A True Story

wikipedia.org public domain

longwood142015Yesterday I was on the phone with my mother. We were discussing the mail. I was telling her that most of my mail has been comprised lately of bills. She agreed with me. I then replied ” It would be nice if instead of receiving requests to take my money, I would receive something telling me that I would be given money.” She responded “That would probably only happen if you won the lottery.”  I replied  ” Yeah, you are right.”

longwood12015While we were chatting, I went to the my mailbox and took my phone with me. As I opened up the mailbox, I looked inside and retrieved two envelopes. One was from a credit card provider and the other from my health insurance company. The health insurance company has been consistently sending me copies of claims since my discharge from the hospital. I told my mom “I got 2 more bills!” I went back inside and went to the table. I opened up the envelopes: One contained a bill. The other envelope had a fat check in it with my name on it. It was written out to me. “I gotta go now. Goodbye.”

longwood72015Let me clarify that the check was from the insurance company for me to use to pay a medical provider. It was very odd and I called them to verify that it was not a mistake. They assured me that it was not a mistake and they directed me to use the check to pay for part of the service rendered. But what was wild was the timing. I cannot remember receiving a check from my health insurer in decades, not since  I had a major medical plan. It was so long ago I barely remember it, at least twenty years ago. So imagine my surprise with the timing of my phone call and receiving the check! Was it an example of psychic ability or something more? Could it be that I am beginning to turn events around? I am not depositing the check yet. I am holding onto it as a symbol of positive manifestation.

Now if it was from the State Lottery…….


  1. Amazing, surprising and surrealistic 🙂 – my first thought was. Reality is yours – the second thought came in. I believe in the Lottery because of you :-), just waiting for perfect timing – is hard :-))).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the enthusiastic comments! Many people in my country play the lottery, but I am not really into it. But I am into miracles. The ego says perfect timing is now, but that may not be Divine timing.


  2. Cool! What a timing! It is a glimpse of light.
    When I look at various stories of breakdowns, then it gets worse and worse and worse, until the person lets go and gives up. And then Source steps in and resolves situations by little miracles. As if to say, “See? I was there for you all along, holding you, waiting until you give the reasoning of your little busy brain. Now are you ready to trust me ?”
    All these breakdowns seem to be designed to make us release the tiller.
    I’m so happy to hear of this wonderful synchronicity.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was hoping you would see this post as it is right up your alley Karin 😉 All the stories told by others help me in ways I cannot adequately explain. I guess one could say I feel less “alien” when I am witness to a similar life trajectory.

      I am at a point of going inward, silence, doing no-thing. Instead I am listening more and in observing mode. I am too small in this human form, this is for Source to handle.


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      1. Yes, it is very helpful to read many real-life stories of people who have gone through something similar and how it has worked out for them. This is my favorite chicken soup for my seeker’s soul.
        Uplifting quotes and abstract discussion tend not to help me that much, but real life accounts with happy endings give me hope.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Going inward , silence, listening to inner guidance, and observing sounds good.
        Btw, I want to correct a typo in my comment. I meant “waiting until you give UP the reasoning…” You probably understood it anyway.

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  3. Brilliant news Linda… 🙂 and keep on that Positive Manifesting track Linda… Loved the timing and thank you so much for sharing.. I was sending out thoughts your way the last couple of days.. xxx Hugs to you my friend and Keep that smile on your face.. LIFE is GOOD when you feel it within your BEing.. 🙂 <3<3 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue,
      Please keep sending the positive vibes. Seems like everyone thinks my situation has resolved itself and I have no evidence of that yet. I hope this post was not misleading! I see it as a turnaround, a glimpse of the light and the power of my intentions. There are still conflicts that need to be addressed and decisions I have to make. Not today, but quite soon.

      I do hope this post does inspire others, and it seems to be so that is good to know.

      Thank you for your unwavering friendship and kindness.

      xoxoxo Linda

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      1. You are welcome Linda and like I said in my email to you,, I am sending tons of vibes your way.. Love and Hugs Each journey starts with small steps.. you just took that step into see the possibilities are there when ever our belief in them are strong enough.. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you Sue and I read your email. It was quite moving and powerful. I will reply to it soon. Just wanted folks to know that I do not feel like there was a complete turnaround. But I am open to that possibility 🙂 love, Linda


  4. 🙂 ❤

    One of my favorite affirmations is about receiving money (and things, opportunities etc) from surprising sources with a thank you (in advance) to the universe (and then letting go). And it works. We don´t need to always know the how, just to keep on dreaming and allowing good. Thanks for another affirmation/confirmation.

    Love ~~~~~~

    PS. By the way – they said Linda in the radio (referring to a listener prize being drawn) just while I was about to post this! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So nice to hear from you Deelia and I like your affirmation. I will use it 😉
      And you know I love our mutual radio references. Did not know there are Linda’s in your country, lol!


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    1. Hi Barbara,
      Based on the comments, people do consider this event to indicate that IAM manifesting abundance. I suppose you are considering the symbolic value above the purpose of the check. My analytical mind wants to take back the reigns and look at the intent of the insurance company. My intuition says look at the synchronicity of my wish and the almost instantaneous response.


    1. Thanks Julie! Love the huge woooohoooo 😉
      I will take that as encouragement. While the check is meant to cover a bill and not “extra” funds, the symbolic form and timing are irrefutable. I will hold onto that truth.

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