SoundBath ~ bubbles of awakening

 So let me tell you about my weekend.

Finally I can put 2 thoughts together semi-coherently. I slept so much better last night and that can make a difference. What, with glass breaking and lamps flickering and , my body aching and making odd movements.


Cannot blame this all on caffeine, sorry. Today is National Coffee Day in the USA and did you know I love caffeine, especially in coffee? While I can go weeks or more at a time without it when my stomach needs a break, my mind seems sharper with caffeine in my system.

But I digress, so back to the odd happenings. First off, my body does not always react in a way that I can understand. It will occasionally make jerky movements, manifest weird aches and pains, etc.  I went to my trusty doctor when these symptoms began.  After I was checked out, he assured me that I did not have anything like Parkinson’s.  I often lean towards the worst case scenarios , but am working on correcting it. My buddy Robert years back suggested it may be the kundalini awakening.  I have done some reading and discussed it with a few folks and still don’t understand it. If you are so inclined to share some insights about it, please leave me a message in comments. You can also email me if you prefer to do so privately. I would really appreciate what others have to say about this phenomenon.

I went to a Sound Bath on Saturday evening as Mercury made its ingress into Scorpio. The lovely sound healer Katryn was visiting after moving away to Santa Fe. I was pleasantly surprised to hear from her about this chance to gather with a group to bathe in the energies of her magical singing bowls. I had met her when I took a short class on sound healing a few years ago. I shortly thereafter started attending the monthly Sound Baths. Sometimes she asked me to give an astrological forecast for the group, which was very generous. These  brief talks helped build my confidence in speaking publicly on astrology. Her friend Tracie the life alchemist and nature channel was often part of the circle. I plan to blog on my session with her in the future. The sound healing groups were always unique and positive for me. But this one was incredibly dramatic.

I don’t know if it is because I have changed or she has changed or we both have changed or if the beautiful new gathering space made an impact. I just know that the ripples are with me still.

So here are the highlights ~

I saw green and lavender light, per usual. But then it morphed into a striking dark purple. Similar to this image :

"ScorpionFog". Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

I also saw camels and birds in flight and fairies.

The thoughts were even more intriguing.

I got the impression that the forest and jungle live inside me. WOW!!

Then I began to think about the earth. I focused on the letters and noticed that EARTH spells HEART. I made a connection between the green lights I see in meditation and the heart chakra. Then I made another leap where I connected the functioning of the heart and earth are one and we can heal the EARTH like we fix a poorly functioning heart. Some ideas like reducing stress, joyful movement, less fat ( materialism), love, stillness, and quitting smoking ( end of military actions and violence) came to mind. This seemed to be important for me to record later when I returned home. I also remembered that earlier in the week I was thinking about the Hands across America event I participated in back in 1986. It was in the wake of LiveAid when some consciousness was directed towards global charity and unity. Check out the video here.

I recalled an image I chose for my 111 Global Party post. It is the Earth in a heart ( see below)


I really felt energized and had no need to talk about it, which is unusual for me. I gave Katryn a hug and thanked her and went to my car. As I turned on my car radio, I searched for a song to match my mood. Within seconds I found Right Here Right NOW. Some of you know I use the car radio as an oracle.  This song was stellar! It was written about how the planet was changing due to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Cold War, but it still applies. The music confirmed that I was plugged into the Source. I felt so high and timeless and free!

I also found a brilliant video blogger that day and we communicated when I returned home. I invite you all to meet Sarah. She is incredibly charismatic and pure. Please visit her and learn about her journey. She communicates in a way that is very natural and compelling. She could be a future thought leader. You heard it here first.

I slept so poorly and yesterday was unbalanced. I broke a glass candle holder all over my kitchen floor and cut my toe badly. I also noticed that one lamp continued flickering all evening long. In the past, this would translate into a physical birth or death or the need to replace a lamp! The confluence of electricity in the air certainly caught my attention.

What is really odd is that I am still feeling the effects of the Sound Bath. In the past any discernible changes would fade after a few hours.

Is it the Grand Fire Trine? Am I ascending? I don’t know, but at the very least I figured that these Sound Bath “bubbles” would make a decent post. Perhaps I will continue my meditation practice.

PS: Please enter my contest to win a free reading or get a significant discount on my services. See post here!  I would also be very grateful if fellow bloggers would re-blog or link to the post to spread the word. Thanks in advance.

related post:

purple ray image by “ScorpionFog”. /File:ScorpionFog.PNG#mediaviewer/File:ScorpionFog.PNG

heartearth square and header by public domain


  1. I love the music of the crystal bowls…I remember a strange experience during one of these sessions…I opened my mouth to join in the humming with the rest of the group and could not make a sound. My vocal cords were frozen it seemed. As for the jerky movements, this sometimes happens to me when I enter a room full of people or when I sense spirits in the room…I absorb the energy and have to let it flow through and out my body to reground myself. I went through a Kundalini experience years ago…it lasted for a couple of years. You can read about it on my post ‘Kundalini: The Dark Side and the Light’ if you are interested. Linda…I love your posts…they are always thought-provoking..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Bev,
      Thanks for sharing your experience here and I will check out your post. I am not a newbie with mystical experiences but I am with the newer ways the energy is showing up in me , through me, and in my environment.

      Thanks also for the props, 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. How interesting! Seems like things are coming together for you Linda. So many coincidences, wow!!! Just stay with it, could be a huge energy influx causing the jerks, in which case it may help if you work on aligning your heart beat with the Earth (align your 2nd and 4th chakras if you know how to do it; if not, put your right hand in the middle of your chest, your left hand under your belly button, breathe slowly and deeply, then listen for the Earth beat deep in your belly and align your breathing and your heart beat to match the rhythm of the Earth – try to do this regularly and also when jerking happens). I also think that it could be kundalini, in which case you shouldn’t just leave it run wild in your body, but I’m no expert on kundalini… xox


    1. Hi dear Shamanic sister,
      Thanks for the link and the advice. I did not know the earth had a beat, but perhaps then my concept of EARTH = HEART that came while meditating in the Sound Bath does have some merit. I am not absolutely certain what is triggering me and my immediate environment but kundalini is a strong contender. I am using meditation to center and relax, getting extra sleep, lots of water and burning grounding incense. I am not naturally grounded as my chart is mostly water and air with some fire thrown in for good measure!

      xx Linda


  3. Ack! I LOVE your description of the sound healing. (Oh and before that, reminding me that it felt like I had math homework due when you talked about Hands Across America. LOL!) What a neat experience!
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts in meditation. It hit me over the head that HEART and EARTH have the same letters. Never made this connection before until you said it.
    I cracked up when you talked about using the car radio. I do this too and I love that feeling when it’s just so perfectly exactly where I am. It all comes together for that moment and reminds me that I am.
    I’m honored that you wanted to share my blog with your audience. I think I’m getting more out of the exchange though. You have got some amazing….nah…. MIRACULOUS followers that I’ve been coming across. I’m learning so much. Thank you!

    Oh, and the day after we talked I got a very interesting offer. I’m planning on making a video about it tonight if I get home in time.

    Much love,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. another radio receiver, woohoo! You are definitely included in the litebeing tribe.
      So you remember Hands Across America. So long ago I had almost forgotten that i was indeed there.
      The people who read my blog are beyond miraculous. Words are simply inadequate.. Enjoy one another and create community 🙂

      Looking forward to your next post. So glad I found you …

      xx Linda


  4. Delicious! 🙂

    Healing is safe. We heal to the extend we are ready for, that is, if you think too much could happen. (Unless, I could think, if there is a lesson of not to push it to happen, to become aware of that, and things like that. It is still safe…) Sometimes it can be a powerful experience, because that is what is for the best.


      1. Hehee, one other thing, grounding after such a powerful session might help. In the end of the meditation using meditation techniques, and/or doing for example ordinary routine everyday things afterwards, like washing dishes or whatever they are to you…


      2. I was washing dishes when the candle holder shattered, lol! This is good advice and I did burn root chakra incense which did help. Still figuring out how to handle flow of energy cause sometimes there isn’t enough and other times, perhaps more than I can handle.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Deelia. I do believe that we attract what we need all the time. It is all about how we react to our circumstances. The fire that occured last night really scared me. I was afraid my home was at risk, but I was able to extinguish it.

      xx Linda

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Great post Linda. Your sound baths are similar to my gong meditations and I see some cool stuff during them as well. Jeanette is having one Thursday for the full moon, I may go, We shall see. I hope the electric energy goes easy on you. Sorry about your toe, I will send you some healing sister. ❤


    1. Hi Sindy,
      Typically she would sound the gongs at the end for the grand finale but could not take them with her on this visit from Santa Fe. I guess we both are receptive to the power of sound waves, very cool! Thanks for the love ❤

      xx Linda

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I certainly hope so! Just after I published the post, a candle flame left unattended became huge and I was afraid that I may not be able to contain it. Fortunately I put out the fire 🙂 Something is clearly at play!

      love to ya,


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