Art is My Medicine ~ Future Uncertain Edition

Pessimism and Optimism by Giacomo Balla

It has been months since I created an Art is My Medicine post so here is the latest entry. On this dreary rainy Saturday my thoughts become clearer as a busy week settles down. I had felt more optimistic about the future once landing a new job, but spiritually my doubts are evident. Where is 5D and ascension? Lorie Ladd no longer talks about it and her sidekick Phil Good recently stated that 5D is a long way off. I am quite disappointed in Lorie lately as she is obsessed with  masks and vaccinations. I get it, you are anti-vax, so move on! I would hope that someone who has worked on themselves and can channel higher beings at will would have some objectivity! In my own inner world, synchronicity is as frequent as my meals and YouTube viewing. I know I could meditate more often, but food and travel videos are also my medicine these days. The pairing of my thoughts or words with the same ones in media or online is so common that I rarely acknowledge it anymore. I seek higher vibrations, more love, and more freedom. I do not sense any spiritual growth in myself and this saddens me. Is Ascension even ” a thing” ? I honestly don’t know anymore.

It is up to each one of us to go within and get clarity and this is my practice. I really hope I am incorrect but I do not see a bright future anytime soon. I cannot be certain if this is more about my own trajectory or about the collective. I am not a reliable channel so I do not have access to consistent messages. Besides, my channeling happens mostly in my work as therapist or astrologer without any preparation. Sometimes it also happens as I write so stay tuned!

I do know that my life is boring and has been for months and months. I lack social outlets and adventures due to the pandemic. I do not know what or who to believe regarding the likelihood of contracting COVID in my geographical region. I do not know if this vaccine I reluctantly took even works. I do not regret my decision, but have little faith in public institutions.  I also worry about the resilience of my physical form. The kicker here is that doubt and worry can weaken the immune system. As I venture out on errands, I see more people having fun, eating meals inside without masks. They are laughing, smiling, looking relaxed. I want those feelings back. Wednesday will mark two weeks after my second dose. I look forward to unmasking more and resuming more activities.  This solitary living is not healthy.

I am showcasing artworks in the Futurism Movement today.

I hope you enjoy this selection of abstract, colorful creations:

What do you see in our future?

all images courtesy of, public domain


  1. My personal mottos/mantras whispered to myself when it appears all hell is breaking loose on various fronts? Or those I thought were ‘balanced’ seem, themselves, to be caught in the tidal wave of public opinion? “It is what it is” and “If I live, I live, If I die, I die” and then? I just focus on what I CAN do, right now – pretending the world and such will continue on, or build for the future or I take a nap – or…..but in the end? There is, always, only, ever, YOU – the best you can do, for today, with what you’ve got – – for me? That is a comfort – makes it easier to hunker down, focus on where/what I can do and experience moments of joy every day – or a day full of joy – not perfect and I TRY hard not to be an ostrich with my head in the sand, or live in a filter bubble where I only interact with folks who think exactly as I do – etc. but at the end of the day? If I’m a stressed out mess/worried/sick/etc.? Ain’t doing me or anyone else any favors/benefits…. Hugs and Loves! ❤

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  2. Thank you for curating the beautiful abstract art sampling! I hear you about the questions you raise and the seeming contradictions or paradoxes, and looking around and yearning for some lightness of being, laughter, joy and community. xoxo Jamie

    Liked by 1 person

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