Revolution is Evolution public domain

Greetings everyone! As the sun is still a few minutes shy of reaching my Ascendant, I am milking this 12th house energy for all its worth. I did feel the Imbolc Candlemas surge once the calendar moved into February, but recent health issues has challenged my productivity. This is partially why I have not published any new material in a while. Check out Jamie’s fabulous Imbolc post to learn more about this Winter to Spring sacred time.

Welcome to all new followers and readers! I am so delighted to have so many new people visit me here at litebeing chronicles. Please feel free to comment, even if just to say hello. I want you to know that I am thrilled whenever someone takes the time to read about my journey. Thank you for your interest in my life.

I have so much going on, which sometimes leaves me undecided as to where to place my focus. This can happen when there is so much movement internally and externally. Fortunately I have decided to share my enchantment with the US Democrat Presidential primaries.

 What??? Politics?? What does this have to do with spiritual awakening?

I asked myself the same questions. Here’s the thing: In my life, I allow myself to follow my attractions. If I am drawn to something, I will give it my time and energy and see where it leads me. I rarely write about politics, but find that astrology does a great job of describing how planetary themes get played out on the world stage. While this is not an astrology article per se, I want to acknowledge that the Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries cycle we have been living since 2012 has been dramatically triggering global chaos and crisis. Crisis, please remember, is another word for opportunity.

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I am an avid political fan and use astrology and intuition and to engage with the process. Some people enjoy football, I prefer election races! I do not like to use my politics to influence others, which is why I limit any commentary on the blog.

However, I witnessed something a few days ago that really moved me emotionally. My intense reaction strongly compels me to share it with my readers. Let me explain: I have been really struggling about who to vote for in the primaries. I would love to see a woman President and do respect Hillary Clinton. She has spent her life serving others and remaining in her husband’s shadow for many years. She exemplifies Scorpio resilience and passion.

But then came Bernie….

I remember Bernie Sanders when the US Senate was struggling to gain a Democratic Majority. Sanders, who was an Independent at the time, decided to caucus with the Democrats and helped them gain a slight majority. Looking back, it did very little to address congressional gridlock, but this event gave me the chance to learn a bit about this longtime Independent Socialist from Vermont.

At a New Hampshire Town Hall meeting, the subject of spirituality was raised. Bernie, a non-practicing Jew, was asked about his beliefs. This was his response:

” It’s a guiding principle in my life, absolutely, it is,” Sanders began. He explained that everyone practices their faith differently and acknowledged that he wouldn’t be running if he didn’t have a strong religious and spiritual understanding, then continued.

” I believe that, as a human being, the pain that one person feels, if we have children who are hungry in America, if we have elderly people who can’t afford their prescription drugs, you know what, that impacts you, that impacts me,” the senator said. “And I worry very much about a society where some people spiritually say, it doesn’t matter to me, I got it, I don’t care about other people. So my spirituality is that we are all in this together and that when children go hungry, when veterans sleep out on the street, it impacts me. That’s my very strong spiritual feeling.”

My heart began to beat faster and tears streamed down my cheeks. This man is expressing the tenets of unity consciousness. Not only does he stand for integrity, he practices empathy. This is huge. This message is divinely inspired. My mind was officially blown. I urge that those interested find a video transcript because watching the discussion gives it more weight. The reason I strongly resonate with this response is because I believe that he is simply a vehicle of the collective; an instrument of the people. This is where revolution can lead to evolution. If you examine both words, it is simple to conclude that revolution is a reenactment of evolution. When we take steps towards extraordinary social change, we are growing, developing, maturing. This is the genius of Pluto square Uranus.


I am not advocating for a particular candidate. I am merely sharing my reactions to a moment in time. What matters more than an election is how the personal influences the political. This is why I am proud to call myself a Social Worker. I learned from my Social Welfare Policy Instructor how society is shaped by our beliefs. This principle is quite powerful and can be seamlessly applied to the spiritual path.

Just a little something to chew on a sunny and snowy February day in 2016.

globe image courtesy of, public domain, Imbolc sky images by litebeing chronicles © 2016


  1. Reblogged this on litebeing chronicles and commented:

    In honor of the mega-retrograde season, I am re-blogging an article from February about the influence of Bernie Sanders. I do not want him to be forgotten, an afterthought in American history. He is a symbol of what we can be as we step into our individual and collective power.


  2. Thanks for paying enough attention to notice that quote. Must admit I by and large try not to watch the political scene as I find it brings out my divisive, angry side and leaves me feeling despairing. But I HAVE seen Bernie on Charlie Rose and loved him. So I appreciate this lovely take on him and his beliefs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. After I read your comment, I began to look for the Charlie Rose interview. Couldn’t find it on TV but will search youtube. My guess is the Rose approach was more nuanced. It was easy for me to pay attention when the moderator asked about spirituality. But I was floored by his response. To me it seemed channeled 🙂


  3. Canada’s #feelingthebern too. Well, this Canadian is. So interesting to watch the US elections unfold, with such different characters representing the consciousness of the people…and there’s still some time to go. (Our election campaigns are so short in comparison!) It’ll be interesting to see what transpires. A Trudeau/Sanders combo sounds pretty good to me. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. so you are following US race? I agree with you about the expressions of consciousness represented by the various characters! And there is much variety. I cannot remember a candidate who is so much in alignment with my values. in 1972 there was McGovern, but I was too young. I will have to google him to see what his philosophy was. I have hope that maybe just maybe there will be clear evidence of this shift we all love to talk about 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m not intentionally following it…it’s just hard to ignore! 😉 lol. I can’t really take politics in general too seriously but like you I am intrigued with how it may represent the shift. And the polarity in characters in quite entertaining…

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Well Linda I enjoyed chewing over your words.. I can see why your thoughts resonated so greatly with this candidate.. Of whom I confess as being British know nothing what so ever about..
    But I agree entirely with what Bernie Sanders said.. Yes it impacts upon us all.. And each of us are Part of the whole.. So as we think and act does create our society.. how we evolve..

    I am a great believer that leaders of the world come to help teach and shape our world.. I hope that we all learn from this type of Revolution there is Evolution..

    This is a very inspiring and well written post Linda.. Loved it Thank you ..

    Love to you.. Sue x ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue,
      It does not matter if you know him. If he succeeds you will learn of him. I am grateful that we have at least someone willing to stand up for the good of the planet, not just his or her ego. This campaign is an act of evolution and that counts for something. Sharing the positive gives it energy.


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  5. You have one of my favorite sayings/beliefs here: revolution is evolution 🙂 And your writings make me love this saying even more, and agree that there is something special happening – even though it looks like this election year is so ripe for disappointment. Wishing you a great day ahead Linda, take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am happy to hear this is one of your favorites. I thought I made it up myself. Maybe I channeled it from you 😉
      Thanks for support of my writing and your lovely comments.
      peace, Linda


  6. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren … now there’s a potent combo. A powerful musing, Linda, and that quote from Bernie really gets right to the core of his motivation. It’s refreshing to see and hear someone saying that outloud in that particular ‘niche’ … sounds a bit more like Vaclav Havel, etc. than anyone we’ve seen in more recent years. xoxo Jamie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Havel, I recall him vaguely from the 90s? Yes, to hear someone articulate my values out loud and repeatedly is very inspiring and empowering. Not to mention, refreshing.

      xoxo Linda


  7. I know!! Right?!!! Another Jimmy Carter type would be good. Talk about empathy, and the love of peace. Especially a woman. But the soft spoken empathic people don’t stand a chance against big business. It’s all such a mess. That’s why I have to believe in miracles.

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  8. it’s going to be interesting to see what happens. A coin toss…pretty close. Not sure anyone expected it to be that close. I will be interested to see who Elizabeth Warren endorses if anyone. I know she is friends with Bernie, but what if she ran with Hillary? 2 women?! Then the decision would be a bit harder. What if she ran with Bernie?! I know she has said she won’t leave the senate, which is good. We need her there, but….

    I know what you mean about Bernie being about Unity. I have thought that too. The empathy aspect alone is pretty great. Not sure why people are so freaked out by him being a Socialist. Seems like a good thing to me.

    Moments like that…where you were so touched it brought tears. I love moments like that, when something someone says resonates so strongly.

    I do believe society is shaped by our beliefs. Can you imagine a world where everyone believed in Love?! Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the John Lennon quote 🙂 Now if it was 2 women,,,,
      I forgot about Elizabeth Warren. I like her ideas, but not her personality as much. On some level, I think one’s style and persona do matter as leader of the “free” world. There are very few American progressive leaders that I know of. Where are they???

      Liked by 1 person

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