#Blesstival ~ Behold Nature’s Mystical Call


This post is part the Blesstival series happening at Jamie’s blog ~ Sophia’s Children. The purpose is to spread blessings through this season of ” Newness”.

I found my offering by Mira via random poetry process, using the book Love Poems from God by Daniel Ladinsky.

Nature is one of the ways that Spirit speaks to me. The beauty and subtlety get me every time. So it is no surprise that I discovered this piece to share with you, a blessing from the natural world.

A Limb Just Moved

You taught Your songs to the birds first,

why was that?

And you practiced Your love in the hearts of animals

before You created man.

I know the planets talk at night

and tell secrets



A limb just moved before me,

the beauty of this world

is causing me to


Notice the planetary reference? I see this poem asking us to pay attention to nature in all its majesty and to remember our place in the circle of life on Earth. Take comfort in both its wisdom and ability to transport one back to Source.

I was unfamiliar with Mira before I opened the page to her poem. According to Ladinsky, Mira ( Mira bai) lived from 1498 – 1550 and was considered the most renowned female poet-saint of India. Apparently she was born a princess who was devoted to Krishna. She later became a rebel and champion of women’s rights. I think we would be friends!

To read up on Mira aka Meera,  please visit this site.

Thank you Jamie for creating this exercise. Love is my religion and blessings spread the love. Let’s be the love we want to see in the world.



header image credit: wikipedia.org, public domain


  1. I loved this poem, Linda. I couldn’t help but note the idea of evolution cropping up so many years ago… Whenever we learn something, it’s like we’ve always known it, but didn’t know we knew it. And sometimes it’s like that with blessings, too. We didn’t know we always had them, until they ripen and open up in the moment of their greatest giving…


    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is also a blessing that we were visiting one another’s blogs simultaneously 🙂

      Thanks for your enthusiasm. It is a simple, powerful poem, which gave me pause. Yes they are always lying in wait…

      peace, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for sharing that. I like it. Planets telling secrets at night, that is a cool astrology metaphor. I picture you sitting there, eavesdropping the planets at night, trying to catch something of their whispers.
    Be blessed in the blesstival time,

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nature’s beauty astounds! We’ve had a couple of days here of rapturous flooding – vertical and horizon rain, and some hail. I am in awe of El Niño and how well we are, all of us, managing. My thoughts, prayers, and good wishes to those needing to boat around to get to and fro, who are closest to the shore.

    This poem is such a great selection, and a delight to read this morning ~ Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The weather has been wild in Britain and central US. Did not know about California. Life is so strange lately, very surreal. Love will get us all to the shore. Thank you for your kind words. ❤

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