Mars Rages Backward, Jupiter Forges Ahead


Connect with your roots, align with Gaia, ground yourSelf deeper and deeper.

Here’s a quick piece on this week’s astro weather. Tonight Mars will go retrograde ( 28° Aries)  at  6:22 pm EDT. Currently it is stationary but not for long! Then three days later on Saturday 9/12/20, Jupiter turns direct (17° Capricorn) at 8:41 pm. These two fireballs will surely make their intentions known. Mars is very happy in Aries and will continue to argue, act bossy, and remain angry as charting new territory will be thwarted. It is better to work with the internal flame that shows up rather than project it outwardly. The wildfires in the Western US are a glaring example of flames unleashed. One can only hope the retrograde motion will curb this horrific event. This is not a great time to take action, but it really depends on how transiting Mars hits your chart. If you feel like you have to “go for it” now, then do so! The universe may surprise you. Astro Forecasting is specifically tailored to the person so I am only speaking in general terms here. Not every event will be seen as fiery.  For example, I rarely were seat belts while driving ( I do as a passenger though) and I felt led to get strapped in today. Nothing happened, but this can be a time of accidents and “rash events. ” I also was worried about a conflict arising at the grocery store, because I dislike this task, even more so in this Covid time. However, I had a lovely exchange with the cashier and left the store in better spirits than when I arrived. He asked me how I was and really cared, truly a delight. So I guess we know who was the lightworker in this instance! When he told me his mother shared my name, I smiled, seeing synchronicity at work yet again.


Jupiter is not a fan of being in Capricorn and trust me I know because I have this placement natally. It can bring blessings later in life and reward hard work and change. Jupiter rules my Midheaven and is the ruler of my Venus, that symbol of both finances and love. So this may bode well for me in my job search. You may feel a lighter load and more enthusiasm as Jupiter moves forward. Hard to say, because Mars is more powerful now. Mars will also be squaring the Big Boys of 2020 ( Jupiter Saturn  and Pluto) during his retrodance so this ride will be bumpy at times.

Gratitude~ I practice gratitude daily and some cool happenings occurred yesterday and today. Yesterday this lovely feather was waiting for me on the stairs by my home. I really like the blue. I also had an odd dream last night. At the end a man was sitting at a computer screen with the night sky on it. The number 96 was at the top and 4 was at the bottom. I asked him about changing the numbers but he did not reply. It is unusual for numbers to be clearly seen during dreamtime.

I googled the digits today and found this:

PSALM 96:4

Because the Lord is great and so worthy of praise. He is awesome beyond all other gods.

I chose the most optimistic version online. I would like to think this was a message for me to love myself and others more. We are God, afterall.

Here is a great post by Gray for a more detailed read on Mars Retrograde `

How about a delicious cookbook style read on Jupiter, a planet that does not get much literary love? :

I have to admit, I am proud of myself as I had some nice surprises and wore seat belts like a grownup! I do not like restrictions which is why I rarely were them but it is crucial to honor one’s inner voice as much as we can. Keep yourself grounded and continue breathing through this energy laden week. Earth and air will temper the fire somewhat.

Namaste, litebeing

planetary images courtesy of public domain


  1. Thank you for explaining the energies of the planets Linda, my thoughts are with the fires and those who have lost their homes.
    Loved your feather find, and dream numbers.
    And wonderful that we have genuine interactions of those who are sincere in their interests of how we really are. In your store experience.
    The energies I find feel like a tug of war. Which in your title shows this backwards and forwards motion we feel. Confusion of conflicting information overload isn’t helping either.
    It’s a beautiful sunny weekend here. So going to make the most of nature.
    Love and hugs my friend. 💚🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I agree with your metaphor of energetic tug of war, or push/pull. I go back and forth between joy and pain, expansion and contraction, gratitude and victimhood, etc Right now I am loving the weather and feeling inner peace.

      love, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the mars warning Linda! It’s always useful to be aware these days. Love the feather you found and an awesome message from your dream. We must love and trust ourselves more than ever at the moment to be able to discern all the contrary info coming out all over the world! No seat belt, what about the mask? Much love to you. I see I’ve missed a few posts so will work my way backwards❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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