Can’t We All Get Along?

Can’t we all get along? This is a famous quote spoken by Rodney King whose brutal attack by police in 1992 sparked the Los Angeles Riots. Sometimes it seems little has changed, but I know better. As the Equinox approaches with the Sun entering Libra, thoughts of equality, justice, civility, relationship and harmony all weigh heavily on my heart.

There is light at the end of the pier, tunnel, and within all hearts. I consider myself a passionate person who has tempered some of this energy as I have matured. Yet my passion has been quite stirred on social media lately when it comes to the division around politics, COVID-19, belief systems, and the push to “take a side.” I have had to be more cautious on Facebook and even here on my beloved WP. I have lost some readers and followers because of my opinions. Have any of you experienced this too?

I work so hard to not react, or better yet, react with kindness and compassion. My opinions and beliefs continue to evolve and I think this is a good thing. What bothers me the most is the cruelty displayed online, especially by those who call themselves spiritual. So many of these beliefs and actions have a high stakes quality because decisions made can cost human life and affect the planet in so many negative ways. Life was so much simpler when I was a teenager or young adult and was so sure I knew everything, so full of myself, ha!


I hate having to worry about censoring myself around people I consider to be my friends. Sometimes I just avoid a post, Meme or comment and simply move on. I am not that interested in convincing anyone to take my side. I just feel such sadness about how many lives have been lost or hurt due to this cancerous division that has taken over our universe. Some choices are deadly and the intensity keps amping up.

As always, I look for guidance, usually within , through mindfulness, meditation, writing, walking and now- by practicing Reiki on myself and my environment. I know I cannot be hurt by anyone and that no-thing is truly personal. But it still can sting. So I am sharing another Lorie Ladd video that I found helpful.

While I do not adhere to all of Lorie’s belief systems, I know her heart. She is gentle, sincere, and real. She also does her best to welcome diversity of ideas within her community. This video explains her current take on the energies as guided by and through the Galactic Federation of Light. It is so interesting that I find so much diversity within the Spiritual community; never before have I witnessed such division and negativity. Let me know how you see this phenomenon in the comments. Can we agree to disagree without “cancelling each other” ?  I hope so.

Images courtesy of and, public domain


  1. The division is unlike anything I’ve ever seen and it IS scary. I’ve lost a few so-called friends on my social media pages and on WP. And I’m pretty sure I’ll lose more in the future. But I’ve come to realize this, no matter what opinion you may hold, you WILL lose some friends. That’s a guarantee. Even if you’re neutral, you’ll lose friends. And, although it stings to lose someone you thought was a friend, I have to ask myself this. Were these friends ever really my friends to begin with? That’s my take on it- I look at it as God’s revealing their true natures and intentions to me. Thank you so much for posting this.

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    1. Thank you Cherie for commenting and following here. It is sad to lose people and some of those losses will be permanent, others temporary. It is hard not to get swept into the division, because of its pervasiveness and how so many people are amping it up for their personal gain. These times allow some of us the chance to truly look within and discover our values and intentions. And that is a good thing 🙂

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      1. Absolutely correct! This is bullying on a grand scale. As someone who WAS bullied in school for six long years- I recognize the double-standards and the hypocrisy. I recognize the hatred and the derangement syndrome because I suffered it. Thank the Lord I overcame and I pray that Western Civilization overcomes as well.

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  2. A clear division has been made for us all to feel where we fit… but observing and listening to all sides I see the untruths in them all. I decided to stay in the middle, to say my bit but neither here nor there. Just my opinion. I feel it’s all necessary to play out in order for people to choose. Not right, left, light, dark, truth, lies but to choose for themself. I learned very early that your feelings change, they’re not to be fixed. If we all follow our heart, like yourself Linda we would all get together. Maybe after this great shift is over, more will meet in he middle and honour each story❤️ sending love to you x

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  3. Hi Linda,

    I was talking to my sister last night, and we spoke of something you wrote about here: how there’s this idea going around that if you’re not taking sides you’re worthless or something. Like you have to take a side and start shouting to matter. Which is crazy. Quiet people have power, too! Maybe moreso than people who are being blown to and fro by the various emotions whipping through right now.

    There are so many things at play it seems, it is hard to get our minds around it. We’re legitimately angered by injustice, but then there are the questions about whether the images and stories presented to us are even real. It’s like onion-layers of manipulation. And concern over how to respond. Because clearly something is broken…

    I’m not sure what has happened in terms of losing readers or on-line friends. I just know (almost) everyone seems to be very invested in a particular position these days. Rightly so in some cases. We’re all in unique positions…

    Hope you are well!

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    1. Thanks Michael,
      It is so complicated and yet so simple, depending on one’s level of perception. I have not lost many readers but I noticed a slight drop in followers after posting about Trump. At the end of the day we are all human and we also spirit and any Course student knows about the sin of separation….
      I want you to know I just started a new blog challenge and would like for you to join us. It is called the Change Challenge
      Please take a look and let me know. I did not do one last year but feel called now to gather the community in something positive.

      peace, Linda

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