Ancient Civilizations and Galactic Beings


I viewed this new Lorie Ladd video last night on YouTube and it resonated strongly, very strongly. Sometimes I grow tired of spiritual teachers repeating the same stuff, over and over  and you get the idea. This livestream reminded me of what initially attracted me to Lorie. Her information was original and powerfully allowed me to make a series of rapid internal connections. The central theme is how past societies were guided towards enlightenment thousands of years ago. She discussed what happened back then and how this history can inform the times we inhabit now.


It occurred to me that I should share it here so others can be given a chance to take a look and decide for themselves. I always encourage people to have an open mind and use discernment and this is no exception. Please let me know what you think and what , if anything, is sparked in you. If you are drawn to ancient ruins and attracted to our long ago origins, this could me meant for you.


images courtesy of wikipedia commons, public domain

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