April Update

Hello litebeings!

I am strongly led to get something out to you today. My computer is acting oddly, so if I am silent for a while, most likely I am in need of a new laptop.

Emotionally I am fried right now. Life is moving slow and fast concurrently. This defies understanding, so I will not even try. You probably can feel it yourself.

What I will do is briefly share how I am doing:

I lost a few pounds by eating less carbs.

I scheduled a colonoscopy. So what if it took 5 years to do so?

I am researching alternative healers and plan to use tax refund to pay for it. Let’s hope the person I choose is within my price range. Thanks to those who offered me assistance with this process.

I am walking almost daily whether I want to or not. It is about building momentum and a routine. This season with its glory has enticed me to go outside and be with the magic of nature. This Spring is dazzling and buzzing with activity.

I have resumed my meditation practice, courtesy of the Deepak Chopra series.

Here are some images I captured walking around my neighborhood in no particular order:











It seems that when I do focus on 3D signs, they usually appear, especially those of the numerical variety.

I hope you all enjoyed this spring stroll and April update. I will write more once I am better grounded and my computer cooperates.



  1. Here at last dear Linda.. and good to see you are doing so well.. So happy to feel that light hearted voice within your words.. As you embrace Spring walking around your neighbourhood.
    Loved the Blossom trees of Forsythia and Magnolia’s ..
    I hope you find the right healer for your needs dear Linda.. Sending lots of Love your way xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue,
      Actually I suffered a setback, had another attack, but thankfully am being treated at home. Have not blogged on this yet. But I am satisfied with the strides I have made and expect to pick up my new habits once I am back on my feet. People really respond to my cellphone pictures, who knew?? 🙂 Spring is gorgeous in my area, but it is SNOWING today and near freezing temps. The changes are here…

      love and hugs,

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Linda, sorry to hear you had another setback.. But thankfully you are getting treatment without being in hospital.. Know I am sending you.. Yes I saw on another blog from the USA it had started to snow again.. Thankfully here we are warming up.. The Sun is out and I was in the home garden hoeing and weeding this morning.. Now I have a 2 lines of washing blowing in the breeze.. 🙂 While I sit back this afternoon and catch up a little with blog land.. Much love your way xxx Sue ❤

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  2. Very lovely photos of the early Spring ‘voices’ presenting themselves (and now, at least here where I am, covered by a couple of inches of early Spring snow!). There is indeed a seeming ‘funk’ wafting about, whether the astro-energetics or something more human-made (alongside the bio energies). Wishing you very well! xo J

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Jamie, glad you liked the photos. I am in love with spring blossoms, especially magnolia. For me, I have 2 pluto mars transits going on simultaneously, so life is powerfully dark and mysterious. But the scenery is beautifully light and magical.

      xx Linda


  3. Wonderful photos! And of course a speacial thank you for 2222. 🙂 😀 ❤ (I continue to experience synchronicities with it.) Wishing you wellness of being throughout the layers ~~~~~~~



    Liked by 1 person

    1. So great to hear from you Deelia 🙂
      I did not know about you and the 2222s. I have been seeing it on more than 1 car. Maybe they are greetings from you,lol!

      Thanks also for the well wishes.


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      1. 😀 ❤ It´s been a while since we talked about it. 22:22 is when I often happen to look at the clock (that is 10:22 pm). To me it means I´m on the right path relating to certain life area. What it means to you might be different, like you know. Have fun!

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  4. I loved walking in your neighborhood… The Japanese lotus flower tree (don’t know real name) is my favorite flower tree… You’ve been in my heart and I’m so pleased you are journeying to find solutions and moving forward… Life continues to challenge everyone… Me too… Life’s gifts… Take care dear Linda and much love to you xxxx barbara

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  5. Sorry about your computer, happy other things are coming together for you. Enjoyed your photos…would you like to know how many years I’ve been meaning to have a “walking routine”? More than I care to state 🙂 I was very taken with your Forsythia photo, we had a HUGE Forsythia shrub in our back yard when I was growing up. I loved it…so when several of my relatives (both sides of the family) developed Alzheimers I decided to choose one word I’d try to remember if my mind started to go…the word…Forsythia…loved the bush/love the word 🙂

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      1. You’re welcome…the forsythia and the crab apple were among the first things of spring that bloomed on the farm where I grew up (and the crocus and daffodils etc) 😀 😀 😀

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  6. Spring is dazzling and buzzing with activity…and I can see that with your beautiful photos ~ wonderful. I too feel that this year is “moving slow and fast concurrently.” A strange thing, but figure the best to do is flow with it even if it does not make a whole lot of sense.
    Wish you a great, healthy and happy spring ~ blooming like the flowers you’ve shown here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Such a compliment coming from you Randall, incredible photographer that you are. Perhaps my photos were able to illustrate the joy I obtain from Spring’s arrival with all its treasures. While the Winter was mild, it was heavy in many ways. I look forward to viewing your new post.

      Glad you understand my experience with time, etc We are all in this together.

      Wishing you a blessed season.



    1. Lighter for me these days is relative Monika. Yesterday was quite intense, but going out for a brief walk was very healing. As I have said before, it seems my moods change more rapidly. This is truly a good thing, as I rarely stay stuck emotionally in one place.

      Having people like you in my corner certainly makes a difference. I know how much we both love Magnolias. I saw that film is on cable yesterday and immediately thought of you 🙂


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  7. Congratulations to all achievements! It sounds like you are very resolved. This is inspiring. Building a new habit takes a while, 66 days according to science.
    I wish you much success.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Karin,
      I do feel great about making some needed changes. There are more ahead. I heard it takes 3 weeks, but in any case, support from you and others will help me move forward.


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