Summer Jupiter Bonanza

Where to begin? So much of everything and more ! We just had the Summer Solstice / Strawberry Full Moon Splash on the 20th and 21st respectively. I am truly excited about these long light – filled evenings here in the Northern Hemisphere. It is rather late here in the Eastern US and the view is clear outside my window. For myself the Full Moon was conjunct my Jupiter, emphasizing the push / pull of a Capricorn Jupiter. The slogan for this placement should be Good Things Come to Those Who Wait and Wait and  …

I am feeling incredibly grateful that my health has improved the past few days. I have been more relaxed, less distracted, and simply open. Inner peace is at hand. BTW it is so under -rated. Other than love, I cannot imagine anything more important for this Earth journey. I am not sure if it is the helpful transits or my ability to create. I prefer to see it as my ability to create is enhancing the transits, not the other way around.

Recently Jupiter kissed my natal IC and this certainly has been sweet. More unexpected people and potential opportunities have entered my orbit. While I am not predicting outcomes, I am embracing my enthusiasm as I observe. Please join me in this practice. If this is your default, please share in the comments.

Here are some phrases for Jupiter in Gemini : Abundant Buzz, Gambling with Ideas, Exuberant Communications. Flashy Cars, Judgmental Teachers,  Excessive Noise, Grandiose notions, Optimistic Community, Fortunate Lessons, Generous Endorsements, , Religious gossip,  Travel Near and Far,  Foreign Exchange students, Limitless Poetry,

While this is not my natal Jupiter placement, it sure seems enjoyable. I have had some friendships and dalliances with people who do have this placement and these folks have an innocence about them in there somewhere. There is something so lovely about synastry with someone whose Jupiter is conjunct your moon or IC. These connections feel like home.

I continue to pay attention to yellow in my life, looking for ways to build up the Solar Plexus chakra. Here are some photos of my home. Bonus points if you pick out the synchronous Gemini photo:

Would you believe me if I told you that I went to a nearby town to eat some Indian food and peruse crystals at a metaphysical shop  and didn’t recall the meaning of the restaurant until after I took these shots?

The name of the restaurant is Saffron! After consuming chicken biryani and paratha, I selected a few rocks : Sunstone, Yellow Jasper, Bumble Bee Jasper, and Yellow Aventurine. I included clear quartz to the photo mix intuitively.

Friday while shopping I intended on finding a small plant. It wasn’t until after I selected it that I realized I was attracted to its yellow hue, as if my chakra was calling the shots! Lately it seems that what I desire is finding me. Such a blessing to savor.

Behold my new Kalanchoe addition.

This post mimics the times we are in with emotional declarations, spontaneous realizations, and plenty of whimsy. An important interpretation for Jupiter in Gemini that I will add here  is the blending of youthfulness with sage wisdom. Taking this inherent polarity and combining its expression can be a beautiful gift.

Blessings for a Sweet Solstice with abundant treasures and love – filled inner peace.

first image public domain via wikipedia. org and the remainder © litebeing chronicles


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