Musings ~ Waiting on the World to Change



I have been busy, mostly internally. I changed the blog look to mirror my emotional/astral body. I look to expansion and vast space in a sea of purple velvet and diamond skies. Here is where I find myself today:


I pulled a card from the Sacred Path deck for me ( and you) for 2015:



An 8 card for an 8 year, yes! I am ready for more clarity and light, but with kindness and care. Fires and shattered glass and electricity coursing through me is not my preference, just sayin’. We will be entering the Year of the Sheep in February. Not sure how that will play out, since this Year of the Horse was reigned in by Saturn and retrograde Mars, among other things. We only have one retro planet now ( Jupiter), so move forward quickly if you have plans to activate. Times like these are rare. Mercury begins its Retrodance in Aquarius on 1-21-15.

But I digress..

So how about a catchphrase?:

Keepin it green in 2015 or Make 2015 New and Pristine or See and be Seen in 2015!

Feel free to add your own to the mix!

Some recent encounters from last year are yet to be actualized. My Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve Eve were ripe with curiosity and excitement. Playing musical instruments and jamming to the 12 days of Christmas was so liberating and joyful. Reminded me of all the jam session gatherings I attended with my Anti-Nuclear Energy group back in  my college daze. Eclectic, creative and joyful. Movements can be political, physical, etc, name your dimension and fly..

Hanging with Sarah ( former blogger) and Tom ( current blogger?) and talking Ascension/ consciousness was so crazygood. My takeaways were not intellectual or logical, although my ego and rational mind were still hanging on, looking to grasp onto tangibility, bless their hearts!

So while I am not certain where I am on the 5d and beyond continuum, I am waiting on my world to change. From within to without, or vice versa. Any early romance I had with the vastness of time and space is still very much intact, day by day. The more I live with focus, the more I notice a morphing of past and present. Time also seems to be more bendable lately. I wake up frequently unsure what day it is or even what week.

Anyone else know what I mean?

Some cool experiences ~ Seeing red light on tops of trees; Dreams of brightly colored produce and festive salad served in lovely glass ( or crystal ) bowl; Letting go of disappointments with less resistance and more flow; Occasional bursts of silliness.

Really old memories continue to come back to awareness and I thought I saw an angel by my bed a few nights ago while half asleep. It was in “reality” some clothing on a chair, but they formed a profile of a divine figure at night.

Some new TV shows have returned and I love when a series introduces new characters who are familiar actors or the characters get involved in new settings. I see myself in those timescapes, navigating the old with the new. There is no distinction anyway, it is all about cycles and spirals.  Also I am noticing new shows on alternate realities/time travel like Hindsight.

While much of what I have read online seems to pointing towards a fast and furious warped speed transformation, mine is subtle and slow.

Please share with us your thoughts on 2015 catchphrases, ascension, expanded awareness, alternate realities, etc.

Call it whatever you like, I am waiting on the world to change: 

Waiting on the world to change. 


image credit: Josephine Wall


  1. I doubt your transformation is slow Linda.. sometimes we grow far faster during our dormant times then ever we do as we travel full steams ahead.. When our lives slow down.. we stop and reflect.. we see things in new perspectives.. And we gather together our inner strength for that next growth spurt when we are moving full steam ahead..
    So enjoy and relish this time… It may appear as if nothing is moving forward in your own personal circle right now.. But I feel this is preparing your way.
    The jigsaw pieces are not quite in place.. before your own will slot in there..
    Trust.. and believe that Change is ripe and will bring into your sphere all the right conditions that you have been manifesting..

    What will be will be… Learning to trust in its unseen flow is more difficult.. but Your card says it all..
    🙂 Love and Blessings..
    Sue xox

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  2. Hi Linda — thought I’d add my 2 cents worth — especially since you asked. I love the Sacred Path cards and the Shield cards are always powerful and great omens. The east to me represents the dawn — where the sun rises. And to me, 2015 promises to be the dawn of the New Era. My contribution to the 2015 catch phrase bucket is: “More will be seen in 2015.” But please don’t wait for the world to change — the Cosmos is supporting every endeavor we step forward in faith to make. Catch the 2015 wave — YeeHaaa!!! ♥

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    1. wow Alia,
      what a blessing to have you visit my blog regularly and comment so thoughtfully, thanks..
      So you know Sacred Path? I have a few decks but this one seems to come through for me time and time again. Love your interpretation and catchphrase.

      The reason I titled the post waiting on the world to change is that I read so much about the Shift and don’t see much occurring out in the world that supports this shift. Could be that my scope is too narrow or that the changes are very subtle. Yet I am an empath who is quite sensitive to energetic movements, so???

      In the meantime I continue to work on me.



  3. 2015: the Year it Hit the Fan, but the Fan Wasn’t Running.

    In the ensuing silence, suddenly so much of what had been seemed a little, well… awkward. But thankfully, all that was before. And was no more.


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  4. Thanks for sharing your musings and holy day experiences, Linda. An 8 card for an 8 year — that’s a sync! I resonate with what you and Tanya have shared – that whole experience of ‘time’ bending and shifting … that ‘what day is it?’ and yet not feeling lost in that but more just present with what’s up and flowing. One of my indigenous-wisdom teachers called it ‘circular time’ (or kairos) rather than ‘linear time’ (he also said that trying to stay in linear and do all those ‘to-do’s’ might feel more and more crazy-making for some people who can’t relax more into circular…). The 8 is also the Strength or Shakti card, which seems lovely and moxie-full. I think it’s a 2 or 3 year for me in those cycles (what day is it? ;). Thanks again … so lovely to be in conversation on such things. xoxo Love, Jamie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I adore the conversations that blogging generates. Circular time, I do like that 🙂
      I am such a planner. perhaps it is “time” to consider leaving that compulsiveness behind and allow a new paradigm emerge.



  5. love the description of purple velvet and diamond skies that mirrors your emotional state. diamond essence has been around me too and although i hardly have ever worn nailpolish, i am wearing this divine sacred purple now 🙂 i too know what you mean on the time thing…i am always lost as to the day and time, my memory is only in the moment for the most part and i get a fun, floaty, slight dizziness from the shifting taking place that isn’t static and anchored just here. like you, the internal world is where my larger attention is. ❤ thank you for sharing this linda


    1. you are welcome Tania.
      I had a dream a few days back about wanting to visit the diamond store that everyone was talking about. It was like a dollar store but they called it the Diamond store 😉 I am entertaining the likelihood of a shift but not certain. I attempt to discern my experience for my sensitivity to that of others who share a broader belief..Do you get what I mean?

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