New Sagittarius Moon ~ Prepare to Communicate with Tolerance and Forgiveness

Hello Litebeings,
I want to reach out , to ask you to keep me in your prayers. Last night someone rammed their vehicle into mine, which was parked on my street. The driver and her companion fled the scene after practically totaling both vehicles. I am feeling victimized and very very angry.

I was looking for something to reblog for you. This post was listed as a recommendation at the end of a different post I was considering. That post was not quite right, but this one is. While the Sag New Moon is somewhat irrelevant for today, the themes are on point. That lunation is very close to today’s current Saturn placement. With the recent Saturn station and Mercury’s retrograde imminent, this message is very timely. It not only articulates what I need more of in my own attitudes and behavior, but it is a bit prophetic as well. Tolerance and forgiveness are not easily achieved, but are essential ingredients in the elixir of peace and unity for Gaia.

much love, litebeing

litebeing chronicles

Happy New Moon litebeings! May I add Happy 12-11!

How did my very personal post become political and global? This is what I asked myself after I crafted the title.

 The symbology took me there. public domain US

Today the new moon highlights 19 degrees Sagittarius. This just happens to be the location of my natal Venus. Venus is about many things, love and resources in particular. This new moon is part of a t-square with Chiron at 17 Pisces and Jupiter at 22 Virgo opposing each other and squaring the sun and moon. The release point of this configuration is between 17 and 22 degrees Gemini. This just happens to be where my natal moon is situated.

Clearly this is an important event for me personally. I’ll share a little bit about how I have done Venus in Sagittarius:

Love of adventure and travel

Taking risks in romance

Spending money on…

View original post 1,249 more words


  1. Hey Linda,

    I’ve every sympathy for your experience and empathy with the emotional aspect of the situation as well. My advice, for what it is worth is….sometimes the best medicine is to find a high isolated spot and have a really good long howl at the Moon until tired of shouting. On occasion I have taken a picnic lol 🙂 It’s far better letting it all out than wanting to keep it all in as wet fuel for the fire, and a high place always diminishes the problem and/or provides a clearer vision into the root cause. ‘Search your feelings young Litebeing, you know this to be true.’ 🙂

    Of late I too have felt great anger and resentment and still do regards disruption and possible upheaval at work again. I have been dissipating the negativity in creative endeavours, walking the hills, and finding new and interesting things to occupy a slice of each day. The hills offer comfort, the new projects fulfilment and constant curiosity. With a little time off work at the moment, I am loving the freedom and adoring every hour of every day. Quite what I will return to at work is academic…for the time being it’s mind over matter. Today I don’t mind the thought of disruption because it really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things…by the time I return it’ll all be underway anyway and I’ll slot in like I always do. I think tolerance is always relative and forgiveness a matter of degrees, we each have a differing centre point and know our levels of permissiveness when deviation occurs from the norm. I will largely forgive and forget but I might always remain less trusting or more wary as a result. trust is a key issue with forgiveness, don’t you think?

    Anyway, its a joy to know you were not involved in the accident when the car was totalled. What with white SUV’s and now this, one wonders what is driving misfortune, advising of care caution and consideration, or promoting other forms of transport with opportunity to be amongst the flock and chance of new acquaintances….travel, romance, money. Just thoughts for what they are worth.

    Take care, keep smiling, keep rising above it all and keep looking ahead with fresh eyes and an elevated perspective…you are very good at doing that. Have a great day!

    Namaste 🙂


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    1. Hi Dewin,
      Thanks for such a thoughtful and insightful comment. The car was not totaled but damaged quite badly. Seems the driver had no insurance, but I do. I have had many flashes or pre-monitions of car crashes. Could be past lives and/or future happenings, I don’t know. I am doing some inner work to find some meaning and trying to realize that my attachments to things is not healthy, but it understandable. This experience will help in my composition for Barbara’s challenge on compassion. So much to still learn. Yet I will say again, I rather learn through joy and not pain!

      Thanks also for sharing some of your journey as well. We all deserve to participate in meaningful work or service without so much crap to navigate.

      peace, Linda

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      1. Hey Linda,

        My pleasure…there’s always warmth to be found here Linda even when the wind seems to howl beneath the door 🙂

        Anger if used correctly is inspiring, promoting the best of us if it is invested in positive ends. Anger requires us to focus to beat it, to rise above it, go beyond it. Anger brings adrenalin into play, the same force that has the mountaineer reaching for the next summit when exhausted.

        I own very little that was ever new to me., in fact, probably just the p.c, a few clothes, towels and bed linen. I have moved 49 times this life time, and each time I move I leave anything that I don’t want to take into the future with me. I move on with two large boxes and a handful of dustbin bags holding my meagre possessions. I have no attachment to materiality other than what is fundamental to keeping me alive. Everything else is superfluous and unnecessary, serves no purpose and is therefor redundant. My personal comfort comes from within, my inspiration comes from without.

        I think you’ll do an admirable job responding to Barbara’s challenge.

        A definition of ‘meaningful’ work would be good 🙂 I’m sure your list won’t include Bankers, or those self-effacing fools employed in Trump’s capitalist laden policy think tank. Vultures need only apply for those sorts of jobs, not the spiritually enlightened.

        We live in a world full of crap, hot air and nonsense, most of which comes from the mouths of politicians whose twisted rhetoric poisons the world for all. My employer is heavily influenced by these base ideals, an employer engaged in Welfare Provision. The grasping corrupt and tyrannical tentacles of my government reach deep into the heart of my employer and strip away all the goodness. I suspect it is much the same whilst working for every employer who places capitalist interest and opportunity for self-effacement above the needs of the people. Yes Linda, It’s a crap world indeed. We need a permanent cure for evil. Alien intervention seems the most plausible way…a show of supreme force that would have our ‘peers’ pissing in their pants with fear. How I would laugh!

        Keep it real.

        Namaste 🙂


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    2. I wanted to add another layer to my reply: I think this point is crucial:

      What with white SUV’s and now this, one wonders what is driving misfortune, advising of care caution and consideration, or promoting other forms of transport with opportunity to be amongst the flock and chance of new acquaintances….travel, romance, money. Just thoughts for what they are worth.

      I am referring to the part about new adventures stemming from different transport, new people, etc. My rental is a hybrid with key-less ignition. I was toying with leasing a hybrid and was talked out of it. I was also curious about driving a key-less car. Now I have that itch scratched on both counts. The people I have encountered during this fiasco have been less than pleasant ( saying this kindly), with the exception of the neighbors who walked me thorough the initial shock. But I realize ( as I posted on my hospital visits) that new circumstances transport us into new orbits that take us away from the mundane.

      I have learned some new things about myself that were helpful and also got to solidify some theories I have about my relationships with objects, temporary and long-term. Very relevant for these current transits to my 2nd house of possessions.

      Namaste, Linda

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      1. Hey Linda,

        Thank you for delineating further, the supplementary comment adds something more to your post and comment above.

        My ‘thoughts, for what they were worth, were a suggestion to lose the car, take the bus or train and have chance to engage with real people face-to-face whilst commuting. ..hence travel, possibility of romantic encounters and potential savings on costs.

        I find it interesting that you reduced my comment down to differentiating between a key-less car and one that has a key as opposed to accepting a more literal translation of the meaning.

        I hope you’ll find healthy attachments to objects and material ownership and enjoy a balance that suits you both for the short and long-term. Me, I don’t do long-term material ownership, there’s little point to it unless leaving a will, you can’t take the stuff with you when you go, and there’s only so much space in a coffin if one wants to be buried with grave-goods for the next life. I am packing light, maybe I’ll take a pen with me….

        Wishing you well in all ways. Have a great week.

        Namaste 🙂


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      2. There is no direct route via public transport to my job. If there was a train, I might try it. Public transport is not practical for where my home is situated. Too much detail to explain further. I did understand your message and noted some recent observations.

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      3. It’s a curious thing, I was discussing the cost of an average car in the UK with a colleague at work today. We agreed on £15,000 UK sterling. I commented that I could buy 1000 pairs of shoes for that money 🙂

        I hear you on the transport front, and appreciate the awkwardness. Having commuted for 3 hours per day for 3 years, I confess the novelty wears a little, but I have met many interesting people by striking up conversations with random strangers. Besides which I like the experience of trading energies and learning new things. I wouldn’t ever commute for that length of time again. It is tiring. Short-term, sure it’s refreshing, chance to unwind after a long day en route home and leave the detritus on the train rather than taking it all home and soiling the mothership 🙂

        But whatever form of transport best suits, take care whilst using it.

        Namaste 🙂


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      4. I do have a story to write that is more uplifting that took place yesterday. Sometimes I want to say how I feel in the moment, and we will not always agree! The beauty of writing is the freedom it gives me. I do like meeting new people, but I find most buses and trains in my city to be noisy, crowded, and filled with agitated, hurried people. But there are exceptions. Honestly, I prefer to drive a car, except to places like Manhattan, LA, etc…

        I will do my best to take care. Sometimes I feel like I do not have many choices, so today I stayed home to recuperate from all the stress..

        later, Linda

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      5. When commuting, I used to find it very easy to slip inside the chaos and confusion, the hustle, bustle, and rush of the majority. A testing ground perhaps, the challenge to remain calm, composed, unaffected, and ‘isolated’ from the crowd, and yet remain present and amongst them. Not always easy when people are so very stressed all the time by the demands of this money-centred world.

        I would stand on the platform and watch as train after train pulled into the station with carriages occupied by morose hang-dog tired people dragged from their opportunity of living into the grasp of employers stealing their souls. Most of those commuters probably worked in Welfare Provision for my employer or for governments. No wonder they looked so desperate.

        I’d relish a happy story Linda. A tale that starts with a smile and ends with laughter. That’d be good 🙂

        Writing is an experience best served hot directly to the page without moment for pause. I hear you on that, and appreciate life can be a rollercoaster sometimes, good days, bad days, and those days that hang waiting. It’s not that we sometimes disagree Linda…you know me, I take time with your words and thoughts…and just want you, and everyone to be happy. I may not always play ‘ball’ , sometime maybe even being the devil’s advocate, but my heart is always well-intended and my words always keen to help, support and offer friendship. I care about all my friends, even if I do write from the other side of the great puddle. My thoughts are with you.

        I hope that in taking time whenever you need it, you feel the benefit of time away from the fray. Life, it can be overwhelming, evermore so when participation within conventional and traditional life/living fits like an uncomfortable cheap suit.

        Me, I don’t do conventional. That’s why the establishment doesn’t like me. I hope in time they come to loathe me and can appreciate what it feels like living and working as a human being within their plastic world of self-centred profiteering and lies. I’ll happily take on their evil….the pen is far mightier than the sword. Always. The Internet an excellent platform for disseminating truth.

        I trust you will always fare well Linda. Keep smiles on your dial, and a feather to hand. Life is far better negotiated when one is so well armed.

        Take care in all ways for always.

        Namaste 🙂


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  2. So sorry to read this Linda.. I know from experience how this can affect one.. My own vehicle was sat outside my house when a young inexperienced new driver reversed out of her parents drive straight into mine .. Then drove off… Thankfully she had very honest parents… But it took weeks to sort out and inconvenience of me getting to and from work..

    And so understand the energies it creates. Channeling it into a positive outcomes. And you have with out a seconds thought my thoughts and prayers dear Linda..

    Sending LOVE.. and warm thoughts your way Linda.. Thankfully I hope no one was injured.. ❤

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    1. I am not ready to let go of my anger yet. People keep hurting, cheating, lying, and conniving. It is tempting to sink to their level, but I will not do so. But as I learn more about this event, the angrier I become. There is a new meditation series starting today and I will join in. Hoping I can calm down and let go a little.

      hugs, Linda

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  3. As if you needed this… let’s trust that you’ll get this sorted out effortlessly, maybe even a divine gift will come as gratitude for your tolerance and forgiveness x keep us up to date and in the meantime I see you radiating all your light magnificently x much love barbara x

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    1. I am feeling the opposite or light and radiance. The more I learn about this case, the more I see the shadow of humanity. If I am being tested, I failed the test. Thanks for your support
      x Linda

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      1. Isn’t the test to realize no matter the situation (the shadows of humanity) is to act the master and creator we truly are… keep focusing on this and it has to eventually become our reality? Hang in there and trust… x

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    2. I really like your reply here. I feel a bit more grounded now, but my reactions were very unhealed and shadowy. I realize light-workers are human and make errors, but I had hoped some of my actions and thoughts would have been “higher”. When one is in shock, many reactions are instinctual and unconscious. Could that human aspect shift? We will see 🙂

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      1. This is exactly why it happened so you could react and release the old human aspect… and so it is x now you can practice self love by dropping any judgement and accepting both our light and darkness.
        I hear people say we got it quite wrong… calling ourselves lightworkers when it’s the shadow and darkness where you find the divine hiding. Much love and happy Easter/spring time to new beginnings and new times for us all x barbara x💃🏼🤸🏾‍♀️🎺🎶☀️🐣

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      2. Thanks again for articulating what I sensed inside myself. To love myself through it all and not take it so personally, even when actions appear to be exactly that. I have done some reading about the importance of honoring the shadow and not obliterating it.
        Wishing you and yours a lovely season of renewal ❤

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