    1. Great to see you back and I missed you too 🙂
      Rather than attempt to address all of this here, I will probably drop you an email.

      I love your phrase ” swimming in WIFI” that is quintessential Shelley! BTW, I thought of you when I saw a sign at my local pharmacy advertising for a Pharmacy Tech. I thought, how cool to have you living up here.

      Now back to “reality”, whatever that is …


      1. I would love to move to the land of the otters! Maybe your little thought means something. I think of moving and almost long to but can’t seem to make the jump.

        It has felt good to swim in the WiFi and not feel guilty for every little video you check out.


  4. Hi Linda,

    I started writing, and then my written response got deleted! Anyways, the gist of it was BIG HUGS! I, too, am looking forward to the end of July for a little itty bitty break. xo, Ka


  5. thank you for the heads up re mercury! i can also relate to the job struggles. i am also not wanting to waste time and precious life energy. we will find the way! ❤ aleya


    1. Seems like you and I have parallel experiences here with work and purpose, etc

      I also am quite inpatient in general, but as i get older I realize I have less time to be my truest self, so??

      xx Linda


      1. i’ve just been reminding myself that none of us is guaranteed a tomorrow. i know that sounds dramatic but it’s true and it makes me really feel how precious my life energy is. there is also that quote about providence and commitment that keeps showing up in my field. 😉


  6. Linda, I am one of those souls with Mercury retrograde natally, and I actually love when Mercury transits retrograde because the energy is more in sync with my machinery, so to speak. (I wish the transit would last longer.) During the past five years, I would intentionally wait until Mercury went retrograde to redesign and republish my website- yet a lot of people would shy away from these activities at the time. Retrograde (for any planet) is good for introspection and inquiry. With Mercury, it’s also the perfect time to go back and edit, fine tune, and polish up what you’ve already started, what you already having going on. Save launching ‘new’ things for later. It’s a blessing (in disguise) that Mercury retrogrades multiple times each year- giving us a chance to get things right (internally). “Get good” with our inner life so the mess in the outer world (what we can’t control) is less stressful, like those annoying electronic glitches, etc…You’re already steps ahead with the knowledge you possess! Wish you the best of luck with your position at work! 🙂


    1. So great to hear from a fellow Mercury retro person who has the exact opposite experience from me and a Mercury ruled moon to boot! I often wondered if having my moon in Gemini exacerbated the difficulty I have with these transits.
      So glad you commented here Renate as this post seems less of a rant and more of an opportunity for growth. Thanks for your well wishes!

      I knew this blogging thing was a good idea 🙂


  7. Oh girl, naughty MR…lets sick Mr. Hand on it. I knew it was coming but had forgotten the exact date, and I would have swore it started a week ago. My iPhone 4 as you know a replacement became possessed an is taken over by Voice Control the voice of Siri, it dials people and talks and is just a HOT Mess…The DMV computer was down state wide on Monday, all manner of craziness, and to think it hasn’t even started. Ugh

    However I have had some good things too. Sending you love sister~



  8. There is a lot of chaos at my job, but so far, none of it is interfering with me. Sorry the commute is messy Linda. Hang in there!


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