Poetry ~ Gratitude

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We celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States today. Gratitude practice is a large part of my life every day, in personal reflection and in my work as a therapist. So I am re-posting my gratitude poem from 2013 for you all to enjoy.

I have so much to be thankful for this year. It only took me a few weeks to obtain a new job, one that actually found me! I shed the victim persona, practiced Dr. Joe Dispenza’s chakra blessings meditation, and kept the faith.  I am grateful for renewed purpose, new friends and old, my beautiful nieces, and some improvement in health.

I am also thankful for my new mittens, that I found when I was shopping for something else. They are colorful, warm and very cozy, a pleasant alternative to my beloved gloves that did not last long as a pair in my possession. Life is about choices, compromise, and the willingness to dream a new dream. I am blessed to be able to dream again and allow new visions to take shape. Hint, hint, that is a thinly veiled reference to my blogging challenge taking place NOW.

While my life is far from perfect and it may appear that the planet appears to be imploding with negativity and regressive attitudes and actions, there is always hope. Every breath is a new beginning.

Where there is darkness. the promise of light is certain. Where there is light, there is love, and lite.

namaste, litebeing


G – Generosity of spirit manifesting in each moment, with each inhalation

R- Resilience in the face of darkness, supporting me through many a storm

A- Ability to share myself through writing, teaching, healing, BEING

T- Twinkle of light in a child’s eyes, the sunset, my heart

I – Inspiration that never ceases to amaze me and warm my soul

T- Treasures that unfold effortlessly and in a multitude of forms

U- Unconditional love , from Dexter, family of choice, my friends near and far

D-Dreams manifesting mysteriously and magnificently, especially here at WordPress

E- Eternal miracles, just waiting to be discovered, right under my nose

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holy-day. Maybe that’s because it arrives so close to my Midheaven, or perhaps it’s my mother’s incredible stuffing. Then again it could be the ability to include anyone you want at the table, without the pressure of gifts or material constraints.  Less hype, more substance.

I personally am not a fan of holidays in general. The Quakers were right in saying that every day is holy. It can be if we choose to live and love in each moment. What makes Thanksgiving sacred to me is the idea of a tribal feasting and gratitude practice. Frankly there have been some years where I had difficulty reciting my blessings round the dinner table. Life has not always been kind or simple. Tomorrow it will difficult for my family to shut me up when it is my turn to share my blessings. With tears in my eyes and a glow in my heart, I am so aware what a remarkable year this has been! No, it has not been without challenges, mishaps, losses, and delays. But this is the first time in decades where I have realized so many of my original dreams and desires. Sometimes I just have to pinch myself. I never knew life could be so incredible…

But then again, it’s probably the stuffing, yummy!

Wishing you and yours a Blessed Thanksgiving, even if you do not formally celebrate! Let the love and bounty into your heart and tell everyone that you love them…

poem by litebeing chronicles © 2013

image by wikimedia.org 


  1. Reblogged this on litebeing chronicles and commented:

    I am reblogging the 2017 version of my 2013 Poem entitled Gratitude for all to enjoy. I must admit that I felt quite buoyant a year ago. Meanwhile back here in 2018, I have felt depressed for several weeks. I still maintain a gratitude practice and blogging here is one of the sustainable joys in my life.

    I also want to acknowledge all indigenous people all over the planet who anchor wisdom, tradition and integrity despite all the indignities they have suffered at the hands of the “discoverers”. Let’s all try to love another better and make kindness a habit rather than an occasional behavior.

    Namaste, litebeing


  2. OOoh New mittens, and I LOVE them.. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving Linda.. Love what you have done with the word Gratitude.. 🙂
    I am so pleased you have found renewed purpose in life Linda.. And hope that you continue to walk in faith.
    Love and Blessings xxx Sue.. ❤ 💗💝

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So much to be Thankful for! So nice seeing your happiness shine, and that a job came and found you is completely divine! Also to your newly paired gloves 🧤! A sweet return to your favoritest time of the year. May your best wishes come true, and be yet to come, that peace be more present across our whole world. Love and hugs, Ka

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Karin,
        I do feel so very grateful for the new reality I helped co-create. I still miss the other glove(s), but these mittens are really nice and the colors and designs go well with my taste. i always am grateful for you in my life 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. You and I have been slogging through some hard stuff together for a long time and I couldn’t be more delighted to hear that things have taken such a turn for the good for you! Happy Thanksgiving indeed!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Leigh,

      Yes, we most certainly have! I have still have work to do on myself and really want to totally heal my body from dis-ease, but am optimistic that my pleasant new workplace will enhance my attitude and so on. Wishing you continued progress and peace moment to moment. Glad we have each other for friendship and support 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

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