Musings – November Time Warp

I cannot let the beginning of November go by without a proper post. All the recent posts on Samhain and this current astrological wild ride we are on have been incredibly inspiring and I devoured each one with delight.  Currently I have been rather moody and spacey and somehow surprised at all the emotions and circumstances that I cannot control. Yet I am actually surprised that anything surprises me anymore! That is the cosmic curve ball, that I am still unaware of so much, despite my heightened psychic acuity. Who knew?

Still, I adore November which was originally the 9th month on the Julian calendar. Makes sense right? After all, November literally means 9th month. The Julian year began on March 25th which is very close to the Spring Equinox. When the transition was made from the Julian to the Gregorian system, November became the 11th month. I prefer the original sequence because November is a time of endings and beginnings and 9 is a better fit. Eight would also coincide well with the Scorpion vibration, but 9 is one of my favorite numbers so ….

reference ~

I am actually adjusting a bit more to this current cycle and had an amazing experience yesterday. I knew I would have material eventually to put into a future Collisions post. This one will definitely be a mind blower, trust me!

I am not a fan of Halloween or cemeteries or horror films at all! I do not like to be frightened or spooked for fun, not my thing. Life can be horrifying naturally , why add to it? I did dress up as a child, mainly to get candy and conform a little bit , and do remember a few enjoyable soirees as a young adult. That said, I just prefer seeing people without masks.  Which is maybe why I became a therapist, hehe..  Yet I adore The Rocky Horror Picture Show and have many glorious memories of viewing the midnight shows. I went often with my college crew. We would either have dinner beforehand at The Magic Pan or grab cheesesteaks at Jim’s after the show.  We always went to the legendary TLA theater on South Street. We did not dress up, but we threw the rice and screamed out all the catch phrases and songs. Chicken divan crepes or gooey cheesesteaks with whiz, a great group of  buddies, and the spectacular Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon ( before she was famous), and Meatloaf.

It does not get much better than this.

The TLA no longer shows movies and this is a shame. When I moved to Philly and got my own place, I would hang up the free TLA posters in psychedelic turquoise and fuchsia on the walls and became educated about independent cinema. My horizons were becoming expanded  and there was no going back. The genie was out of the bottle. I recall spending one birthday viewing Siddhartha at midnight with friends. South Street was so electric at night with its funky stores, fabulous clubs, unusual restaurants and a festive, exciting vibe.

So which  Rocky Horror memory has endured over the years? The Time Warp Song. From the time my sister blasted it from her room, up until now ( saved on my DVR),  this  iconic tune has remained a constant because it is just simply addictive! Plus it showcases playing with time, one of my favorite pastimes. I think this film and my associations with it were a precursor to my fascination with the space-time continuum.

If you have not read my timeless tunes post, NOW is a great time to review:   Let me know your favorites! I am sure I have missed some goodies.

Just remember – ” Don’t dream it, BE IT!! “

This post is dedicated to Marie ( whose birthday is today), Randy, Janet, Esther, and the rest of the gang from Temple, woohoo! I can still taste the cheesesteaks and hear our laughter , even today..

Update: For my American viewers, do not forget to set the clocks back an hour tonight before going to bed for the end of Daylight Savings Time and the resumption of Standard Time. Yet another example of a (highly structured)  time warp! One extra hour to enjoy the Double Scorpio energies..

spiral image courtesy of

TLA image

curious about cheesesteaks?


  1. Reblogged this on litebeing chronicles and commented:

    Another day, another reblog. I am really missing my city at this time of year, fully open and alive. How we tend to expect that things will remain the same when we are younger. This is a true time warp since this post is almost 7 years old! Enjoy another post featuring my city where ” Bad Things Happen, – not!”


  2. Ahhh….the TLA.

    I didn’t know it when it showed movies but I spent much of my teenage years at all-ages shows there and at the Trocadero. South Street has changed so much since then. I do still like to visit Garland of Letters, though. Such great energy there!

    I used to love Halloween. It was my favorite holiday. Now I don’t seek out being scared either but I enjoy the dressing up. I learned the hard way that I can’t do haunted tours anymore or go on terror hayrides. But the Time Warp does make me laugh. Thank you!


    1. South Street has changes so much. Wish I could have seen it in its heyday ( 1960s) I do not visit there often but when I do I always visit the garland of letters, It is an oasis. I don’t need to seek out ghosts either. Apparently they cause lamps to flicker so perhaps I can give tours in my house 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Halloween is a recent thing here in the UK and I have to agree I join in the spirit of it, but I have never been into horror for horrors sake… Even though some of my followers have some scary horror blogs… ..
    I can see I will have to take a look to the music Timeless Tunes, and see if there are any of my old favs in there.. 🙂


  4. Oo..I did not know that November was the 9th month…and I do agree with would have been awesome if our calendar went with the ancient teachings.
    I enjoyed reading your musings 🙂 The cheese steaks sounds delicious..hehe. I don’t think I’ve ever had 😛

    Sometimes I feel that this being aware thing isn’t something that we reach…and then it comes naturally to us. Well..maybe at a particular point in time…most times it’s a conscious effort and each time we think we’ve gotten some place…Life’s says ‘Oh…you think so eh? Rest a while, I got more where that came from” and then we find ourselves back on square one…BUT the square one is different…sometimes we realize it, sometimes we don’t.
    You know?


    1. Yes I do! And perhaps I do not want to think about death at the time of my birthday! Call me crazy but it muddies the waters a bit 🙂 Cheese steaks are incredibly decadent but are the pride of my city. Google cheese steak or better yet Pat’s Steaks. Sliced beef, fried onions, hot sauce, mushrooms, gooey cheese on a great Italian roll.

      I agree that we do not arrive exactly back at square one. I had some more jogging news this morning that I was not expecting. Another ending. But you know what they say about endings …

      BTW the word November has the root Novem which translates to Nine. This is based on Latin.

      hugs to you Shree 🙂


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