Feather Fanfare

Update: Here is what Karin found after reading my post, an angel with fanfare!

Karin's image



This quick post is sponsored by ” unexpected magic when least expected and greatly needed. ” I had an urge to throw out the trash today and go outside. It was cold and damp and I felt like staying in on my day off. Yet this nagging thought persisted. And I lately feel lifted when I declutter my home in some fashion. So off I go to discard some garbage and see a gray feather in the parking lot. I am so surprised and thrilled as I scoot down to pick it up. After I walk back up to my house, I notice a second gray feather in the front yard. I gather that one also to bring inside. They look very similar to those I discovered in 2016. Has it been almost four years since I found some large feathers outdoors, well yes!

I went online to learn more about gray feathers to satisfy my curiosity. This particular section grabbed my attention:

A period of tranquillity may lie ahead

Have you been going through a tough time? The grey feather might have appeared to reassure you that the road ahead is much more positive. The feather won’t undo the past nor will it erase bad memories, but it could help to ease your pain and suffering.

Whether you’ve lost your job or someone you care about has passed away, the grey feather could be trying to tell you that everything will be okay. It might not seem like it at the moment but you’re a strong person and you will survive this. Make yourself and those you love proud by holding your head up high and carrying on with life as best you can. Eventually you’ll feel like a great weight has been lifted off your shoulders and you’ll start to feel joy again. Things will get better and these negative thoughts won’t last forever.

I really needed to hear today that things will get better. Life seems to be hyper – frenetic, both while awake and in dreamtime. I am striving to stay in a positive space by keeping up a gratitude practice and being open to signs. One could say I am embracing the dialectic aka gray areas of perspective.

I get very excited when I encounter symbols like these. Nature is wonderful and has so much healing potential. Life is precious and I gather many more folks are finally getting the message.

What have you discovered lately?


  1. Thanks for sharing. Beautiful sign and the message seems so hopeful.

    I thought about what to answer to your question about recent discoveries. Then I went and took the trash out (no kidding!), still thinking about what to answer.

    And at the place in the street where I put the large garbage bin so that the garbage collectors can pick it up, I saw something tiny red on the floor. It has been there since a while already. It looked like someone had splattered a little paint there, like a random splash of nail polish or so. I never bothered to look at it closely before. Until today.

    I looked and saw that it was a little deko thing. A little shiny red plastic angel. One of these little, chubby naked baby angels, a cherub. Probably a leftover from Xmas from some neighbors. Must have been blown to this place by the wind. And it had a trumpet or fanfare at his mouth! Funny synchronicity since your post is titled feather fanfare!

    I think that is the recent discovery that wanted to be shared in this comment.

    Other than that, I have to report that I have noticed that coming into alignment with divine will (i.e. posting more) is beneficial for my health. I had tried several things without success before in an attempt to lower by blood pressure. Nothing helped. Until I posted more regularly. That seems to have a definite effect in lowering my blood pressure. That is my main recent discovery.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Karin,
      As you can tell I am catching up with comment responses today! This comment of yours in quintessential Karin, filled with magic and awe. ❤ I posted your angel here to give it some extra power!

      hugs, Linda

      PS Keep writing! :d

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is wonderful news, the Universe and you are most certainly in sync. And when we are in need of reminders when we are aware of the signs they are always delivering them.
    So pleased you followed your hunch to go outside.
    Nature speaks in many ways.
    All we have to do is stop!,look!, and listen, and ‘pick up’ those signals and messages.
    Have a beautiful day dear Linda 💚🧡💚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sue,
      You have always been a cheerleader for me to continue to seek the signs, ofter in plain sight. And I still do as often as I allow myself to quiet down the mind.

      hugs, Linda


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