November Reblogathon Day 6

And on the sixth day of the Reblogathon, litebeing was born!  Ha Ha! I am writing on the 5th but this will be published tomorrow. I do not know if I want to post on my birthday.  Honestly this has become a dark few days for me. Blame it on eclipses, car accidents, health issues, or better yet, just allow it to move through me like a light breeze.

I am torn between which blog to share today so perhaps I will share two. After a creature dry spell, I have seen a deer in my yard about 3 times this week. Just one deer going solo. This is not typical as I usually see at least three together. Most people who know me know I am a cat lover.  People who know me better know how much I adore the natural world. Deer, rabbits, grasshoppers, birds, horses, trees, mountains, etc. I could not get a picture of my new deer visitor, but I can share a post. This first post is a spontaneous one from 2015. I relish when I decide to write ” on the fly.  ”

The second post interestingly enough was originally published on my birthday in 2014. I had no idea until I took a look right now. Talk about synchronicity. This post is the infamous Black Squirrel Morning. I call it infamous because it is unquestionably popular. When I searched for black squirrel morning online, this is prominently featured on Google. Why people keep showing up from mostly other countries is a mystery. It is a fine post but nothing about it stands out from the rest. However, since others seem to enjoy it, I want to invite you to become part of the Black Squirrel Morning crowd.

Click here and here for creature features.

On another note, I want to update you on my life as of this moment. My car still works but looks like it had a meltdown.  I ran errands today and although I felt a bit uneasy, it was freeing to go outside and get out of the house. Yesterday I had a second job interview. My camera was acting up on Zoom and I had to switch to my phone and could not see all the people at once. However they asked for references and I was able to assemble everyone within a few hours. The lead person who I already met told me the meeting went great and he knew everyone would like me. He said they will get back to me later this week. Although I am not at my best, I powered through and did what I could. I may actually be getting a job offer at a place that seems to be more aligned with my frequency. While there seems to be so much uncertainty in my world lately, I love working with people and helping them grow. I am grateful that I have a purpose. Writing is another activity that my soul requires. So I guess I may stick around a little longer? Scorpios can be quite dark and macabre at times. One astrologer told me that we think we will die from a hangnail. I suppose the transits ( and guides) are teaching me to live with my fears and not be consumed or blocked by them.

peace, l


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