Every Day is Earth Day

2024 Update: Happy Earth Day and Happy Passover! Seems every day is something. However I still wish every day was Earth day. We need to be free from bondage to whatever does not serve us. This applies to the Hebrew Slaves, people who do not appreciate our planet like corporate Elites, and anyone or anything that obscures the light and love, our natural state of being! Enjoy this reblog and enjoy each breathe!

Tomorrow 4/22/2022 is Earth Day. That’s  a lot of 2s! I am featuring my most recent trip to Longwood Gardens as a tribute to the splendor of our planet. My journey included a lovely lunch at Terrain Café  . 


The setting was reminiscent of a greenhouse and the food was healthy, beautifully presented, and delicious. Once I was there for a few minutes, the energy shifted within me. There is something I often notice when visiting this part of Pennsylvania, near the Delaware Border. I felt freer and lighter than I had in weeks. Within about a half hour I was at the gardens. The weather was gorgeous and the place was delightfully uncrowded. This came as a pleasant surprise.


I hope you enjoy this photo sampling I selected. At the end you will discover a divine surprise: 



Now for the surprises ~ I found the following trees to be enchanting, Besides their obvious majesty, I was struck by the vitality emanating from their faces. Do you see what I see? Take a good look….



The most amazing sign was a new one. After several visits over the years with many examples of awe and grace, I found something so unexpected that I had difficulty believing my eyes.  So I took a photo, hoping the image would appear once I arrived home and uploaded some pictures.



I spotted a large white feather on the carpet of the visitor’s center lobby. Not outside, where many birds are present, but inside a large building , waiting for me to walk by. This was so ” out of place” that I concluded it was sent to me from a different dimension. While life in a 3D world is especially scary and violent now, this planet is rich in sustenance, beauty, aliveness, and love.

Love ~ that’s where the magic is created!  Happy Earth Day!


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