Did you get the call ?


This classic scene from Close Encounters of the Third Kind clearly illustrates what can happen when a powerful image emerges and takes hold of an individual. Later on in the film we discover that many unrelated people have been seeing the same image and come together. They were chosen and heeded the call.

Dane Rudyhar – When I read the Power at the Crossroads post by my friend Monika at Symbolreader, I knew I had to reblog it. The quote that she cited by Dane Rudyhar spoke to me so directly and powerfully. Please read the quote below:

 What seems to me more likely is that the very basis of our science, our technology, our way of programming social existence will be altered. It may not be altered rapidly by man-made wars and revolution or by telluric upheavals. It may not be altered everywhere at the same time. There may be “germinal groups” co-existing with an increasingly deteriorating technocratic Establishment, whether at the global, or only at the national level. It is not even inconceivable that the parallel to a Roman Empire after the beginning of the Aquarian Age will be a network of deeply spiritually intent groups and communities whose members will not only intellectually, but occultly or “telepathically,” realize their unity as components of the global organism of MAN while the “Barbarians” will be represented by the power-greedy politicians, the intellectuals, the worshipers of university knowledge and of machine-technology. The roles may thus be reversed, but eventually the followers of the old order would become spiritually fecundated by those groups which they probably would have tried to destroy, as Germanic tribes became Christianized and transformed by the symbols, the language, the social concepts and to some extent the manners of those they conquered.

Now I do not agree with the quote in its entirety, particularly the intellectual bashing, but when I contemplate how groups are forming , such as here at WordPress, I find Rudyhar to be prescient. I want to use this post to explore the idea that when people begin to awaken, they obey the call and are guided towards members of their tribe.


 Martha Beck – Shortly before I read Monika’s post, I had just finished a book written by Martha Beck that had been recommended to me.  The book is entitled  Finding Your Way in a Wild New World by Martha Beck.  Initially I resisted reading it , because I have so many unfinished books to dig into, and the  described contents appeared to offer no fresh insights. I went to the library anyway, which just happened to have it available. Once I read the intro, I was hooked!

Please review the Team Member or Wayfinder attributes paraphrased below to see if they resonate:

Team Member or Wayfinder Attributes:
– sense of a specific mission or purpose involving a major transformation in human          experience, but unable to articulate what the change might be
– strong sense the mission is getting closer in time
– a compulsion to master certain skills professions in preparation for a personal mission
– high levels of empathy
– an urgent desire to prevent or lessen suffering for humans plants and animals
– loneliness stemming from a sense of difference
All team members possessed some of these :
– passion for music poetry performance or visual arts
– an intense love of animals
– difficult early life, often with history of abuse or trauma
– intense connection to certain types of environments, such as ocean or mountains
– resistance to orthodox religions accompanied with strong spiritual purpose or  yearning
– love of plants or gardening
– very emotionally sensitive, often leading to addictions, eating disorders or anxiety
– intense connections with certain culture languages or geographic regions
– disability in oneself ( often brain centered) or loved one,  fascination with people who    have intellectual disabilities or mental illness
– gregarious personality combined with deep need for solitude
– persistent or recurring physical illness, often severe
– daydreams or dreams about healing damaged people, creatures or places

I don’t know about you, but if you are reading this , chances are good that you possess many of these. I prefer the term tribe, but use whatever works for you!  I was amazed to discover that almost all of these apply to me.  Martha Beck explains that she discovered these key traits though her research. She later introduces four skills to help you prepare yourself for the cultural revolution and your role in it. She includes several exercises  and examples for each of the four skills listed below:

The 4 Skills

wordlessness – shift from the verbal to the realm of the creative intuitive and sensory
oneness – profound interconnection
imagination – key to powerful problem solving abilities
forming – manifestation into form via the three previous skills

I use wordlessness via meditation, oneness via communion with nature, and imagination I use, or it uses me, practically all the time. Forming is currently a hit or miss process for me. I find it to be elusive and mysterious and worth the application of effort. I suspect that I am using forming when I meet fellow tribe members!

NCGR Astrology Conference – I attended this conference in my hometown of Philadelphia this past Friday and Saturday. I have been yearning for years to attend one, but lack of money or time had alluded me. When I learned last year that an international conference was being planned for the summer of 2013, I thought I had witnessed a miracle and decided I would attend. I may blog about some of the lectures at another time. What has me mesmerized was the incredible ease I had in meeting like-minded souls. I do not mean to imply that all astrologers are like-minded. Yes there is a definite kinship within this group of folks who practice and study a subject that is long-standing and yet often widely ridiculed or marginalized. What I am referring to is connecting with those that share a common history and chemistry that is familiar and comforting.

For example, on the first day I meet a friend of mine from NJ who I knew was planning to attend. We have known one another for years and we have a nice bond. She introduces me to a friend of hers.  Her friend is not an astrologer but wanted to explore the conference. We discover we went to the same high school at the same time and her sister graduated the same year as me. But it gets better! She mentions a future trip to Pendle Hill and her job at Longwood Gardens. These are two of my power places! She does not live near either one of these places and Pendle Hill is not widely known to non- Quakers. What are the odds?  We all had lunch together. The place we wanted to go to was closed for lunch so we ended up at a restaurant close to the hotel. While sitting there I realized I had not been there for thirty years. The name and design had changed, but my college boyfriend took me here when he broke up with me! (The one from my Indian restaurant post. ) Apparently I do have some unfinished business from that time period!  While we chatted, we ( my new pal from NJ and I ) discovered that we enjoyed the same music , dressed similarly, and were in the same social circles in high school. We both have prominent Neptunes in our charts and I think we even look like we could be related.

Later that evening while walking to the train station I observe two women ahead of me carrying bags from the conference. I decide to introduce myself. It turns out one of the woman decided to attend at the last-minute when a friend who couldn’t go offered to let her go in her place. We exchanged birth data as all astrologers do, and we share Scorpio on my sun and her Rising Sign.  I am not just referring to the same sign or even the same degree. We share the same degree and minute! We exchanged some pleasantries and hoped to meet up on Saturday. Our paths crossed on Saturday and we hung out sharing about our lives and examining our respective charts. We had so much in common, even to the point of being left-handed. Her group invited me to sit with them at the dinner lecture. Apparently there was a free drink ticket provided to each guest. I threw out my envelope without looking for a ticket. My new friend found 2 tickets in her envelope and offered one to me! It just seemed like we were supposed to meet. Many of us noticed that while sitting together in the lecture rooms , people discovered great chart connections. I had a wonderful exchange with a lovely moon in Scorpio woman who sat in front of me. She asked me for career guidance and we discussed the path of the Scorpion woman. I could describe more scenarios, but you must get the idea by this point in my story. What astrology can beautifully illustrate with symbols is the synergy that occurs regularly in many mystical encounters. There just aren’t any charts to document the connections.


I hope you were able to indulge me with this long-winded post. It was important to showcase what happens when we are called and decide to follow through. Some bloggers have been discussing how there appears to be a powerful linkage occurring among like-minded souls. I wholeheartedly agree and wanted to put this idea directly out there. I do not believe it is simply for fun and friendship. I think it has to do with joining together those who aim to heal and transform our world.

Please respond in the comments section and let me know if you agree or disagree. Let’s have this crucial conversation and see what happens!


 Did you get the call?


love and lite, litebeing


related posts: https://lindalitebeing.wordpress.com/2013/05/14/calling-all-angels/




image by imageafter.com


  1. uummhh… interesting post… it brings me to first think of fitting into society that i eventually found out I don’t… it was about me standing out (and of course everyone else)… and i believe that’s what ‘we’ wordpress creators are… I wouldn’t like to label, as this limits us…. we are all here giving each other support just by being here… standing out and loving each other in our way… giving each other the absolute confidence to take owner ship of our self, enjoy our self in each moment and prepare ourself for new potentials to come in… beyond our imagination…

    Summary… We are here for each other to support each others ‘standing out’ in a way no one dares imagine now… so lets watch this space…

    Thankyou so much for being my friend….


    1. thank you Barbara for commenting here. This post seemed immediate and important somehow…

      giving each other the absolute confidence to take owner ship of our self, enjoy our self in each moment and prepare ourself for new potentials to come in… beyond our imagination… I really like this idea! I agree that we are all in the process of preparation and refinement.

      and thank YOU for being my friend!


  2. There is much change all around us. Anyone lost needs only time before love and light surrounds them. Clear messages such as those mentioned here and yours are being delivered regularly. Now only the waiting.


    1. thanks for your input Eddie, I always enjoy hearing from you. There are times when I have doubts and feel lost, yet they seem to be more infrequent and less intense. I look forward to witnessing a complete global awakening and hope I can continue to participate in its creation.

      in light, Linda


  3. Hello lovely,
    I hope you are well 🙂 Sorry it’s taken a while to get back to you, things have been a bit busy here! But calming down a little now, all the initial promo-stuff is done (phew! Just waiting for the calls & emails now, lol!)
    I am happy to send Distant Reiki Healing to you whenever is suitable to you. Evening my time would be best, when the kids are in bed & I won’t be distracted!
    Let me know when suits you and we’ll arrange it, if you are still interested 🙂

    Light & Blessings xx


  4. I would like to think and feel that I’m a part of this calling but my doubts tend to push it aside and say “Don’t be silly!”..hehe.
    I read the list and well , I do have some of the traits…
    I love when I read about how others find so much synchronicity in their life! I for one can’t seem to see it! *facepalms self* LOL.
    I guess I still have issues to work with on myself…
    On another note, I am glad that I found you and Sindy 😀


    1. facepalms self? please clarify! I do not know if you are being called, but you may want to check out the book and do some soul searching.

      I am also glad to have found you and Sindy 🙂


      1. I usually state “facepalms self” because I just know what I said about myself is kinda silly! Much like “Oh boy…here you go again!” + an exasperated eye roll at myself 😉


  5. Fascinating post, wonderful experiences, Linda! I just talked with an acquaintance as a respond to her wondering about something, how nobody comes alone to the Earth Plane referring to soul groups as well as soul entities (~ a vast group). I also like the matrix word referred to by Sindy/bluebutterfliesandme. I also believe that for instance every workshop has the “right” participants (even then when they are much less than expected). The laws of attraction also come to my mind, and more :D.


    1. Thank you Deelia. There are times and places where I have felt quite apart and alone, so I am not certain I have a constant source of soul connection. But I am open to the possiblity. For me the connections seem to emerge at specific points in time and space. However, global communication has made it easier for anyone with internet access to link with souls without geographic limits, quite a quantum leap for evolving consciousness!


  6. I also like this list of traits and I subscribe to almost all of them. Still love words, though – words, words, words, I could eat them 🙂 I am happy to be in your tribe. You are so lucky to have attended that conference. Switzerland is a wasteland when it comes to such events.


    1. With Mercury in Gemini, you do love words! I also love them, but find that silence and stillness feeds me in a way that is quite restorative. Sorry that Switzerland lacks Astrological resources. Have you considered the UK? They seem to be quite progressive in the metaphysical, progressive thought domains.


  7. Of course I think the synchronous unions here are more than fun, they are vitally important and relevant to the Earth Matrix at this time. That is my take on it. I new you were going to make connections at the conference. Thanks for sharing your experiences.


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