Venus Stationing in Capricorn Conjunct Pluto – You and I

all recent venus images public domain

December 19 2021 Update:

Well, herstory tends to repeat herself so I am reblogging this article from 2014 about Venus retrograde conjunct Pluto. Yes this took place in early Capricorn and today’s event is at 26 degrees of Cap. However, the intermingling of Saturn, Venus, and Pluto is very potent, especially in the aftermath of the now Infamous Pluto Saturn Conjunction of 2020. I find myself watching old movies and tv shows and thinking about old flames. How about you?

Thank you for the overwhelmingly positive response to my Awakening post. Reading and responding to your comments was very emotionally moving for me. I was going to blog about Venus Retrograde much sooner, but thinking about and finally writing about my spiritual opening consumed all of my psychic energy. So I decided to post now in the wake of the Venus station , which is extremely close to Pluto. While you read this post, I invite you to ponder your experience with the Venus retrograde and current station with Pluto. I was going to title this post “Are We Having Fun Yet?”,  but decided to take a less cynical view. Please let me know if you indeed have been having fun, or perhaps shed a few tears over the past month. I really hope to hear from some of my male readers to get their unique perspectives on this fascinating planetary event.

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Venus in Capricorn

Venus ( pictured above) is incredibly beautiful. I would also add that she is incredibly misunderstood. It takes years of living and loving from the heart to really embrace the Venusian energies. I want to start off with my understanding of Venus in Capricorn. When I first began to study horoscopes and interpret charts for others, I was quite fascinated with all the possible Venus placements. I do not think I really understood the value of Venus in Capricorn until recently.  While I do have natal Venus in my 1oth house, it is in Sagittarius. I will get to that later.   Back in 2006, my Sun progressed into Capricorn joining natal Jupiter and Saturn. Now Mercury has also joined this ” motley crew”  to make 4 planets in the land of Saturn. So I now have a better grasp of this magnificent placement.

Venus is Capricorn is not the cold , scheming business woman obsessed with her career and station in life. Oh no, there is much more that lurks in her heart. She loves the fragility and aesthetic pleasure found in form.  She also understands the importance of tempering love with patience and tolerance over time. Love does not usually come easily with this expression of Venus . But there is such appreciation and gratitude for love’s maturation over the course of time. Sometimes she chooses a younger lover, while at other junctures she looks to a more seasoned mate. She understands the value of quality over quantity, classics over trends. She revels in the lessons revealed from history ( or herstory). She finds romantic love to reignite her youth during her golden years, while many of her peers have succumbed to the wrath of old age.


My Venus

My Venus is in Sagittarius in the 1oth house. It is part of an often annoying yod configuration with my Mars in Cancer in the 6th house and my Aquarian Ascendant. It also very closely opposes my Moon in Gemini. Both the rulers of my Sun and Ascendant, Pluto and Uranus are in my 7th house. Venus rules my 8th house with Libra on the 8th house cusp. Pluto is conjunct the North Node. My 7th house ruler is the Sun in Scorpio conjunct Neptune and Mercury Retrograde in the 9th house. To the astrologers who are reading, you know that this equates to one hot mess! This is painfully true. Last night I began to read about Pluto in my newly acquired The Astrology of Fate by the über talented Liz Greene. The revelations I discovered here are extraordinary. Where was this book when I was a young woman? Here are some excerpts on Pluto in the 7th and Pluto/Venus:

Meeting Pluto in the seventh house, for example, means meeting Moira ( the goddess of Fate) through the “other”.  Divorce is common, as are love triangles, painful rejections, death of a partner, and power battles. The variations are enormous, but the theme is single, relationships are the place where one is subjected to  something far more powerful and inevitable than one’s own will and choices. Sometimes the individual may elect to work with others who are caught up in Pluto’s web… Here we find the doctor, psychoanalyst,the psychiatrist and even the politician.

Pluto introduces Venus to what lies beneath the flowers and elegant gestures of romantic courtship.  The underpinning is not pretty and certainly not fair. Venus- Pluto also has a propensity for sexual triangles. These are neither fair or wished for, but they are a  fact of life. Love may be trans-formative, deepening, numinous, ecstatic and full of meaning and richness; and there is usually a fatality about it.

I always led with my Venus in Sag to the exclusion of Mars in homebody Cancer and Moon in the domestic 4th house. Venus in Sag does not think, it just goes for it! Regardless of all the times I analyzed decisions about romance, in the end my heart always prevailed. Venus in Sagittarius is impulsive, freedom loving, ridiculously idealistic, excitement -seeking and adventurous. When in the 10th house, she looks for romance in her calling, her destiny. Paired with Mars in the 6th, it inevitably leads to love/passion in the office. Over and over and over and over again….

While writing my post for Barbara’s Awakening Challenge, I paid close attention to the Venus Retrograde and began researching past significant Venus transits. I noticed that I have had a few powerful encounters during previous Venus retrograde cycles. I wrote about the 2004 transit in my story on “James”.  There were two others that I discovered during my Uranus to Sun transit as a teenager, and as I was having my Saturn Return at age 29. Funny how I had not attributed Venus’s influence on these events until now. I guess they were over-looked due to the huge impact these rare outer planet transits made on me. While the romances were important,  other more major life events were happening at the same time. I am not ready to write about these stories now, but let’s just say that the men I met were charismatic, creative, sensitive, and struggling with demons that  ultimately eclipsed what we shared in relationship.

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Venus Retrograde 2013-2014

Venus went retrograde at 28 degrees Capricorn on December 21, 2013 and stationed at 13 degrees Capricorn on January 31, 2014. Pluto is currently at 12 degrees Capricorn. The action has taken place for me in my 12th house , finally moving to my 11th house to join my natal Saturn at 13 Capricorn. So this particular transit was about 12th house, Saturn and Pluto for me. I have been having recurring dreams for months about past partners. They have been mostly devoid of feeling for me while dreaming, Yet I would wake up disturbed to find these symbols dominating my dream life. Since this all started before the transit, I wondered what may have caused this pattern?  Michael Lutin has said that this current transit is tied to 2012 when Saturn was exalted in Libra.

This may partially explain my dreams and why I had a real-time visitation from a former love interest on 12-30-13. It was very bizarre for a variety of reasons. I quit a 5 year affiliation with my employer  during the 2012 Venus retrograde period. I have not seen any of my coworkers from there since I resigned. I met a man at that job in 2009 and we started up a heated flirtation shortly upon his arrival. It was an impossible situation and the connection eventually turned sour. I had also quit my long-term group practice in early December 2013. On December 30th I was meeting with a former client at a  local Starbucks. We met there with his permission since I no longer had office space at the practice.  I was facing the barista station and he was facing the wall. Towards the end of our meeting , my former crush shows up with his young son.  When they were passing by me on the way out, I decided to say hello. He introduced me to his son and was waiting for me to introduce him to  my former client. Because of confidentiality, I said nothing. My former client did introduce himself and they shook hands. I briefly caught up with him about the latest happenings at the office and  then said good bye. It was very awkward and unexpected. Yet it was comforting to realize that I no longer harbored any anger towards him. We both live in the same vicinity but have never run into one another before. What is much more bizarre is the connection between the men. When I was involved with my coworker in 2009, he and my client were going through similar issues. They also share the same Sun sign, are around the same age, and live near one another. I was experiencing some uncomfortable counter-transference at that particular time. None of this has any relevance now, except that when they shook hands, it felt like I was witnessing a thought form manifest. These two people in  very distinct sectors of my life were coming together out of my inner world and into the physical realm.

The rest of this transit was more about reliving my 2004-2005 drama in preparation for my Challenge post and sifting through the seemingly endless foray of dreams ” From Christmas Past.” The only other real-time event was watching the film  Her. This movie is about a man in the near future who falls in love with his computer OS (operating system). This film was so much more nuanced than I originally expected. The takeaway for me (Spoiler Alert) was when Samantha the OS breaks up with him. She and the other OSs decide to leave together in order to explore higher realms of consciousness. In one scene Samantha touchingly reveals to the lead character Theodore  how she is growing at such a rapid pace and cannot possibly love just one person. She tries unsuccessfully to describe the limitlessness of love. What I gleaned from this story is that when lovers grow apart, no one is at fault and that it is unrealistic for the less evolved party to comprehend where the other is heading. I highly recommend this very timely and insightful take on 21st Century romance.

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Venus and music

I was considering relaying some highlights from other significant Venus events that have occurred during my life. Yet this post is way longer than I planned, so I will leave you now with some musical nuggets to savor. Many of  you know how much I emphasize the importance of music in the enrichment of my inner life. I have selected some videos that artfully illustrate various Venus transits. These songs have kept me company during some difficult yet necessary periods of growth. Please select those that speak to you and let me know if they captured the essence of the transits to your satisfaction. Please feel free to share some of your favorite love songs in the comments section.

You and I  Lady Gaga ~ I chose this for this post’s title because this video portrays the simple pure joy of love. The energy portal in Nebraska is the third character in the story line. This is raw Venus in action for me.

The One That Got Away   Katy Perry ~ This is Pluto and Venus personified – love, regret, death, and pain. Good times, not! But very characteristic of this powerful combo.

Cool   Gwen Stefani ~Here we have Saturn Venus taking us through the realization that we can move on and be mature. We can accept ” what is” and cherish the memories of love gone by. Take a look at the cinematography and how Gwen Stefani sees the past in her former lover’s eyes. The style of storytelling is reminiscent of my Awakening post and very Neptune/Venus.

My Boo  Usher and Alicia Keys ~  Here is another Saturn Venus scenario. Two childhood sweethearts reminisce about the past while accepting they have both moved on without bitterness. It also invites you to look at the reality of the individuals, not their glamorous personas.

Halo  Beyonce and Michael Ealy ~ I think the title says it all: Neptune Venus has arrived. The couple endure because the woman realizes that he has a beautiful soul. He is her savior.

For The Love of You Jude Law and Nia Long ~  Another Neptune Venus gem is from the Alfie remake. The song is very ethereal and the chemistry between the two actors is heavenly inspired. Jude Law has Neptune Venus on his Sagittarius ascendant. Need I say more!

We Found Love  Rhianna~ Welcome to Pluto Venus on steroids. I have certainly lived this roller-coaster  ride with one man in particular. We had Pluto trine Venus in our synastry ( same degree and minute!). We also both have Pluto in the 7th house. ‘ Nuff said.

Fighter Christina Aguilera ~ More Pluto Venus fun as she transforms as a result of being manipulated and betrayed. Been there, done that. I blogged on this here:

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I Know Him So Well Whitney and Cissy Houston ~ This to me embodies the heart of Venus Retrograde. Your heart aches as you realize you cannot change the past or anyone else. You can only change your reactions and attitudes and rewrite your story.

How did Venus treat you?

Have you felt the wrath of Pluto now that Venus has gone direct?

Tell me about your Venus transits past or present, or those that occur “outside of time.”

all art courtesy of  public domain


  1. Reblogged this on litebeing chronicles and commented:

    Here’s a Christmas treat from litebeing chronicles for you all to savor with some eggnog, hot cocoa, or whatever your heart desires. It is a “classis” post from 2014 about Venus, Saturn/ Cap and Pluto ( among other things.). It seems to be quite fitting as Venus conjoins Saturn in Capricorn today. Venus will be catching up again with Pluto on 1/9/18.
    While the events of 2014 don’t exactly mirror the present moment, there are a few themes that do ring true. As I contemplate the nature of love and being loved on this day of endless, eternal love, allow me to wish you more light and joy than ever before. <3<3<3


  2. Wow, don’t you love they say? “we are all connected”, it’s way past Venus moved on and now in Aquarius …..
    Dear Linda, I am very glad that search brought me to your site, I believe we are Astro twins! with Uranus in end of Leo and Pluto in Virgo in 7th house, Sun in Scorpio and Mercuryrx conjunct Neptune to the T, Saturn 14 deg Cap in cusp of 12th, my Venus residing in Sag right on Galactic Center, I just can’t wait to read more of your blog…..since Mercury last rx in Scorpio there is a sense of awakening in my life!
    couple of songs very plutonic ” Venus and Pluto ” and came to mine very coincidentally during the Venus Rx
    -Imagine Dragons – Demons –
    -Katy Perry – Dark Horse- this didn’t happened to me ….My Venus in Sag believes forgiveness and good Karma

    What was the lesson for me during the VenusRx , this Rx was about the last Rx in Cappy that I didn’t understood, due to the fact that TNeptune was squared my Sun and opposed my Moon I was learning different lesson that ended 2013 during my birthday…..This Venus Rx was just in time danced on my natal Saturn for more than once, teaching me a true value of love preparing my Saturn to face the God of the underworld that is the time to learn to be patience, forgive and learn to LET GO and move on, my journey just planted a new seed and needs cultivation with more love and care to grow peacefully. Don’t fight it!, Nothing is precious than the unconditional love.

    Welcome to Neptune in Pisces


    1. Hi Beautiful Mind,
      Thank you for your follow and splendid commentary! I am very curious about your reactions to my writing since we have so much synastry 🙂 Are you also an astrologer?

      I do not know the songs you mention , but I will check them out. While Katy Perry is so over the top in Popville, I am aware she is a Scorpio and many of the lyrics in her songs do resonate for me. Sometimes messengers are disguised in interesting ways!

      Many blessings on your journey forward. I hope we will be hearing more from you!



      1. Thank You Linda,

        I am not an astrologer but have passion for Astrology since grade school 🙂
        the songs I have mentioned are heard ….I have 2 teenager so I am reliving my life with them, I’m a newbie to your site and so far I read this article and really enjoying it and will get to rest of your page soon 🙂 I am not as fast as you are I guess, but can relate very much. You have moon in Gemini and I have mine on Regulus! We both love Arts, you love to write the arts I love to make the arts in objects! you are more detached(Gemini) and I enjoy the applauds(Leo) in secretly (Scorpio) Thank God Ascendant is Aquarius we love to share!



  3. Hey linda,
    whilst I did not understand all the detailed astrological stuff you mentioned (wish I did!) I appreciate the meanings and the story you tell here. I love the synchronicity that you are so aware of in your life, and your ability to see things from a new/different perspective.
    Hmm, let’s see now, well at the weekend I was a little, shall we say, ‘all over the place’. The feeling seems to have settled down and in fact a new sense of Spring has arrived within me as of yesterday – a complete character change from the weekend-me. Now I would attribute this to the Stirrings of Spring bursting forth, restlessness to be doing, followed by an inner knowing of joy that Spring is finally returning, being my Pagan cycle self. But I am also prepared to accept any astrological bearing that may have been influencing me!
    Light & Blessings
    Heidi xx


    1. Thank you Heidi for appreciating my spiritual ” worldview”. i do not always know where the synchronicities lead me, but have accepted that they are signs that I am following my soul’s intentions. I think you are referring to Imbolc, which corresponds to 15 degrees Aquarius ( very close to my ascendant). There is also an Indian festival around this time that celebrates Spring. I feel fortunate that my chart highlights important seasonal shifts. As a Pagan, it makes sense that you are being stirred at this time.

      Regarding the Venus transit, if you were not thinking about or being contacted by past loves, do not worry about it. You either feel the energies or you do not.



  4. Hi Linda,
    I’ve got Venus retrograding with Pluto opposite my natal moon in Cancer. Pluto will be transiting my 12th house real soon. I’ve started having more memorable and interesting dreams. ~Ka


    1. Maybe you can post about some of them! I am finally diggin Pluto in my 11th. As it makes its way toward the 12th in 2016 it has finally brought me a new crew of like minded friends, yea! What degree is your moon? I have mars in Cancer 17 degrees. Pluto will be on my Saturn- Mars opposition shortly. Perhaps you can give me a sneak peek of Pluto in the 12th once it arrives.
      Thank you for commenting!

      xx Linda


      1. Sure thing! Linda. Yeah, my moon is at 13 Cancer. Our “planets” are conjunct with a 4 degree orb. It’ll be a little bit yet until I experience Pluto in my 12th house–due to the retrograde in April. I’ve got until early 2015 since Pluto will retrograde less than a degree away from my 12th house cusp. So, Pluto dances on the edge of the house right now. Hehehe.. I’ve had Pluto in the 11th since 2004. Since the Pluto exit opposes my natal moon, I’ve got to wait and see how “the final” goes 😉 I’m cautiously optimistic. I’m doing lots of dancing on “the cusp” of empowerment. Cheers! ~Ka


  5. I just wanted to leave a quick note about how I enjoyed reading your two recent posts. The station of Venus occurred in opposition to my Saturn and in square to Mars but also in trine to my MC. I have been feeling very serious and I have had so much work to do recently. People have started coming for astrological readings, which makes me very happy.
    That film Her, btw, sounds quite fascinating.


    1. Glad to hear from you Monika. I really appreciate hearing what my writing has evoked in others, part of the magic of this medium. Really thrilled you are doing readings now. You are very talented and I know how much fun it is to read for people.

      xx Linda


  6. Hmmm…can’t say I’ve felt or noticed anything from the Venus retrograde. Now that she and Pluto together are opposing my Saturn and Venus in the 7th, so curious to see any affects there. Whatever it’ll be, it’ll likely be powerful! 🙂


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