Continual Rebirth

Hello litebeings across the globe. I have been silent for awhile and now I am back. I was not planning on discussing this topic upon my return, but it is so so important. While you read, please enjoy a few shots I took of Spring during a recent car ride.  I hope to take more soon…

Sometimes I wonder deeply about the point of my psychic abilities. What purpose do they serve? Sometimes they help me find my way. Occasionally they will assist others. Often they seem to be little more than a curiosity, a form of entertainment. I am not sure if this is cynicism or simply a desire to make more out of my time here.

Perhaps this post will be a chance to be helpful. You decide.

I recently have been presented with information in various forms over a very short time span. This time span is about 12 t0  18 hours. Last evening I was led to watch episode 1 of the Fallout Series. The show was created by the people behind Westworld. Do you remember hearing that the Westworld actors did a Youtube video saying Westworld is really a documentary? Anyway, Westworld’s final season was aborted and the creators took up this project based on a video game. It is a post- apocalyptical comedy. No, I am not making this up! After watching the first episode, I am doubtful I will watch anymore. It is quite violent and it seems to be pointing us to a very dark future. Immediately after finishing the episode I learn that Iran is planning to attack Israel, which Bill Maher mentions on his show. Then we learn  that Iran attacks Israel. Then this morning I get the Saturday print section of the NY Times. Obviously it is written in advance. I take a look at the Book Review section. The cover features two books about Nuclear War.

There you are, a synchronicity of despair. I start to mildly spiral. I wonder if the creators of Fallout and the editors of the Times are influencing the public, or are they sensing what others are sensing and communicating what they think is timely and relevant?

This time period we are currently in reminds me a lot of early 2020. The astrology is different but  Uranus and Neptune are still in the same signs  as they were in 2020. Also Pluto will retro back in Capricorn one last time this year. Maybe it is less of a flashback and more of a continuation? I don’t know.  I am not sure. It is clear to me that we are being deliberately distracted so that other events and actions may be less obvious.

So much that is emphasized on the news seems to be manipulated or deliberately executed to cause fear. Earthquakes in places that don’t  typically get them, check! Odd bridge collapses, check!  Airplane doors falling off, check! Major elections being overly controlled to leave out the will of the people, check! Back in 2020, I don’t think I said it publicly but I thought the George Floyd incident was orchestrated/ I based this solely on my intuition. All i am writing here is also based on my intuition, not on what others say.

I know how I am sounding. This is the thing, my observations are not out of a particular belief system or ” camp “. I am someone who struggled for close to a year about whether or not to get the jab. If I was part of a team or camp, there would not have been such a struggle.

I am not particularly obsessed with nuclear war as a rule. During the Cold War, I had some concerns but was busy living my life as a young person. In case you haven’t noticed conflicts are continuing to escalate and I do not think any government on the planet knows what to do. My country’s government is a shitshow. However I am grateful I still am able to express myself honestly and openly criticize my country . You cannot do that in many places across the planet. That may change in a few months. The feeling I have now reminds me of March 2018. One Friday evening my coworkers and I received an email from our employers at the Rehab that there would be a mandatory staff meeting on Monday morning. Rumors of layoffs were running rampant for weeks. I drove to work the Monday morning preparing to lose my job. The song ” End of the World as We Know It ” by REM was playing right before I drove into the Rehab Facility. I knew it didn’t look good. And it wasn’t. We had massive immediate layoffs.

The stakes are much bigger here. Is this just more of the amping up of darkness as we continue to move out of 3D consciousness? Or is Ascension a story some of us tell ourselves because it is kinder than a more likely narrative? Or is there another, more accurate explanation? I wish I knew.

I have been thinking a lot about death lately. Partly because I am getting older and partly because I want to be prepared if possible. It used to be that I was accepting of a scenario based on Sylvia Browne’s books. Man could we use her now! I was ready for past loved ones to greet me, including my cats, an intense life review, and then some decisions,  (hopefully after a long rest ), about what to do next.

However, now I am not so sure. Is reincarnation a trap? Is there a way to bypass it in order to have more options? After very lengthy reflection, the idea of having thousands of lives learning lessons seems incomplete to me. How long does it really take a soul to get a clue? The entire system does seem incredibly inefficient after a few lives. To keep incarnating with amnesia and attempting to level up seems like a losing proposition.

Fortunately there is an app for that! Just kidding! I do not think there is an app yet, but there is a video! I found this one day in my feed. Was it source guiding me or simply an algorithm based on past viewing habits? Could be both.

Please take a look and decide what you think. I welcome all comments and questions, as always. While I am not totally onboard with all that is shared. it does make interesting viewing. What really grabbed was there was an unexpected synch near the end of the video that seems to be clearly meant specifically for me. Can you find it?

Love to you wherever you are. I wish you safety and peace.


  1. I saw the fallout being advertised, Linda, and thought no, not for me,
    So I’m pleased you confirmed my initial thoughts.

    I’m 70 this year, Linda, and I never give death a thought. I think there’s just still too much life in me . And too much to do..
    And when it occurs no matter how or when, it will no doubt have already been agreed in some point of my soul contract lol

    The techno AI rulers wish us to be in doom and gloom mode, but we have broken the repeat and rinse cycle, I feel.

    For we are expending in consciousness and embracing our higher divinity.
    No matter what is thrown at humanity in the last thrall of the elites grab to keep hold of power, it will backfire..

    Keep your spirits high, Linda..
    As we remember, we attract that which we think..

    It’s great to see you resurfacing to my friend. I feel it’s time. Xx
    Much love ❤️ your way. Xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love your post and hearing about your musings as to what’s happening! I’m sure not many of people understand how focus works and when we focus on something enough we actually help to bring this into reality! As far as IAM concerned the ones who have the seem to own the world direct us via many avenues to focus on what they want to bring about. War, famine, floods, drought, etc etc. they make the movies, write the books and influence us to bring about our own demise! It is why I’ve forever been optimistic about see the bright and beautiful side of life and focus on my journey rejuvenating and birthing NewEarth! The more who do, the quicker we will overwrite their doomsday script. Have you been reading Miles’s documents, he will help put your mind at rest about everything being a pantomime and our focusing on our own truth. Sending love x

    Liked by 2 people

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