MICHELLE WALLING: “The False Matrix Mission Trick”

Not surprisingly, whatever we focus on multiplies. Here is a post on Soul Mission that resonates with me and my blog challenge rather strongly. I do not agree with all of it, nor is that required.  Michelle makes some strong points, especially about specialness and spiritual bypass.

In light, litebeing

Ascension Avatar

A popular false light tactic is to make you feel like you are a “chosen one”, with a mission that is above all else, including human relationships and love. Many people jump into healing, websites, and channeling without doing the inner work first, because a “guide” came to them with a message.

We are the ultimate creators, and when we are still operating and creating from lower vibrations EVERYTHING gets distorted. That is the nature of the reality of the matrix. Everything is backward and upside down, and the truth is that we created it that way. Now it is time to un-create. First we have to recognize what needs to be un-created, and in this case, it is distortion. Distorted healing methods, distorted guides and messengers, and most of all, distorted focus on your true mission.

You are here to BE LOVE IN A HUMAN BODY, which trumps all…

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  1. “Remember, Starseeds, the #1 way you can help humanity is to first work on yourself. ”

    Well, hallelujah! Finally getting priorities straight!

    Top Priority: Self!

    This is how ascension projects get done – by each soul doing what is theirs to do and that would be by DOING YOUR OWN INNER WORK! (I had fantasies last night of a post-ascended me putting that message in front of all the lightworkers who have their priorities messed up – the message was on billboards and everywhere, including on their refrigerator magnets! Ha.)

    YOU are the piece of the Universe / Multiverse YOU were put in charge of.

    You do NOT have either the Power or the Responsibility to make anyone else’s choices, to determine their lives and reality… but you DO have influence on others, which comes mostly from our collective inner connection but can also happen outwardly.

    But you can only give what you’ve got. As Lao Tzu said, if you think the consciousness of the world should rise, then raise your own.

    Healer, heal thyself. There have been too many lightworkers obsessed with helping others heal while they don’t do their OWN healing / inner work.

    There are many channelers who think it’s so very important to churn out messages and then as soon as they’ve turned that message out to the world, they don’t even remember the message. Why is it so important to be putting out constant messages when the one receiving it doesn’t even pay attention to it?! They seem to want to chum for readers more than actually getting down to business. Ego issues much?

    When reading this post, I literally felt like I was reading a summary of my own blog. Not kidding. Thank you Michelle!

    “We WILL get to go home one day, but for right now the job now is to be “boots on the ground”. ”

    Gaia and the 1st Wave will ascend imminently – we need to, our asses are kicked and there’s very little we can help with at this point, from this position, but some of us will absolutely still be helping, either here or from above the veil – but yes, for the lightworkers still here, it’s time to REALLY settle in and “make home”. The real work starts now! It may be a while before 2nd Wave and below see their full transition to 5D. Much work to do.

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