Bringing Mysticism into Focus

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This is the first article in a continuing series on Mysticism. Astrologically the time is ripe with Saturn square Neptune to bring some form and focus ( Saturn) to what appears to be elusive and mysterious ( Neptune). The recent entry of Venus in Scorpio also supports a dialogue on the love ( Venus) of what lies beneath the surface ( Scorpio).

When I began this blog, the tagline was ” The adventures of a part-time mystic.” I have since changed the tagline because I realized that I am not a part-time mystic. We all are part-time human beings that are actually eternal mystics. This is what I believe.

So what do I mean by mystic anyway? I’ll suggest the following: A mystic is anyone who is interacting with Source directly. This covers a lot of territory. Initially I thought that mystics were the rare individuals who lived in monasteries or were fully enlightened beings. I see this differently, especially now. Mystical experiences and spiritual awakenings are our birthright as we dance the dance between the material and spiritual planes of existence. As I described during my telling of an intense awakening experience, I eventually owned the title of mystic. It was a long time coming, but I could no longer deny my truth. I just did not want to appear pretentious or really foolish.

But a funny thing happened, the more I identify accurately, the more mystics enter my life! My revised view on mysticism is that it is a natural state of being  and that not being mystical is most likely caused by painful programming in early childhood or even traced back to genetic and ancestral roots. It seems that we are in ” new times” where the mystical is returning to our collective culture. This is exciting and also frightening for many, myself included.


But help is on the way.

So often in my world, I find myself presented with interesting opportunities seemingly out of the ethers. This fall I joined a Facebook group based on the Shades of Awakening summit. Through the group I was invited to take an online class with Emma Bragdon on How to Effectively Help Someone in Spiritual Emergency. I had little time to decide, but felt such a strong pull to participate. I am so glad I took the plunge and here’s why:

I was able to connect with others who are passionate about helping support those having difficulties with their transition.

I learned much more about the differences and similarities between Spiritual Emergence ( SE) and Spiritual Emergency ( SEY).

I was able to expand my knowledge about how to assess and treat those with various manifestations of SEY.

I learned about the Spiritism Model featured in Brazil, as well as other international systems of care that integrate the conventional medical model with the alternative spiritual based models.

I became aware of Spiritual bypass, where an individual strongly pursues spiritual development and ignores underlying psychological issues that remain unresolved. Upon reflection, I realize that I have encountered many people in my life who were using spirituality as a distraction or addiction. They were sometimes in positions of power and hurt many as a result of their resistance to addressing their psychological well-being.

I reignited my desire to serve others as a practitioner in a way that speaks to me and is relevant to these times. I plan to take the Practicum so I can complete the course and become a Spiritual Emergence Coach ( SEC).


I know I have only begun to scratch the surface on what it means to be a mystic and how this way of being will transform our planet. I am very curious as to what all my dear litebeings have to say on this topic.

Please share your opinions in the comments section.

I strongly recommend you learn more about the course here. Emma is a wonderful instructor who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience as an educator, healer, and one with lived experience. She is very engaging, devoted, and a lightworker in every sense of the word. If my post sparks even a hint of curiosity, check out the material or and/or email me to learn more.

So many of us benefit by evolving via community. I know that I began to blossom as a young astrology student once I joined a local astrology group. I do not think I would have begun to read for others were it not for my ” village”. Joining with others that share similar values and experiences instills safety and the ability to be more authentic and shine brighter.

I hope this introductory offering on the Mystic’s Way has nudged more folks out of slumber and closer to home.


image credits; Josephine Wall



  1. I am in total agreement Linda that we are first and foremost Beings who have long forgotten their natural connections as being mystics, For we all of us have within us this natural ability that we often fear.. So we suppress those natural instincts of insight.. Often during childhood they get squashed, and later we help bury them for fear of being thought different..

    Seeing that the world is full of enlightened Beings, and knowing we are all of us connected via the source of Creation and also seeing that what ever labels we are given, We are ONE.. And it is now our TIME to connect within that Oneness which many of us are through such social media, The time is now.. and our focus is about to help heal the world..
    I am so pleased Linda you are gaining so much from the course..

    Love and Blessings..
    Sue ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Sue,
      I can sense your confidence with every word that you write in your comment. I would not be able to give as much of myself without the support from others and guidance from within ( and from without). Owning one’s mystical nature is a moment to moment commitment, requiring courage and faith.

      Love and light, Linda


  2. Hey Linda,
    I totally agree that we are part time human beings, and eternal mystics. The course you are taking looks wonderful and so timely, given that so many people are waking up now. Typical thought is to just medicate people going through crisis. I have always treating spiritual awakening in my practice wholistically. People need a reality check, and solid, loving support when going through such deep awakening. During my practice, I also used to use the term midwifing, as awakening can be such labor, so to speak. I was in training to be a midwife for a while, but ended up spending more time with midwifing death. The energy is so similar. Transition. It will be interesting after your practicum to see how you use it in your work. I am really excited for you. I love how learning new things can be such an energy boost for yourself and your work, and this work seems so important. I noticed part of the course is learning the difference between spiritual emergency and certain types of mental illness. I made mistakes early on with that topic. It is an important distinction, and not always easy to identify. I would love to hear more about what you are learning from this course. It just sounds perfect. As I wind down professionally, I am happy that lovely people like you are out there doing this work. I will still do my SpiritWalks, which includes spiritual awakening, but I will no longer be in an office setting, or seeing very many people. This September, I officially retired my license. A bit sad, and a difficult decision, but right. I hope your practice is rejuvenated by this and that you are as well. I know the people who need you will be led to you, and perfect connections will be made. Your clients are fortunate to have you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Mary,

      Thank you for sharing your experiences and taking an interest in the course. The complete course is a 2 part process. I have just completed the 1st part. Taking the next step will require more funds for tuition and travel. I figure that if I am meant to go this path, the resources will arrive. I do not distinguish between spiritual emergency and mental illness, except when someone has dementia and/or brain injury, etc, And even then, one could make a case that organic conditions can be part of spiritual evolution. This philosophy is an evolving one and I am so glad that movement in this direction is taking off and spreading internationally.

      Thank you for your belief in me and my dreams.

      peace, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sounds like an amazing course, Linda. Since a small child I was interested in mysticism/metaphysics but there was a sense that it was reserved only for a select few. Now it’s becoming clear that mysticism comes in all forms and is available to everyone. The question is are we ready and willing to receive that, and follow where that journey leads? Thank you for being a powerful guide for others as they awaken to their truths. Namaste, Aleya

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    1. Hi Aleya,
      I already consider you a mystic. But the question remains, how do you see yourself? I think that we all can access the Divine if we want to do so. I hope to be a guide to many and that this direction takes off for me. It has been a long time coming…

      Namaste, Linda


  4. Thanks for sharing about the course, Linda. That sounds interesting. It is awesome that you are getting so active now, taking these courses and planning to become a Spiritual Emergence Coach. That sounds like the converging of your previous professional practice and your spiritual path. To me, it sounds like the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Karin,
      This is just the first step and a client base is NOT guaranteed. But it does feel right to take these steps. I hope to serve many who can benefit from what I have to offer. Still more puzzle pieces to fit together, but I am grateful for what is working in my life.

      hugs, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Of course, a client base is not guaranteed yet. But, the force which is pushing you to do these things is the same force which will take care of your income. It is like an invisible giant hand moving all things.When it feels right, then you are on your soul’s path. That means doors will open. Whereas when doors close, that means that it just isn’t your soul’s path. So, trust. I am excited to see this and am curious about how it continues.

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi Linda,

    I enjoyed the acknowledgment that relationship with Source is part of our natural human birthright. I couldn’t agree with you more, and love that you are exploring ways to help others grow into this experience. When I was reading it felt almost like learning to be a midwife for the birthing of another’s inner spiritual connection. It is also almost impossible for us to walk that path alone, and guides, helpers and friends along the way are invaluable… I also couldn’t agree more with you that spiritual “growth” can sometimes cover over psychological challenges that have yet to be addressed, and it seems imperative to me that we address the whole person– the sublime, eternal presence and the here and now who gets cold, hungry or hurt…

    Peace and Enthusiastic Support For Your New Unfolding!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Michael,

      It is comforting to know that you truly understand my ideas about this process ( as of now, subject to change). I liked this sentence especially:

      When I was reading it felt almost like learning to be a midwife for the birthing of another’s inner spiritual connection.

      This is a beautiful image and it holds great promise. I do not think we can skip steps in our journey, no matter how appealing this may seem. We are perfect in our imperfections, and yet we are already perfect. Surprise, another paradox – not!

      The support of our community makes all the difference to me. We can do this work alone, but I find ” power in like minded numbers” 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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