Sisterhood of the Traveling Business Cards

Miracles happen in my world.

I have had some recent conversations with a diverse group of people this week. Spirituality was discussed with family and friends and I was enriched by each encounter. Conversations such as these often help me clarify my opinions and refine my worldview. Miracles were on the menu and here is my current definition. A miracle is an experience that totally surpasses the limits of my wildest imaginings. Let me tell you, my imaginings are quite wild so the bar for miracles is set very high.

Here is an example of what I would call an everyday miracle. An under the radar, subtle occurrence that defies logic or my wildest imagining. It happened a few weeks ago, but I held off on sharing it here. With the Pisces Full Moon approaching and Neptune opposing Jupiter adding significant woo-woo to the mix, the time for sharing this nugget of magic has arrived.

I have a friend who I met in 2002 when I first started practicing Quakerism. We will call her Mary. Mary and her husband are lovely, kind, generous people who made me feel at home immediately. While Mary’s husband is on Facebook, Mary is not so inclined. Mary and I began to drift apart once I stopped attending Quaker worship. My separation from the faith slowly drove a wedge between us. No one is to blame. It was a natural progression.

So I was very surprised to receive an email from her right after Dexter died. We have been out of touch for over a year, maybe longer. The content of this email blew me away. I will share the miraculous portion of the communication here. I know Mary would approve.


Around the time I started this blog, I had ordered new business cards. This was a big deal for me as I was beginning to shift my focus to metaphysical services. I historically have had poor success attracting business with cards. Yet many people, like my late friend Robert, would ” nudge ” me to be more proactive in marketing myself.  So I created these new cards and began handing them out as Spirit dictated. I tend to display some cards at local businesses that have a positive vibe. The Night Kitchen is a popular local bakery ( see above) that had an assortment of cards and brochures from local artisans and healers and other business people. I have left a few cards there on occasion. Just to be clear, I have never received a phone call or email as a result of leaving my cards on display. NEVER. I have been much more likely to receive referrals by word of mouth or via the internet ( this blog, Facebook, etc,) That has not deterred me from leaving cards, but I want to be clear that I have wondered if anyone has ever picked up one of my cards.

That is, until now.

On the morning that Dexter became ill, Mary and her husband traveled to my neighborhood to attend Sunday meeting for worship. They went first to the Night Kitchen to get some coffee and treats. This was prior to the 10:30 AM services. Mary noticed my business cards because she liked the design and the font. She picked one up and saw it had my name on it. She decided to keep it with her and contact me later on. She thought of me during the worship service. The service was between 10:30 and 11:30 AM. This was the exact time period when Dexter woke me up and I prepared to get him to the vet. I was frightened and prayed I could keep it together to get both of us out the door and to the vet as soon as possible. I was barely awake and feeling very disorganized. While I was getting though this difficult day, she was praying for me. Quakers call it holding one in the light. 

Around this time that the service would be breaking up, I came home briefly to update people on Facebook about Dexter. I was informing my friends that we were heading to the veterinary hospital because his condition was very serious. Later that evening I updated Facebook again to let everyone know that Dexter had passed on. Mary’s husband is a Facebook friend and he informed her about Dexter. Both Mary and her husband have house sat both of my cats. They also are cat people and have had to put down one of their precious babies around the time I lost Jasmine. They took great care of Jasmine and Dexter when they lived nearby. Mary emailed me with her condolences and informed me about the events of that day.

This event is a miracle in my book. What seems like a string of random events were perfectly orchestrated to give me strength when I desperately needed it. Remember, no one before has ever contacted me to say they found one of my cards. Also keep in mind that I was no longer in touch with Mary or her husband ( except for a very loose Facebook connection). I did not even know he read my Facebook updates. When I read her email I was shocked by its contents. But on another level, I was soothed by her words. I was being taken care of by Spirit in a way that defied explanation. I was being lifted up, unbeknownst to me.

Jupiter and Neptune together are all about faith, miracles, and over the top outcomes. Fortunate encounters, fortuitous fortune, shimmering exuberance, playful joy, expanded perception, etc..  I especially like and would add the phrase ethereal voyage. On one of the worst days of my life, there was an ethereal voyage taking place behind the scenes. It was a voyage that reignited the sisterhood of two dear friends (spiritual sisters) via the magic of a single business card.

Wishing everyone an ethereal voyage on this upcoming Pisces Full Moon.


  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful synchronistic happening, reminding us of the magic and miracles that are always playing out behind the scenes. Actually they’re probably not so much behind the scenes ~ we probably just aren’t paying attention! 😉 Sending you lots of love from this powerful vortex called Vancouver Island. ❤ Aleya

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  2. Hi Linda,
    You know I always get excited when you share about your everyday miracles 🙂 I think it’s such a beautiful way to reconnect with a friend, too. The way you described how she “found you” in a stack of cards, as she was attracted by your chosen design. It’s also surprising to me, too, when someone tells me that they really appreciate reading my blog – and I forgot that they were signed up to receive email notifications. Discovering that people are supporting us and holding space for us, and are receiving positive benefits from our offerings. It’s such a blessings. Thank you for sharing your miracle and that experience of grace that supports us through it all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Ka,
      We do not always know how many lives we touch or in what ways we touch them. We also do not know when out latest encounter will be the final one. This is why I strive to let my loved ones know that I love them

      You are very welcome and I love you, xoxoxo Linda

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue,
      Its cool when you come by to visit and I get a slew of comments from you. Life is wonderful for me in this moment. I woke feeling peaceful and hopeful and so far, its been a lovely day. The weather is slightly cooler and some leaves are already turning.

      MIracles to all and love to you, ❤ Linda

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I love this story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
    These synchronicities are amazing. For me, they are a sign that there is an invisible guiding hand behind everything. A single hand that orchestrates everything perfectly . And if in one of its children there is an urgent need arising, there will always be the answer to that need arising in another one.

    I have had these synchronicities more than once and I am always in awe when i see how Source orchestrates everything perfectly with flawless timing. After a while, itbis something we get used to and can rely on. Then life changes to a new navigation mode.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Karin,
      Stories like these are what prompted me to begin blogging in the first place. I wanted and still want to share life through my lens and how the everyday can be extraordinary. The challenge for me is appreciating the magic when life gets rough and as Matt Kahn says, inconvenient. It makes me happy to spread love and light through a simple email as expression of love. While Mary and I are not formally back in touch, our bond continues and Spirit uses whatever it can to work its will into being.

      love and miracles, Linda

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