Shine a Light on 1111

Monet public domain

New Update: Welcome to 11-11-11! Yes using 11-11-2018 adds up to 3 11s! I learned recently that the WWI Armistice took place at 11:00 AM on 11-11-1918. I wonder if it was exactly at 11:00 AM or maybe 11:11 AM? I have to wonder how this numerology fits in with ending the war? Perhaps ET guidance supported it to prevent further destruction, don’t know. What I do know is that I have been seeing sequences for about 10 years now and that this continues along with many welcome and uncomfortable energetic experiences. Please enjoy this re-post from 2014.

Before you scroll down: Please visit here to check out the new challenge posts on the schedule and to sign up to post a blog of your own! The entries are really poignant and uplifting this go round , so please consider joining our challenge circle of love. ❤

Old Update: Yesterday ( 11/23/14) I took a trip to meet up with a friend that I have not seen in about 20 years. We were looking at art and I had to go to the bathroom. We were headed towards the restrooms when I noticed a room filled with beguiling paintings that we may have missed. So we made a quick detour and lo and behold, what did I find staring right in front of me? This masterpiece by Monet which is the image for my 1111 blog post!

Seeing Poplars, Four Trees in person for the first time was exciting and we both were taken with it. The meeting of the physical world with the cyberworld was intensely gratifying. Seems the Elevens are always waiting for me to discover them and remind me that all is well.


Guess what, it is 1111 time once more. For myself, every day is 1111 time.  I cannot remember even one day going by that I do not see this sequence. I researched to see if I could discover some new information on this phenomenon and stumbled upon a very powerful truth.

Eleven is the number of Light.

I could just end the post now and call it a day. What could possibly follow such a profound statement?

Well, remember when I mentioned that I changed my original blog name from lightbeing to litebeing ? Well Renate over at Pisces looked into the numerology and uncovered that litebeing equals 11.

How about that for a little synchronicity? I wonder if my habitual attention to all things 11 had somehow influenced my decision to alter the name? We know so much more than we can ever consciously access at any one time. In fact, I still believe that we spend our life here continuously uncovering what our soul holds for us eternally. Imagine a cosmic storage bin with your name on it.

So if eleven equals light, than double eleven is the duality of light, or light in relationship perhaps? It is interesting that November 11th is Veteran’s Day in the US. Where is the light in combat? What is the point of violence and destruction? Maybe the duality resides in the sacrifice that those in the military make to defend the lives of others. Or perhaps it shows up in the throes of darkness, emerging as bravery and loyalty to country and freedom at any price. I abhor war, but am no stranger to conflict in my own life. Whatever lies within is projected without. Until conflict is eradicated from humankind, war will prevail on the world stage.

“There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.” This is one of my favorite Quaker sayings. It stops me in my tracks and gives me great pause.

Peace IS the way. I hope that I shined a huge spotlight on this truth today for all to take to heart. It is interesting that I did not intend to write about Veteran’s day or peace. I am grateful that my writing is often orchestrated by intuition. I hope that readers will consider their positions on the nature of darkness and light. Many wise individuals have said that the dark is necessary for contrast so that we can truly understand the light. Others assert that light cannot exist without dark. I recently read that the universal ideal of Peace on Earth is just the beginning of a New Earth. Apparently, when permanent peace prevails,  the party really gets rolling. I have attempted visualizing what life would look like at this juncture. What do you see at the rainbow’s end? Tell me all about it in the comments section.

I wish you PEACE and LIGHT.



related post:

Monet courtesy of public domain


  1. Hello Linda
    Did you know that the Polish National Independence Day is today – 11.11? Today it also coincides with the 100th anniversary of getting back our independence. Maybe it is interesting for you because you are connected with that country via your ancestors? It was a perfect date for Armistice.

    Liked by 1 person

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