

Here is a wonderfully unique meditation experience I had the day of the Leo Full Moon. It was a vivid bright day, all aglow with Jupiter in Leo sunshine. I closed my eyes and immediately saw bright red light. Gradually the colors began to evolve.  The image above is very close to a warm orangey yellow vision that was very potent with possibilities.

I felt inspired to recreate this vision in a drawing. This is partially because I could not find anything online that came close to what I saw with my third eye. Then yesterday while over at Soul Fields I saw my image. Imagine that, just when I had stopped looking! Thank you Deelia for facilitating yet another synchronicity. Since I had already started my piece, I decided to complete it. In characteristic Mercury retrograde style, I restarted the project and find this new version to be closer to my intention:

my version of the innervision

 I  remember asking for love for to reach all my friends and family. This intention expanded to include everyone and everything  I breathed in love, visualizing elves entering my being.  I began to laugh so joyfully. It was so unexpected and amazing. Never have I  felt that intense joy before in meditation. I sustained it for what appeared to be a couple of minutes. The inner-scape was a lovely shade of red.

Throughout the process I saw most of the color spectrum. Waves of color starting with bright red, orange, blue, green, purple emerged before me. It was very beautiful and natural. I was amazed by the whimsy of the elves and realized I have used them in healing many years ago with the help of a friend. She took me through a series of guided imagery exercises where elves would heal my earache. Why we chose elves , I have no recollection, but I find it all very fascinating.

Medicine Bowl

Later that day I drew a card for the full moon. Apparently I have more healing to do for myself and others. This card is one I have pulled many times for myself. I see it as important now as the full moon highlights my 1st and 7th house axis. I do have some 7th house projects in progress and they do involve healing.

As I blogged recently, my emotional life has been activated. It was such a nice surprise to be in such bliss during this meditation. Typically I feel very little emotion when I sit and go within, with the exception of some worry over “doing it correctly”. I am humbled by the possibilities that await me. 

image credits: header and first image


  1. Many thanks Linda for sharing your joygasm.. Love that word.. And your medi sounded wonderful. Seems we are each of us going through the various stages of change Linda, as the planets also seem to be doing their work on us..
    Lovely to be catching up with you at last. xxx Hugs Sue

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  2. Thank you Linda — I believe that many of us in the advance guard are doing personal and collective clearing right now — double and triple duty. Tomas and I recently had a very “interesting” discussion about money, which could have been very reactive but was not.
    Later, we realized that although we were diving deeper into our own conditioned views, we had helped to clear many of the old paradigm beliefs surrounding this enslavement tool in use on our planet. We shifted into a new gear after that. Thank you for your beautiful work that you continue to share with all of us. Many blessings Alia

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    1. Hi Alia,
      your comments are always comforting and encouraging. Thank you for sharing your empathy and wisdom here. I do enjoy sharing my ” inner practices” here, especially because for decades meditation was boring, aggravating, and usually rather fruitless. The past couple years I am noticing changes, some subtle and some rather dynamic and intense. It means so much when others can benefit in any way from my efforts.


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    1. So happy you enjoyed my visions 🙂
      The title was fun and came to me immediately. So glad you are in my orbit, communing with me and bringing me joy and levity in your unique way.

      cosmic hugs back.

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