Dreams Made Manifest ~ The Clintons

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After writing my latest post about the power of women, I was curious to see if I recorded my dream about the Clintons that relates to the presidency. I searched my journals and voila, I found it.

Dream Title ~ The Clintons  recorded on 7-12-13

I am in a building, maybe an office. I see Bill Clinton and I approach him. I say ” I wish we would see more of you on TV doing policy. You are more like a stay-at-home dad now, not that there’s anything wrong with that role.”  He is walking fast and I am not catching up to him. He sounds brilliant and thoughtful. He may be discussing economic issues.

Later while alone I see Hillary. She asks me for advice so we go somewhere quiet. She is considering going to California in July but is not sure. I am thinking to myself that this is about the Presidential race. I ask her if there’s a deadline involved? I do not recall her answer or if she did respond to my question.  I suggest she spend a few days there to see if she likes the area and to also get grounded ( spiritual practices perhaps?) .

I do want to mention that a few days prior to the dream I watched Hillary on live stream at my alma mater Bryn Mawr College. However, there are many levels to dreams and I do not always dream about those I view online or elsewhere. I also am thinking that grounding may have to do with her political ground game ( I watch a lot of MSNBC).

Upon awakening I remember thinking she will run again for president. It clearly seems that California was pivotal to the outcome this time around. Primaries are usually decided much earlier. In my dream July was noted, but this event took place in June. Keep in mind that I was not aware of primary contest dates back in 2013.  This dream took place about three years ago but I never completely forgotten it. I have dreamt about the Clintons and other government figures from time to time. But this seemed more ” real”.  I am so glad I bothered to record it. Lately I have not been motivated to write down my dreams. Hopefully my motivation will return shortly.

I welcome any and all comments about the meaning. What stands out for you?


image credit ~ wikipedia.org, public domain


  1. Your Dreams Linda have a habit of hitting home and coming close to reality.
    I have not much idea about the politics in the USA, but I know the running now of candidates
    Are narrowing down as the Presidential Elections loom.. I pray she succeeds ..

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    1. My dreams often manifest in interesting ways. So many levels and layers to decipher.. We need leaders with vision, compassion, and open hearts, along with survival instincts and savvy. I can see her as our President and hope she can embody the best qualities within.

      xx Linda

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  2. Yes, she has devoted her whole life to public service. She is so strong, intelligent and has heart. She probably knows more about global politics than anyone in the world. It’s time for a woman, finally to be president. Yeah, she has some bad press, but I respect the heck out of her.
    The world is so polarized. I think she can bring people together. I hope so. I saw a comment on someone’s blog. The blogger mentioned something political and the comment was, ” Republicans hate Democrats and Democrats hate Republicans. Get over it.”
    I find that very sad. True so much of the time, but as per your and Michael’s interaction, we are all part of the cosmic soup, and are all one. In truth, we do have to “get over it” and let go of the us and them mentality.
    I really hope she wins!
    Keep dreaming!

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    1. Thank you Mary for sharing your feelings about Hillary. I do not think she will bring people together, but that does not mean we cannot find a way to unify. The polarization we all are noticing may be an outer expression of collective inner turmoil and strife. Hopefully soon the light will prevail and polarity will cease.

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      1. Yes! Totally agree about polarization being an outer expression of our collective turmoil and strife. I think Bernie brought a lot of people together, and hopefully he will be in her camp now and bring people with him. She has to see what the people following Bernie want. As far as bringing people together, I guess I meant, though a lot of people hate her, there is respect on both sides of the aisle.
        And yes, it is up to us to unify.
        Peace and harmony

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  3. I think it’s very interesting, Linda. For me the interesting impression was the realization of how politics are a reflection of all of us together somehow. It gave the sense of Hillary being the same as us all, like it shrunk the distance that is created by media events and such. It gave that feeling of how close in connection things can be, each to each, even when they do not seem so. Kind of a sobering reminder of the power of our thoughts and connection…


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    1. Thank you Michael for your reflections. I feel like I have grown up with the Clintons and was a big fan of Bill and Al Gore. They seemed hip and progressive at the time. It amazes me what I am up to while asleep. Often I accomplish more than while awake, lol! We are all part of the same cosmic soup, as you know so well. Spiritually Bernie is more on the money, pun intended, but there is a sense of destiny about Hillary. She devoted her entire life to public service, which speaks volumes.

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  4. I generally avoid politics on this blog, but will write about prominent people as they relate to dreams, astrology, and/or spirituality in motion. Sometimes the political can be spiritual as how we shape society is about how we love the collective. Good to know Hillary is respected overseas from someone who would know 🙂

    I appreciate your comments and hope you are well Randall.

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  5. While I generally strive to stay out of all political conversations ~ I do admire the Clintons. Smart, and while there is so much rhetoric on both sides, Hillary has a great mind and is quite respected overseas 🙂

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