Just a Bad Day, 12th house Woes

OMG I have to re-blog. I was meeting today with my spiritual director and thinking about the Sun ( and now Pluto ) transiting my 12th house. Then I went to a restaurant for lunch and two songs that were playing got my attention, Closing Time and Bad Day. I knew they were relevant. I remembered using Bad Day as a blog title. So a few hours later I am perusing my 12 house posts and this comes up! Hopefully this message will be helpful, especially to those who dread the US inauguration.

litebeing chronicles

I am not complaining, I promise.

Just wanting to be real in the moment. Ever have a day that seems to be off course from the minute you leave your bed to the minute you crawl back in? Yup, that’s today and it is happening to me. Despair and darkness surround me and even with the heat cranked up to the highest setting, it is utterly freezing! It is so 12th House today.

I am writing just to express my condition. My prayers appear unanswered but I am not certain. I keep feeling my feelings and reminding myself that I am being prepared for something beyond my imagination. I just don’t see anything beyond the chill in my bones and the bleak dark night.

Love is everywhere and I am aware of love’s inherent triumph. I just feel empty and powerless and unreachable. My ego is in hog heaven, lapping…

View original post 113 more words


  1. Hi Linda,
    Yes, we are moving through some speed bumps along our ways. Then, before we know it, the sun comes out again, and we have a new day, or a revealed moment in peace. Breathing space is such a wonderful thing, and it comes to mind as we move through our processes.
    Blessings, Ka

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  2. (((hugs)))) A new day has dawned and though it is rainy and cold here with a sun in hiding I feel much brighter today than yesterday. I hope today is shining a little brighter for you as well. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I hope you are now feeling brighter as I re read your post.. May each new Dawn bring in that much needed brightness to your Day Linda..
    So many things I know are out of kilter right now..
    Which are throwing many out of balance..

    Sending Love for a bright Sunday.. and Much love and Hugs your way xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Barbara,

      Tomorrow ( today) is a new day and the sun is shining outside and I slept well. While I am grateful most of the time to just be able to have this experience, there are dark patches and I can get caught and stuck in the mud.

      love to you, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sun has been shining here too and we had a lovely walk… I have a sign that says make mud pies… so sometimes I play with my darkness, knowing it is only energy and enjoy communicating, embracing it and literally changing its shape… magical and I feel magnificent again… Remembering IAM a magician. Much love for embracing each day as it comes x barbara

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      2. Oh Barbara, I love this mudpies! You have brought tears to my eyes as I re-member it is all energy. You may never know how much your presence has enhanced my journey.

        blessings, Linda

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