Happy Blogiversary litebeing chronicles!

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summer 2013 litebeing chronicles

What’s the 411?   No, this is not the Mary J Blige song.

What’s the 111?  That’s better!

 litebeing chronicles is 1 year old!

One year of blogging, really hard for me to comprehend! I am so thrilled about how this project turned out. I wrote all about this past year in my year review here, so I will not regurgitate the details here. What I want to do now is take a look at how I executed my initial theme and my plans for the future.

In my revised introduction page blog story I said :

This blog is about living life differently. I will draw from various disciplines, teachers, and experiences such as Buddhism, Quakerism, Jung, Astrology, A Course in Miracles, and Eckhart Tolle to illustrate my travails. I hope that you will notice the unifying thread contained within each and every post ~ to inspire through the examination of the extraordinary in daily living, one story at a time. 

I think I was true to this vision most of the time. I blogged extensively about the magic I encountered while running errands, taking a walk, or listening to the car radio. I hope you have gotten something of value from my experiences. I wish there were blogs like mine to read when I was a teenager who was seeing the world through an unusual lens. Part of my motivation was to let people know that they are not alone.

get-attachment (12)

I had originally included John Weir Perry and excluded astrology in my introduction. Funny about  those best laid plans. I figured I would get into consensus – based reality because I was writing about the ethereal and the mystical. I also planned to expound on my ideas about mysticism and mental illness, citing the work of John Weir Perry and David Lukoff. I wanted people to get that there really is no difference between madness and awareness, just how it is framed and how one’s experiences are contained by those in their environment. If readers are interested in this topic, please comment so I will write about it this coming year.

What happened was that this blog became less intellectual and more heart based. Those who know me well may be surprised by this. Hell, I was surprised by this!  As time went on my writing became more personal and intimate. I think it has to do with what blogging came to mean to me.  The creative process changed me and as a result, I opened  up more. That’s a good thing!

I also expected to write less about astrology. It was not on my radar for this blog. Yet rather early on in this journey I realized that I cannot separate astrology out of my stories. It  is such a huge part of my worldview. Little did I realize that writing regularly would unleash my desire to devote more time and energy to more of the things I love.  Doing what drives your passion unlocks parts of your soul so they can breathe freely and dance with abandon. The dance can lead you to the most unexpected places!

tree by litebeing chronicles 2013

In, Welcome to my blog!, ( my first post written exactly one year ago today), I said I would write about once a week. Well, I clearly wrote more often than that.  Again, this came as a surprise. I did not think I had that many stories in me. Truth is, I can hardly keep up with all the stories in my head! They really do take on a life of their own. I also said:

 My goal is to share my stories so others will be able to take a closer look into their own ordinary encounters in a more conscious way. I plan to do so with humor, candor, and authenticity.  Above all, I aim to inspire.

How did I do? Please comment and let me know!

orange flowersjuly2013

As for the future, I plan to let ideas flow organically. This has served me well thus far. There will be more stories about magic, synchronicity, and symbols. Astrology will also play a prominent role. I also hope to participate in more of the blogging prompts and challenges that I have come to love. As for what else, I do not know. And I am happy to report that I am okay with that. But I am also open to suggestions. Hearing from you has truly made a difference. Even my muse can benefit from a few well placed comments! I do write to satisfy my need for self-expression but my followers are the icing on the cake. As of today, we are just a few shy of 300 followers in 1 year’s time, WOW! If you had told me  a year ago that I would have all of these amazing readers , I would have said  ”  Are you kidding me ? ” It just would not have resonated. Thank you for spending time here with me as I made my way through an unpredictable yet fruitful year. I hope the future brings more comments. I have some loyal commenters and even created an award contest for you! But there are so many who faithfully read and remain silently behind the scenes. I hope to hear from more of you.

GIVEAWAYS! Yes you read that right! In appreciation for all of your support I am offering the following:

RANDOM READINGS: I will provide random readings for 111 = 3 people. Astrology, Sacred Path Cards, Blind/intuitive reading??? Type RANDOM in the comments section below if you are interested and I will pick 3 people. You qualify if you read these words.

DISCOUNT SESSIONS: I am offering 1/2 price natal astrology readings for 2 weeks only. This is a bargain you don’t want to miss! If you want one, click here : Contact and fill out your info on the contact form.

One more thought before I end this post. A couple years ago I attended a storytelling workshop with the intention of letting go of the past by verbally sharing a difficult time in my life. I recall saying to the  class that taking this step will free me in ways unimaginable and that a ripple effect will be set in motion. This ripple effect was really important to me for some reason. I could not predict an outcome, but I knew that I was doing the hard work for a reason. Looking back now, I can clearly see that taking that risk helped bring me to this point. It always has been and it always will be all about the story…..

Namaste to All my radiant litebeings everywhere!

PS, Happy 30th birthday to founder of WordPress, Matt Mullenweg 

One last request ~ Please join me in a rousing chorus. Flintstones Happy Anniversary

header by http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Ed_g2s http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/deed.en


      1. thank you! and ps thanks for your recent comment to my post – i am having WP issues and unable to reply to comments at the moment : ( ah, technology! aleya


      2. I understand! sometimes WordPress flakes out on me. Hope you did get my comment about me reading your chart if you decide you are game for a consultation:)



  1. Wow one year already! That’s fantastic. Hope you are proud of yourself and your blog. I love it because it’s full of life.
    I am saying ‘yes’ to astrology, you are good at it and it’s always interesting to read. xox


    1. Thank you Shamanic sister! I come alive when I write and that carries into my life, and then I write….

      I have received all the RANDOM requests for this giveaway. But if you are interested I am having a 50% off sale on astro readings Or we can do a trade.. Email me and we can work something out.

      xx Linda


    1. We love moon in Scorpio people at litebeing chronicles! And we love newbies!

      Take a look at some of the folks I follow, lots of INFJs, astrologers, mystics, artists, light-workers. They will dig you and you will dig them! No accident that you are my 300th follower. I have been waiting for you!

      No pressure though 🙂 Please check out my Scorpio related posts as well. Plus a few of my buds are Leo sun and Leo Rising. I have Aquarius rising so, you know the drill.




  2. Happy Blogversary my friend! Your writing is a joy and an inspiration, & my life is enriched by your presence. Thank you for your time & energy, your passion & compassion, here’s to another GREAT year for you 🙂
    Blessings be to you xx


  3. Linda, sorry its taken me a couple of days to get to you.. Congratulations on your Anniversary here on WordPress.. Its amazing how when we start out, I know for me personally I never imagined so many people would be interested in what I had to write..

    For those who may be reading I can Whole heartedly recommend Linda’s astrological readings being the proud owner of one myself…
    Wishing you more Happy Years within Litebeing Chronicles Linda… And I am so happy and fortunate to have met up with you in Blog Land..

    Special thoughts Love Sue xox


    1. Dear Sue,
      Thank you for your genuine well wishes! It is so true that my expectations were minimal. Perhaps there is a lesson there 🙂

      You are truly a beacon of light for me. I learn so much from you and your friendship has helped me work more towards becoming a better, more generous, positive person.

      Lots of love and lite,


  4. We share a similar path, my fellow Moon in Gemini INFJ 🙂 I’m completing my first year of blogging as well. I am just shy of 300 followers, too. What do you say? Let’s have another blogging good year! I continue to look forward to your wonderful posts. Congratulations Linda.


    1. Don’t you love these patterns? When is your anniversary date? Thanks for your support ( including your cool award design) throughout this year.

      Here’s to another spectacular year Renate!


  5. Happy Blogiversary! It is so exciting to make it to that one year mark. Wow what a lot you have accomplished with this blog in a year. I am so glad you did, you have certainly enriched my life Linda. I am so happy for you and the success of your blog. May it grow and prosper.

    Much love~


    1. Thank you Sindy. Just realized I met a few Cindys here, but only one Sindy 🙂 It is exciting tobe at this place with my blog and my life! You definitely brought plenty of sparkle and laughter to my life. Thank you for finding me and getting to know me. It is a blessing 🙂
      thanks for all your encouragement

      xx Linda.


  6. Congratulations, Linda! I greatly enjoyed the energy of your post and sharing as usual. A heartfelt thank you to you for being and blogging!

    I type RANDOM for Sacred path Reading or Blind Reading (whatever that means, hehee, would be fine). As Julianne Victoria has already picked the former and there might be others, too, wanting the same, so anything or no reading goes for me.


      1. :D. Thank you in advance, I´m looking forward to that. I see a random three card reading coming from me to you, too, in the future. If you accept. You can also make a specific question for the mini reading. Love and delights, Deelia


  7. Congratulations Linda!

    I must tell you that the 111 energy has been showing up in my car lately. Three times, seemingly unkowingly, I looked at the trip meter and there were at least 3 ones in the number. I can’t help but think of you dear when this happens.:)

    “I wish there were blogs like mine to read when I was a teenager who was seeing the world through an unusual lens. Part of my motivation was to let people know that they are not alone.”

    I so love this and have been thinking a lot about what the blog world gives to me and to others. I do think it’s unique in that people find their writing (and other ways of expression) voices here and for anyone out there who is looking to hear personal stories and reflections from the heart, WP will not disappoint.

    I also have a deep interest in the issues around madness and would love to hear more from you on that.

    Also, to anyone of your readers considering a reading with Linda, I highly recommend that you do so. Having had a reading with Linda I can say that she really packs a lot into her readings and I was surprised by her insights into specific aspects of my “natal nature.”



    1. Hi Debra,
      I know you get it and that is why we connected so quickly. We all belong, it is always a matter of time and intention 🙂 Thank you for your feedback and encouragement, very kind words..
      I will write about the gradations of reality in future posts. All it takes is just one person who is interested and I am on it.

      Here’s to evoking the mystery into everyday life.

      xx Linda


  8. Happy Blogoversary! Woooohooooooo! I writing RANDOM for a Sacred Path Card reading, but only if no other three people do since I’ve already won the awesome astrology reading before. Anyone reading this…get that half off reading from Linda!!! 🙂


    1. Hey Julie! Thank you for your enthusiastic endorsement. I have really enjoyed getting to know you and so happy enjoy what I bring to the table.
      If this goes down like my other offers, there will most likely be a reading available for you.

      You are so gracious thought. I really appreciate that about you 🙂

      xx Linda


  9. I never would have thought I would be here, either. I certainly don’t get to blog as much as I would like to, but girl you are rocking and rolling this thang! I am so glad the universe has brought us all together! Thank you for your litework and I want you to know how beautiful your soul is to all of us! Here’s to another year!


    1. Wow Shelley, what a lovely complement! I am tearing up now I kid you not. Remember when I called you PPT, then Roxie, and now Shelley? So many names, so little time 🙂
      I am very glad the universe conspired to bring us together. They(it???) whatever, they got this part right!!

      Here’s to an eternity of blogging at UniversePress!


      1. Awwwww! I love you friend and I know they/it definitely put us together. I am glad to have you here to guide me and cheer me on! Haha to Universe Press! Pretty soon no typing may be necessary, All telepathy, all the time! How cool will that be?


      2. I think there may be a few worries though. Can it be like Facebook and we can make it to where certain people can’t hear certain thoughts? I guess at that point, there will be no reason to think along those terms. Wow. Mind blown.


      3. I am just speculating, but maybe we will not be able to evolve to total telepathy until we are also able to control our own thoughts. That way we won’t care who knows what we are thinking. Oh what a slippery slope you created here Shelley! 🙂


  10. Congratulations! As you know, I have already reached that milestone. I am happy blogging has been so rewarding for you, Linda. I can say the same thing: it has been a real blessing and it has really infused my life with meaning.


    1. You got it down to the basics Monika. This experiment has clearly infused my life with meaning. And my search has been lifelong. I know it has only been a year, but it is difficult to even remember a time not knowing you. Do you understand??
      I am very happy with how we both progressed in such a short time. You are also a major source of inspiration…



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