Almost Ten Years Later ~ Saturn Returns Revisited

Miracles NEVER cease! The forward motion of Uranus along with Pluto’s movement into Aquarius ( not to mention this potent new Aquarius moon that featured Uranus squaring both luminaries).

Long term readers might recall back in 2014 I was approached to interview film director Shawn Tolleson about her project entitled Saturn Returns .   I had just starting blogging about a year earlier and to say my blog had little traffic would be an understatement.  With so many astrology blogs out there, how someone discovered me is clearly beyond my understanding.  However the energy around blogging was so ripe in those early days.  Speaking with Shawn about astrology, screenwriting, and her vision for this film was an unforgettable experience.

I blogged on it here and waited for the film to be made and distributed. Years went by and my internet research revealed little news. Eventually I saw it was made, but it was not shown locally.  Every so often I would search for it on my cable On Demand. Time kept moving on and I realized I most likely will not see this film. I was sorry to see it was not a big success in terms of popularity, but it is an Indie film with a low budget and no A list stars. However, the premise intrigued me. There was nothing out there that celebrated astrology in this way.  I gave up hope of ever seeing the film Saturn Returns.

Fast forward to 2/4/ 24. I am in the midst of checking out new film on On Demand. I get a quick hit to search for Saturn Return. I immediately tell myself ( laughingly ) ” Are You Kidding? ” … Then I get an inner knowing that it is time. So I make the search and it is listed!  Better yet, it is free to view! Sometimes the material that I am led to see is unavailable so the fact that it was currently showing makes all the difference.

Mini – Review : After almost 10 years of anticipation, what do I think about this audacious idea about using  one’s first Saturn Return to drive a plotline?

Friends reunite for a wedding and the bride’s ex shows up unexpectedly after estrangement from the group. The plot held a few surprises at the end but was predictable. The location was transcendently beautiful. I had not heard of Mammoth Lakes until the interview and it was visually stunning. I would watch again just for the setting.

All the characters’ charts are briefly featured as each actor is introduced. This was unprecedented as far as I know.  Most of the characterizations were obvious but I doubt the charts matched those of the performers. I would have tried to cast actors with the astro profiles that I was showcasing if I wanted a more authentic representation of astrology.

Some of the acting was decent.  Erin Chambers ( her role originally featured Sarah Drew from Grey’s Anatomy)  was quite good actually. She did not have much to work with however, but I found her to be quite magnetic and engaging. Most of her castmates fell flat. The dialogue would have held more promise if left in more capable hands. It reminded me of a Lifetime TV movie and I do not watch these types of content! At times it was just cheesy, sorry to say.

I am forever grateful to Shawn for granting me her time and sharing her personal story. I once imagined myself a screenwriter so meeting one was a huge deal. I honestly believe that the reason I was “discovered ” was because I was high on blogging1 My passion for writing infected the field, bringing me one miracle after another. Lesson learned!

The main theme of this post is to never give up on your dreams. I did eventually give up on seeing this come to fruition. I was so invested in the outcome. It seemed I was destined to get involved as I was sought out to do so. Sometimes events take longer than expected. Maybe for a film with Saturn in the title, you should expect delays!

If you are interested in watching it yourself, check out Freevee, Prime video, Plex or Tubi.

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