How Open is Your Mind?

As Uranus stations and prepares to move in retrograde motion tomorrow ( Eastern US time zone), I figure why not share some mind- blowing , paradigm shifting videos?

The first two are from Dr. Joe Dispenza who I have been following for many years. I even had the fortune to hear him speak live. These two short videos discuss the wonders of reprogramming our minds so that we can interact with the quantum field and get out of highly entrenched mental programming. I was so inspired that I did an exercise afterwards to elevate my mood and imagine my future has already arrived. Then I took out of one of Joe’s books to give another spin. I admit that I am not a fan of his writing style but perhaps with more focus and patience, I can glean some wisdom.

Here’s a challenge: There is a special synch for me at the end of Joe’s second video. Leave me a comment if you can guess what the synch is. My mind was BLOWN so much that I decided to give his work more of my attention.


The next video is long and complicated, but worth watching until 2am if you have a light schedule like I do these days. Tom Montalk does not have that much material online, but I was recently introduced to him and was enchanted with his take on synchronicity. Tom is skilled at sharing familiar and non familiar metaphysical material and breaking it down in a novel way.  After finishing this interview by Matthew Stephen I felt like I just completed a masterclass in socio-political-evolutionary studies. I want to preface this by saying that I do not agree with all that was said, but I listened intently and kept my mind open.Tom is a calm, confident, speaker who appears to have done his homework well. While much of this discussion was upsetting and depressing, it ends on a positive optimistic note. Otherwise I would not share it on my blog. There is too much gloom and doom already on the internet and my mission is to spread some light even when the sun appears to leave the sky.

Please let me know your thought on these videos. I deliberately shared few details so that you can have your own experience. I have many opinions about Toms’s interview but I will keep them stored away for another time.

One last thought ~ if ever there was a time to donate to my blog, this would be now. Like many in the US, my benefits were cut dramatically and I am still unemployed. If you are so inclined, check out the donate button on the right side of this page.

Wishing you a lovely weekend while you keep your mind alert and your heart wide open. Also be aware of possible surprising info about Gaia and and/or money during the next week or so.


  1. I love Dr Joe and follow him also and I know I have seen some of these videos but have not time this late evening to listen right now again….
    Sending love your way Linda.. I so know you are going to bounce right back my friend, and pray you circumstances will change very soon..
    Much love ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Sue. Since you last visited I manifested a free Art class with the Barnes Foundation and am very excited about this. I am not giving up while it is tempting. I keep returning to tools at my disposal, of which there are many. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for sharing the videos by Joe Dispenza. I found them very interesting. It is wonderful how he measures this and bridges the gap between spirituality and the materialistic worldview.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I had heard of Dispenza before that, but I never really got into his work.
        I wish you much success with creating new emotions.
        And I hope you keep us updated about your process, about how you are doing it, what helps and what doesn’t, and also about whether and how life changes for you after you have created new emotions that match your intentions.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. This is so high cult 80s and 90s thinking. Science is not only cold, detached, emotionless and totally masculine mental body (without the other three bodies), but its also very scary and on the verge of the new world order today that one cannot see whats happening to you in your sleep. So when I watch videos like these, I just go meditatate with the 2000 year old practice like Zen or Buddhism, its healtier, there is no philosophy, no sports coaching, no machines, wires or electricity.


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