Palindrome 4/20/2024

I started this post at 11:11 pm. which was not planned. Are you aware that 1111 is a palindrome? Most of today was in low gear, such a sweet departure from the past week or so.  This offering is a quick and dirty appreciation of today’s events. Let’s set the stage with a look at the beginning of 2024.

I typically will  blog each year about how the Aries new moon is the real beginning of a new annual cycle. I am afraid I cannot do that in 2024. The total Eclipse we just experienced is not a true new moon. An eclipse obscures the fresh energies inherent in this type of lunation. Fear not, we do not really need a fixed date. I am beginning to doubt any of these artificial delineations make a true impact. I strongly suggest we focus on what resonates deep within. Lorie Ladd is correct about this tactic. Resonance is the new North Star. My ability to discern this way is truly amping up, for which I am grateful. It doesn’t make up for the sadness that often accompanies losing old familiar ways of being but it is a worthwhile substitute.

How often do we experience a palindrome? Heck, how often does one use the word palindrome? I wasn’t aware until I read it this morning on social media. I did know today is the long heralded Jupiter Uranus conjunction, falling on the legendary 4/20. If you don’t know what I  mean, then the reference is not important. No worries at all!

A palindrome , according to dictionary. com, is  a word, sentence, verse, or even number that reads the same backward or forward. It derives from Greek roots that literally mean “running back” (palin is “again, back,” and dromos, “running.”) The word appears to have been created in English based on these roots in the early 1600s. I like this phenomenon and it resonates with the times we inhabit. There is symmetry everywhere, even in the chaos ( manufactured or otherwise) .

I also appreciate the significance of Jupiter combined with Uranus. I see Astrology as having alchemic properties. Melding planetary energies together creates something entirely distinct. Much has been written and I would like to hope that incredible opportunities that liberate and inspire will drop into everyone’s orbit imminently. If I am honest, I can simply confess that my spirit cannot keep up with all the upgrades, downloads, eclipses, etc . I have felt overwhelmed by it all for a few years now. I can attribute it to super sensitivity, or not. I do not feel distinction between them anymore. I do not know why. Maybe my brain no longer wants to process the shifts. Or maybe I process them in a new way.

What I do know is that this transit takes place in my natal 3rd house, the house of the mind, communication, siblings, neighbors, Mercuryland. With Mercury still retrograde, it adds to the intrigue. Could there be mental breakthroughs ? Yes, there could be.  I do know my affinity to binge tv shows and play games has accelerated. I think there will be more Earth changes in general. I hope there will be beneficial technology, like an antidote to AI. AI seems to be all over the internet and my PC programs. I did not ask for this and I want it to reverse, like a palindrome.

I have been working diligently on cleaning up my thinking for all of 2024. I am committed to improving my thinking and relationship to thought. This is a great time for this pursuit for me. I will update you when I notice any shifts.

Gratitude practice is also a continuing part of my self – care routine. So many small, almost imperceptible events happened today that help me stay hopeful. Gratitude helps me balance the onslaught of WWIII – like information that floods the outside world ( including beloved WP ). Are we still waiting for The Event? Maybe we are The Event !

It turns out that there was nothing quick and dirty about this post tonight. I could simply edit that comment out, but I am leaving it in. I intended this blog to be one thing and it alchemized into something else. I am okay with that. I am learning to accept that being present is a healthier way to live. Intentions are a jumping off point of expression. The creation is the byproduct.  Happy 420 – 2024 or 4202 -024 ?


  1. Thank you for this share Linda. I find the more each day passes, the more varied and contrasting life’s experiences are getting for everyone, the less systems seem to apply, and even noticing swing shifts taking place and anchoring people back into the things that bring them most comfort. All pointing to what you said…gratitude and presence really being supportive and “resonance is the new North Star”. That speaks to me whole heartedly!  Sending love and a hug!

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