Jupiter in Capricorn ~ Diamonds in Waiting


Today’s piece will have a little something for everyone: astrology, gracious tidbits, and cautious optimism.

Most folks have heard by now of the Great Jupiter / Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius on the Winter Solstice,  December 21st ( in the Northern Hemisphere).  It may be a big deal or just a blip, depending on your point of view and how much the energy resonates with you. I am choosing to focus instead on Jupiter in Capricorn as he prepares to enter Water Bearer territory on December 19th. Saturn will beat him there by 2 days, arriving in Aquarius on December 17th. All in all this coming week is a energetic doozy with tomorrow’s total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. As if there isn’t enough drama to go around?

I am focusing on Jupiter because he has been on my mind for months. With all the emphasis on 2020’s Saturn Pluto conjunction, it seems like Jupiter is relegated into the background. I have both Saturn (  trine Pluto, opposing Mars, and sextile my three Scorpio planets) and Jupiter( trine Uranus and Pluto ) natally in Capricorn.  I have certainly found my Jupiter placement to be more elusive, more opaque in its expression. With these two planets conjunct, it is likely that Saturn wins, especially since he is so at home in Capricorn and he is Saturn ~ the planet formerly known as Malefic.

Jupiter is the fun, bright, exuberant one, spraying joy and optimism all over like a bottle of cheap champagne. I have not usually experienced Jupiter this way, but I do appreciate my somewhat paradoxical placement all the same. I take great comfort in the words contained in the excellent book Jupiter Signs by Madalyn Aslan. Her book is both precisely detailed and whimsically covered with stars! While Saturn dominates the Astrology book scene, Jupiter is overlooked in comparison. I intend to blend my interpretation with Aslan’s to give you a nuanced look at how Expansion in the sign of Contraction can even be possible.

 I have Venus in Sagittarius in the 1oth house, ruled by Saturn. I also have a Sagittarius Midheaven, ruled by Jupiter in Capricorn. Since Saturn is in Capricorn in my chart, that makes Saturn the final depositor. This means that Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and my Midheaven are reduced and end with Saturn. So one could say I know quite a bit about Saturn and Capricorn. It also flows in my family of origin. My dad had Saturn in Capricorn opposing Pluto. My sister’s Saturn squares Mars and sits right smack on my Ascendant. My mom’s Saturn squares her moon and sits on my natal Chiron. You get the picture right?

I have noticed that Jupiter in Capricorn leads to an affinity for what is old, such as antiques, relics, archeology, artifacts, the study of history and the art of preservation. I definitely adore antique jewelry, ancient architecture , preserving old objects and retooling old rituals or practices. My passion for genealogy I would categorize as a Cancerian Saturnian hybrid.  I have dated many men with either Cap Rising, Cap Sun, or Mars in Capricorn. This was never by design. However, I prefer maturity in my relationships and do not equate maturity with age. My eldest niece has a triple conjunction stellium ( Sun Moon Venus) in Capricorn and she is a very seasoned 18 year old, I kid you not!

Jupiter placed in Saturn’s sign does not bode well with get rich quick schemes or short cuts to success. The road to achievement is a long one with heavy investments in patience, dedication, and mastery. Aslan says that Capricorn Jupiters are unlucky with anything that comes too easily to them and to refrain from power plays. I know from experience that being heavily educated and scoring well in Civil Service exams did not lead to career bliss. My long journey to get the LCSW is more in line with the Saturnian way. While working at the City did provide me with decent compensation and benefits, my rewards did not come easy. It was my decision to go for that second Masters degree and put in the work that mattered. I did not think I needed any more education or student loans to get a promotion that ultimately made me miserable. But the educational experience was life changing in so many ways and it led me to licensure and the field of Social Work. The harder I tried to control my professional trajectory, the more pushback I received. The occasional good fortune I tend to acquire is usually based on timing ( Chronos) or someone noticing my hard work and commitment to excellence. One could equate this with the ” overnight success ” celebrity who has been acting in bit roles or playing at small clubs for many years.

Jupiter entered the Sign of Capricorn  on December 2nd 2019 and will leave on December 19th 2020. That is approximately one year’s sojourn. If you reflect back  on this span of time, you will see how Jupiter brought some good favor. Look to be practical patient, dedicated, steady and resilient. Appreciate the simple things and hold reverence for what has come before you. Invest in the classic and the reliable over the trendy and untested. Think long term and big picture. Aslam also says wear and surround yourself with dark green and gray. I have worn some dark green to important business functions and it builds confidence. Work on grounding and communing with Gaia. Select some sacred crystals or semiprecious gems. Remember that precious diamonds originate from plenty of pressure applied to carbon. The glimmer and sparkle required lots of preparation. 

We are all diamonds in waiting.

While they might not be flashy or superior in any way,  I have learned to be grateful for my Capricorn planets and my MC and Venus being deposited by Saturn. Jupiter and Saturn reside in my 11th house and Saturn rules my 12th house, My career began in government and required consultation with the legal department and the courts. Social Work, grief work and group therapy began to define the next phase of my “conventional” career. Later addictions work came into play. These pursuits are reflected in Capricorn, Jupiter and both the 11th and 12th houses. BTW Astrology is also ruled by the 11th house!

Look to where you have Capricorn or your natal Saturn to see how this Jupiter placement has influenced you. Also check out your own Saturn placement and aspects to gain more understanding.

Side notes: I want to update you on a few new developments in my world. Here they are in no particular order:

Almost cut my hair and then went for it: My hair has become quite unruly and straggly over these months. I had wanted to get my hair cut but was reluctant to go to a salon. On a few occasions I flirted with the idea of taking the scissors and giving my locks a trim. But I relented, remembering my experiment at age 17, right before my high school graduation. I do not know why I made that decision looking back, but it certainly fits in with adolescent rebellion. It is something my much younger self would do on impulse. Eventually I decided to take a risk and just trim off about one inch. I did not anticipate my efforts would leave the ends uneven. The final result is that my hair now lands at my shoulders. About six inches were taken off and I  feel great. It really looks good and so much healthier. I think I needed to remove some of 2020 from my being. My soul needed to shed what it no longer needed.

Feeling festive : I am pleasantly happy to report that I am digging the holidaze. I was ecstatic to see a dusting of snow a few days ago, which caught me a bit off guard. The poinsettia was chosen and holds court on the dining room table. I am relishing the Christmas Specials and festive lights. Who am I now? I would surmise that these holiday staples signaling the end of 2020 is part of the appeal. The sense of reliability of the seasonal shift along with familiar entertainment and festivals has been a welcome distraction.

Real live interviews and ER visits: I had an in person job interview last week and have not been in any type of office ( except a medical one) since March. The office itself is lovely and the people I met seemed excited for my arrival. One of the therapists sat down with me for a few minutes to  learn about me and discuss her job. Everyone was like ” You must be Linda!” It felt great to be so welcomed. The interviewer was very kind and complementary. She shared  a lot of info about herself and the organization. It was one of the easiest interviews I have had in recent memory ( except for wearing a mask for close to two hours while constantly engaged in conversation).

About three weeks ago my GI travails landed me in the ER. It has been over 2 years since I have had to go there and I was shooting for 3 years ( or never again.) The surprises were many ~ Apparently I look exactly like Ingrid the technician, Covid protocol was not like it is portrayed in the media, and my CT scan was normal. I  was thrilled to be sent home rather quickly but confused as to why I was experiencing so much pain. But the biggest surprise was the two patients who were in the room next to mine. At first I saw a man and perhaps his family. But a few hours later the scene had shifted.  Not one but two nearly – newborn infants were being cared for by the nurses. At first I thought my mind was fooling me because babies are not delivered in the ER, but I was not hallucinating or on any pain meds. These bundles of joy must have been ER patients, just like me. Eventually it occurred to me that this twin reveal was a sign. A sign of renewal and rebirth. A reset in the best way. It is often amazing at how the Universe will devise a way to get my attention.

Winding down:  I want to also acknowledge that we are in the throes of Hanukkah, the festival of lights. There is just so much activity all concentrated on this year. It seems like the energies are busier than ever before. Speaking of holidays and energies, this season is an awesome time to purchase Astrology readings. Astrological consultations make wonderful gifts for those you love or to give to yourself to get a read on 2021. Just a reminder that all of my services are still available by making a donation. Learn more about my services here.

I hope you enjoyed my haphazardly constructed pu – pu platter post, offering tasty appetizers to munch on as the sun goes down. Wishing everyone a safe and  miraculous season, from tomorrow’s eclipse  through the Solstice and onward through New Year’s Day. Let’s all count our blessings throughout the whirlwind of activity. I am grateful my health has improved, all my loved ones are healthy or on the mend, and that I have all the basic necessities in this moment.


All images ( except the poinsettia) courtesy of wikipedia.org and pexels.com, public domain


  1. Saturn has recently left my first house (Western) after FOUR YEARS on my Ascendant and in the 1st. Whew! And they have been restricting ones, but also ones for great growth. I hope the interview brings good jupiterian things! On to work on my blog post now…😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I bet you are glad it is over but happy to hear it enhanced your growth. All 3 Jup Saturn and Pluto are heading towards my Ascendant but it will be my only experience with Pluto transit and it does worry me. But bring on Jupiter!
      Looking forward to your post and so pleased you are back blogging again ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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