Sick Day Summary

It has been so long since I have published anything original. Working 4 ten hour days a week ( including evenings) has left me tired or depleted energetically more often than not. I think about this blog and community often and I want you all to know you are with me every step of the way.

The way has been busy and productive but tinged with loneliness, anxiety, and dread. I am grateful to have a job I enjoy where I can see what I have helped create. Yet I feel very insecure, waiting for the other shoe to drop. I am lucky to have people I can discuss my worries with, but it is not always enough. So many years of underemployment or unemployment have left me shaky and uneasy. With both transiting Pluto and Saturn trudging around my 12th house, I understand where some of this malaise is rooted. But still, it persists.

My relationship with my mother remains fractured and this saddens me, and yet, it seems to be more real. I try to balance my awareness of her advancing age with my need to let her know that we have mostly been strangers to one another throughout our entire relationship.  I work on remaining careful not to hurt her and still communicate as directly and plainly as I can. I want to be the bigger person but it is difficult when I am the bigger person all over my life. There are so few people who can comfort me and hear me and really accept me just as I am. So I strive to be that person for me. Learning to love yourself IS the greatest love of all.

I called out sick today and it was much needed. I am happy to report my body is on the mend, so my choice to stay home was a sound one. With Mercury retrograde, I still had to spend unwanted time contacting colleagues because of communication breakdowns.  I have been feeling so tired lately. The astro weather isn’t helping either. My uncle died and my boss quit his job within days of each other during this eclipse cycle.  Two different events; one natural, the other seemingly unexpected. I recently concluded my uncle was the last male relative of the generation before mine.  I did not know him well. We were not close, but he is a symbol of my childhood and he was a decent man. Uranus most likely messed with his Taurus sun, but he lived a long life, seemingly content.

My boss is one of the nicest supervisors I have ever worked with. Spoiler alert: when I am fortunate enough to get a great boss, they usual resign shortly after I am hired. He stayed for almost 6 months of my tenure and that is a record. He is a double Pisces, so of course, we got along. He has his faults, but he is so good with people, so kind, and so caring. A real lightworker. I did not see his resignation coming, but here it is. I have a history of scary supervisors replacing the nice ones, but I can rewrite this old narrative. In fact, I already have: ” I have learned so much about this new job setting and mastered so many new tasks while working with this person. He believes in me and is not afraid to be complimentary and recognize hard work. I saw how authority does not have to be used to gain power and control. I appreciate the time I worked with him and the impact he has made.”

I am grieving him, even while he still is working with me for a few more weeks. I assumed I would leave before he would. Oh well, I was mistaken. I do not do loss well, but over time I have been able to let go sooner and easier. This is growth. Speaking of loss, I have had a few dreams lately featuring my first cat Jasmine. I have no digital pictures of her to post, but I can describe her as a petite calico with green eyes. She was gorgeous and independent and aloof. But she was my first baby and I adopted her at about 7 weeks old. She lived with me for 16 years. Dexter was bigger than life, but Jasmine taught me about how to nurture another. It is curious why she is emerging in dreamtime, but it is cool to see her again happy and thriving.

This catchup post is a hodgepodge of topics, quickly assembled from the recesses of my mind and heart, but it feels liberating to share my ramblings with you on this cooler than usual July evening. So much remains uncertain, but one idea rings true: service with passion equals a full heart and warm soul.


    1. Had a lovely Saturday adventure today, a reset after a stressful week. I slept better last night too, giving me a fresh start on this lazy August day,
      peace to you David 🙂


  1. Lovely to read about your life Linda, in all its glory❤️ I’m afraid uncertainty is the new normal as we learn to let go of the old human ways of validation and control and instead being there for ourself and following quite trustingly our inner voice. Much love to you😘

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Happy to find you here today. My life is full and I am appreciative. With increased awareness comes the dissolving of more illusions and pain often accompanies new revelations. This is not my first rodeo! 😉
      Gratitude and self-care help me remain centered so the guidance can flow.

      love to you too! ❤

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  2. I am pleased Linda you took time out even for a day to nurture your health.. and to read the most important thing is to learn to love ourselves..
    I do not need to repeat the story of my own Mother Daughter relationship, so I sympathise greatly with you and your dilemma of feelings.
    I am also sorry you lost your Uncle, I know last year my my Dad’s last brother past, it felt like a final chapter on my Dad’s family had closed and those childhood memories of my uncle, going on day trips out came rushing back.. Even though we had not been in very close contact for years only via phone..
    As to your Boss, seems like he has been a good teacher, and I am sure you will take the knowledge he has passed along and use it well as a new appointment is filled..

    This is a great time of Change, both in personal, and world events, I am certain you are in a much stronger position to cope with the new arrival who will fill his shoes. Though I do worry 4/10 hour shifts is long..
    I know only too well how working long irregular hour shifts within the mental health field can drain us.. So please look after your own health and wellbeing, I am sure you are..

    Thank you for sharing some of your life with us Linda, I appreciate you speaking from your heart, that takes courage..
    Much love and Blessings your way..
    Love Sue ❤

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    1. Hi Sue, I really appreciate your heartfelt response. I wrote this post in part to ask for vali dation and support. I do recall your relationship with your mother and the pain it caused you. I do not do well historically with what feels like abandonment or betrayal, but I agree that I am stronger now in some respects and am blessed to have a job I do enjoy. We cannot change anyone, only our attitudes, acceptance is crucial but I often feel so powerless in the face of so much change.

      love, Linda

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      1. So pleased you are stronger and enjoying your new job Linda. True we cannot change others. But we are never powerless 😃, Change is all part of the process. It seems overwhelming when we are in the midst of it and unable to control things. But I know the Universe has a mega plan well in hand 😁😍🤗💕
        Much love 💕

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  3. i’m glad you listened to your heart and took the day off linda ❤ sounds like it did you well. and although you've been experiencing a lot lately, your post still come through energetically with clarity and grounding – peace in the unknown. much love and warmest hugs to you ❤

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