
Happy Valentine’s Day Litebeings! Just spent 3 days in the hospital for a diverticulitis attack. Thrilled to be home on this frigid Sunday morning. I am reblogging this post as a reminder that I never did follow up on my reactions to my art or on getting a colonoscopy. The artwork was created last Summer.I am grateful for all my readers and friends at WordPress. If you are a distance reiki healer, I would welcome some reiki healing. I plan to be doing plenty of writing coming off this hospitalization. I also plan on slowing down my incessant need to be productive and “advancing”. My constant self judgement and ambition is not worth the trouble that it has caused. Namaste ❤

litebeing chronicles

The new charger for my not so smart phone arrived today. As I began shooting photos again, I realized my camera somehow changed its resolution to the smallest setting. How did that happen? It explains why all my recent Longwood photos are so small. It might be a memory thing?

Anyway, I figured out how to switch it back so I can show you a decent size image of my latest healing art. I call it healing art as it describes my intention. I basically imagined what was lurking inside my colon and intestines:


When I began working on it, I took a glance at my healing card box and was astounded:


Doesn’t the red swirl resemble her arms around her heart? I swear this was not pre-meditated, just a cosmic wink from Source.

Now for a much larger reveal:


Try to ignore the limits of my camera phone and…

View original post 98 more words


  1. Dear Linda.. Much love and Healing vibes are winging their way over to you.. I have been away from WordPress as you know myself for over a week, and was unaware you had been ill again..
    Good to see such a positive approach.. and lovely to see your colourful artwork again Linda..
    Healing thoughts being sent your way dear friend xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dear Sue,
      Thanks for the healing energy. It does make a difference. I am chilling here at home, contemplating writing another post. I do not create art that often anymore, but when I do, it feels right within my being.

      xo Linda

      Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you for the compliment. From such a gifted photographer as you Randall, I feel honored! I am feeling better but more recovery is needed.

      I appreciate your kindness! thanks


  2. Hey Linda,

    A re-posting always deserves re-visiting…

    The common denominators between the visual Arts and Colonoscopy is the presence of light and the human eye (observer). In keeping with the themes of your post, I went looking for ‘something’ that illustrated both and found this little gem hidden away some place. It sounded just perfect.

    Of course, you understand and know far more about the sweet taste of faith-nectar than I, it is after-all the ‘highest’ fibre diet of them all 😉

    Heal well Linda Litebeing…’put your pen to labour’ and watch as Mother Nature gently lifts her veil of spring.

    ~ Faith-nectar ~ From ‘Wings of Joy’ ~ by ~ Sri Chinmoy ~

    Deepen your faith in yourself.

    Nothing will be able

    To frighten or weaken you.


    In the inner world

    You can have sunshine every day,

    For your inner faith is founded upon

    God’s infallible Promise: Light


    Doubt is an old disease.

    Faith is an old medicine.

    Compassion is an old doctor.

    Concern is an old nurse.


    Take care.


    DN – 16/02/2016

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Dewin,

      Long time no see! i adore the poem, perfect in many ways.I always appreciate your attention to detail and your care for your friends. I plan to take a fresh look at my art here and write a little something. I like to finish what I start, plus it may be therapeutic.

      Hope you are well.

      Namaste, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I shall look forward to reading your ‘little something’ as and when it appears on pieces of a dream 🙂 Until then, rest, repair and restore.

        And thank you for asking after me, all is well at Dewin’s.


        DN – 20/02/2016

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Ohh love the art ❤ So happy that you are home. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Yes 😀 Please be very nice, and easy on Linda. She is loved and we would very much appreciate you taking care of her for us ❤

    Happy Valentines Day sis. I look forward to your writing, free and easy.
    Love you.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Sindy,
      Thanks for all the love. Lately I identify more with the observer and less with Linda. But Linda is here for a reason and needs a strong healthy body to stay on Earth. So I will see what else needs to be done to create wellness.

      Love you too ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Karin,
      Yes I am home watching the snow. Winter is officially here and it seems natural but inconvenient. I do feel better than before, but I still have a ways to go. thanks for your concern.

      Hugs, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

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