Let’s Leap !

Happy Leap Day! Since this is a rare occurrence, let’s celebrate it with a rare activity in my life. There was a time long long ago when I painted regularly and that was usually in art class as a child and teen. Many decades later I had a chance to play with acrylics once more. Last fall I attended a paint and wine party at my new home. We were tasked to copy a painting chosen by the instructor. While I would have preferred to do my own thing, I did my best to copy the artwork in front of me. Please see below:



It is supposed to depict water, fire and trees but I don’t think this happened. The trees look more to me like Chinese characters. Since some readers enjoy my art, I finally have been able to share something new with you. I enjoyed dabbling again, but prefer a more serene setting with less people and distractions.

My day today was rather ordinary but it is still a blessing because my spirit is still participating in the human experiment. How did you make use of this ” extra day” ?

header image courtesy of pexels. com


    1. I am glad you did too! Thanks for affirming my art Ka. I have not been practicing art much in recent years, putting more energy into appreciating art of others. Yet creating art is good for my soul and encouragement does matter. ❤

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  1. Love the painting, very you and very like the art you love (can’t remember the name🧐) it says a fiery lot! I made the most of sleeping on this leap year! AND today it’s march and we go on enjoying every moment we have❤️ much love to you x

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    1. Thanks Barbara for your kind words. It is nice to hear that you see this painting as in the style of the impressionists. I had not really thought of it that way. Fire is an element that reinforces the life force and maybe we all need to incorporate more fire. Happy March to you!


  2. A painting and wine party sounds like a fun event. Thank you for sharing your artwork. I love the powerful brush strokes. Very expressive.

    Interesting to think about Feb 29 as a special day. I spent the leap day at the office, having a chat with a colleague whom I haven‘t seen for six months. And I researched about the various building blocks of our pension plan—to prepare for my big leap of leaving the company.

    What was interesting, now that I think of it, is that the frog symbol came up four times on that leap day in various ways! And I kept wondering what it meant. It has several meanings, but I was given the meaning „Wisdom lives within me“ in a channeling. But someone else suggested Fully Rely On God. Now as I see your post with „leap“ in the title, maybe frog was supposed to mean „leap“, which I would interpret as another encouraging sign for me.


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