Make Earth Great Again ~ Earth Day 2020

Gaia is rebounding while most of us stay home. I don’t think this is a coincidence. MGHA ~ Make Gaia Healthy Again! Enjoy this “classic ” blog that still rings true today. Stay healthy everyone! 

I adore Bill Maher and borrowed his tagline from last night’s New Rules segment as the title for this post. I do not think that Earth is not already great, but I do think it urgently needs extreme nurturing and collective respect. Sometimes a catchy slogan makes a difference. It did in the US presidential campaign.

While Bill’s rant is a bit satirical, he is a passionate environmentalist who often features activist scientists on his show. Check out this video and leave me your comments below:

Happy Earth Day!

image credits ~ litebeing chronicles © 2019 and 2020


  1. Bill cracks me up. He has a way of making his points, doesn’t he!? I do agree with his message. We have a tendency to get sidetracked without realizing the real gifts we’ve been given. Earth is such a beautiful place, and we still understand her so little… Efforts to keep Earth inhabitable for all of us, and for a beautiful diversity of species, are definitely the way to go…

    Happy Belated Earth Day, Linda!

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    1. He cracks me up too! He is a rare breed, a progressive comedian! I am intrigued by space travel but if we were meant to love on Mars, it would have the essentials, which it does not.

      peace, Linda


  2. Your post has a lovely fresh feel to it Linda with its blooms and green type.. I am not familiar with Bill Maher, but I like his style. and yes its time we ALL started to respect Gaia and do something for her instead of thinking going ‘off world’..
    I hope you had a lovely Earth Day.. It was a bank holiday still here, and the weather unbelievably warm like a hot summers day.. So I spent lots of time outdoors.

    Sending much love your way Linda and enjoy your week ❤


    1. Hi Sue,
      I did have a lovely Earth Day and spent it at oe of my favorite place, soaking up all the trees, blooms, and also a waterfall I had not see before. I love this season where Gaia rebounds and dresses up in all her splendid glory.

      love to you, Linda ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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