Peaceful Easy Feeling


Post full Leo moon and pre Mercury stationing direct, wild times we find ourselves in! We accumulated close to 2 feet of snow in the Philadelphia region and I am glad I can wait awhile to dig out my car. It frees me up to make the most of this powerful energy. Mercury stations at 14° 55″ Capricorn at 4:50 PM EDT, which is very close to my natal Saturn. I have a sense of destiny coming alive in my life, still gaining momentum and preparing to take form.

I continue to cherish the contributions of those no longer with us. This seems to complement all the activity in my natal 12th house. Today I want to honor Glenn Frey, cofounder of the Eagles. The Eagles have been around for decades with such memorable hits such as Hotel California, Take it Easy, The Long Run, Lying Eyes, and Desperado. I have seen the Eagles once in concert and was quite taken with Don Henley, especially his solo work in the 1990s. But Mr. Frey began to enter my awareness once I discovered we share a birthdate ~ November 6th. Then I began paying more attention to his story. Glenn also struggled with intestinal difficulties so we also have that in common. Scorpio is linked to the lower digestive and reproductive systems. I have Pluto in Virgo, which accentuates the digestive challenges. Glenn has Saturn in Virgo ( conjunct my Pluto) so he also suffered the double whammy with intestinal woes. Yet he accomplished so much in his lifetime as a musician, writer, and actor.

Frey’s speech at the 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony where he paid homage to Linda Ronstadt was quite poignant. Apparently he was smitten with her when she was seeing someone else. Another irony is that while Linda was too ill to participate in the Induction ceremony, she is still hanging on and Glenn has transitioned.

I posted watery images because water represents emotions and can be quite healing. Watching water in motion ( e- motion) can be a very peaceful activity.

While I enjoy many Eagle songs, Peaceful Easy Feeling is the one that seems most appropriate today. It also triggers a pleasant 12th house memory. On a sunny mid January day, many years ago, I had my first date with a man who would become my partner. I had just returned from Saint Maarten so I was sporting a tan. I was wearing hoop earrings on that day (I have excellent long-term memory, partially thanks to Mars in Cancer). We drove in his red convertible ( he has moon in Aries) where we went to a local burger place to eat. Outside of the parking lot he began to serenade me. While he was not a romantic guy in general, he had his moments. He sang Peaceful Easy Feeling and it was beautifully done. It was not his voice, but the sentiment that got my attention.

“Peaceful Easy Feeling”

I like the way your sparkling earrings lay,
Against your skin, it’s so brown.
And I wanna sleep with you in the desert tonight
With a billion stars all around.

‘Cause I got a peaceful easy feeling,
And I know you won’t let me down
’cause I’m already standing on the ground.

And I found out a long time ago
What a woman can do to your soul.
Oh, but she can’t take you anyway,
You don’t already know how to go.

And I got a peaceful easy feeling,
And I know you won’t let me down
’cause I’m already standing on the ground.

I get this feeling I may know you as a lover and a friend.
But this voice keeps whispering in my other ear,
Tells me I may never see you again.

’cause I get a peaceful easy feeling
And I know you won’t let me down
’cause I’m already standing…
I’m already standing…
Yes, I’m already standing on the ground
Oh, oh

Here is a video clip of Peaceful Easy Feeling from 1973

I was impressed that he chose a song that not only detailed my appearance, but probably echoed his ideas about our possible relationship. This is how music becomes interwoven into the fabric of one’s consciousness.

We need peace now more than ever before. Life is so exciting and can be very overwhelming in this age of info and techno overload, not to mention all the energetic activity seen and unseen. How can we cultivate a road to peace in the face of disappointment, delays, loss, illness, violence, confusion?

I am open to any and all suggestions. I wish you all peace and urge you to practice peace as part of daily living.

The Eagles recorded two popular songs about the city, In the City and You Belong to the City. They were popular while I worked for the City and whenever I heard them playing, I considered how they described some of my feelings about my situation. You Belong to the City was featured on the show Miami Vice, where Frey had a supporting role.

Here is a video of his performance.

waterfall image ~


  1. Linda, you close with such big questions! I have no idea. 🙂

    But I do agree about the way music becomes interwoven into our lives. Songs can bring back particular times in our lives, and it’s like they transport us. Sometimes we don’t realize until this happens that the seasons of our lives actually had distinct feelings to them! Almost like an atmosphere. Do you ever feel that way looking back? It’s like realizing you used to live in a different house or something…

    Sometimes when I played sports, the ball would go out of bounds, and I would realize I was unconsciously replaying the last song I’d heard on the radio to myself the entire time. Once the action stopped, there it was… Playing on repeat… Pacing me through the game…!


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    1. Hi Birthday boy,
      BTW Jamie over at Sophia’s children is also celebrating a birthday this week!
      Yes I asked a big question, but that is what we do here at litebeing chronicles 🙂 I ask them and often I will try to answer them as well.
      I am cool with your uncertainty. You spread peace every time you create a poem and let the universe spread its song among the stars.

      I agree about music transporting us to another place and time. Music is timeless and has an uncanny ability to evoke emotional intelligence in our consciousness. The song Fill Your Heart by David Bowie has been looping in my head for a few weeks now. I am glad it is there to prompt me to live a more heart-centered life.

      peace, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

  2. As you can now see Linda.. I have been practising PEACE and yes so many seem to be taking their transition within the creative Music industry these last few weeks..
    Wonderful tribute and beautiful Song choice..
    Love Sue xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue,
      Reading your reflections as you catch up on “my stories” brings me peace and comfort. Life is exciting and unpredictable on our path, even with intuitive gifts at the ready. Peace and love really are the only way of being. We are blessed to have one another to remind ourselves of this truth.

      Love, Linda ❤


      1. Oops, make that not on top or at least not the header. The top one in the post. For me it was the only picture in the post besides a video. Looks like it was probably Longwood Gardens too


  3. Hi Linda,

    I appreciate how you merged the water of healing with this song and reminisce. There’s a sense of sparkling in the earrings and the way the water quality has a sheen. I commented on your FB about the song Hotel California, and how the song always reminds me of a 12th house experience –

    “Relax, ” said the night man,
    “We are programmed to receive.
    You can check-out any time you like,
    But you can never leave! ”

    Have a beautiful day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks, I like how your observations add so much to my post. I will check out your link. I always thought Hotel California was negative and somewhat avoided it. Now I can see it with fresh eyes….


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  4. Amazing how the lyrics related to your appearance! Thanks for sharing.
    I like the observation that songs become interwoven with the fabric of one’s consciousness. I often get songs playing in my head and they relate to something which happened or they carry a message for me.
    About how to cultivate a road to peace regardless of any disappointment, my approach is to just do it. I just try to go to inner peace even if shit hits the fan. The important thing about this is not the technique. Rather, the important point about this is the desire to so. And the desire to do so is fueled by the insight that NOT doing this is harmful for me, i.e. it has lead to more turmoil, burned out light bulbs, and sickness in the past.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, it was very cool that he did that. Which is my I featured this song. My ex, ( we’ll call him Joe) was very knowledgeable about music, especially rock music. He was excellent at explaining lyrics, understanding the band or artist’s history, influences, etc. Wish I remembered more of what he told me. This is probably why he was able to recall that song for that moment.

      I have the Bowie song ” Fill your heart” on a constant loop, which is great because it is so positive. My heart often gets filled with gas pains, which is not the same as love 🙂 Recently another song is looping along, it is called ” Whatever you like” It is a hiphop song and I noticed it on tv commercial and it is now setting up stakes in my head. The refrain is ” You can have whatever you like” I will let them stay in my head for as long as they like, 😉

      BTW Deelia over at Soul Fields is a fellow European blogger who also works with songs. You may enjoy her material. Your energies are similar too!


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