Go Fund Her- 12-12-22 Update

12-12-22 UPDATE:  Bloggette Buddy and dear friend Sindy is having her surgery today as we speak. She is having two major procedures and expects it will be a long operation. Please keep her in your thoughts and send love, prayers, whatever you are led to do.


Linda  ❤


We interrupt our regularly scheduled Reblogathon to write about something current and urgent. Many of you may know Sindy of bluebutterfliesandme . I met Sindy shortly after I began my blog almost 10 years ago. She began commenting, encouraging me, and showing me the ropes. She was very positive about my writing and I dug her exuberance and sense of humor. She truly took me under her wing. Unfortunately Sindy has become ill and will have extensive medical expenses. As if the treatments are not enough, here in the good ole USA, medical care is not free for most of us.

A GoFundMe campaign has been created for Sindy and she gave me permission to share it here. Please give what you can and spread the word.  Sindy welcomes prayers and love as well. She has a big heart and has extended it to many. Now she is in need of support and love.

Please click here to see the details.


This is the last thing I expected to blog on, to be frank. But life keeps giving the gift that keeps on giving, the unpredictable. We Scorps have had it rough this year with the South Node Conjunction and Uranus opposing the Sun. Also we Aquarius Risings have had TR Pluto in the 12th house and Saturn on the Ascendant to contend with. And a few of us ( Sindy and me) have both. Having said all that, being on this planet in a human form is not my idea of a picnic, especially these past few years. But we are here because we are here, as the song goes, so we might as well live our best lives.  Sindy will rebound as she is one strong chick, but this is a time of healing and love is needed in abundance.

To those who don’t know Sindy, you want to know her! Check out her blog and you will understand. I don’t know what I would do without her and she paved the way for me to feel at home here at WP. Bless you Sindy!  ❤


  1. I wasn’t able to comment earlier; though I tried. I am sad to hear this. I went over to Sindy’s blog and saw that Dewin Nefol passed away. It was written on one of her posts, in May, I think. I am sending positive vibes in both of their directions, and to their families and loved ones. I trust that Sindy will be triumphant. I know that the two of you are pretty close. How did you learn about her diagnosis? May she receive all that she needs. Amen!

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