Revolution is Evolution

In honor of the mega-retrograde season, I am re-blogging an article from February about the influence of Bernie Sanders. I do not want him to be forgotten, an afterthought in American history. He is a symbol of what we can be as we step into our individual and collective power.

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Greetings everyone! As the sun is still a few minutes shy of reaching my Ascendant, I am milking this 12th house energy for all its worth. I did feel the Imbolc Candlemas surge once the calendar moved into February, but recent health issues has challenged my productivity. This is partially why I have not published any new material in a while. Check out Jamie’s fabulous Imbolc post to learn more about this Winter to Spring sacred time.

Welcome to all new followers and readers! I am so delighted to have so many new people visit me here at litebeing chronicles. Please feel free to comment, even if just to say hello. I want you to know that I am thrilled whenever someone takes the time to read about my journey. Thank you for your interest in my life.

I have so much going on, which sometimes leaves me undecided as…

View original post 754 more words


  1. ive always been a big bern fan. if the system werent rigged, we’d (the majority) certainly have him in as our pres this year.

    more of us need to vote. and more of us need to vote in our best interests. those is power are happy that we fail to do both.

    o and om.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey there, Linda. Thanks for the link-back and mention of my Imbolc post … much appreciated. And yes indeed, the whole 12th house, ‘dark of the moon’ vibe is strong here, too (Sun to cross ascendant in mid-May … an astro new year!) … and Jupiter stationing forward near the same time. Woo hoo! Very 12th house-ish. 🙂 Glad you’ve been making the most of it. 🙂 xo and wishing you well, Jamie

    Liked by 2 people

    1. hi Jamie, you are welcome! While this is an old post that I resurrected to honor Bernie Sanders, these times do feel bery 12th house ( again). Pluto is stepping back into my 12th for a very long journey and all these retros feel like both a time machine and a submarine. Doing the best I can. Happy pre-ascendant return ❤


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