A Whole New World?

By Anne Dirkse (www.annedirkse.com) (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Many have prophesied that one-third of our planet would be aligned with fifth dimensional consciousness by September 28, 2015. This is called the 1st wave of ascension.  I do not know if I feel any different. My experience of time and space has been altered for quite some time. According to Matt Kahn and others, this is not an intellectual exercise. It is all about the heart.

One way that I perceive insights is by noticing or attracting novel tidbits from pop culture. The internet is typically the medium that transmits these nuggets towards my awareness. Music and movies are two of my go-tos and this gem via Facebook got my attention. The film Aladdin is going to be released in digital format soon. To celebrate this new edition, the original singers from the film reunited on Good Morning America to sing A Whole New World. I am including the video here in the hope of encouraging people to listen. I am in love with this song and it radiates love and otherworldly bliss. I was blown away when I first heard the song and I still feel the same today.

Now that Mercury has gone direct, we can move our attention to other events. I am glad it is mostly behind us, but this cycle was a minor disruption for me. I felt more of the typical slowdowns a few weeks prior to the Mercury station. Maybe that’s just how I roll.  What about you?  How are you doing? Are we moving into 5D? What does that look like? How does it feel? Does it even matter?

It is not too late to join the Time Machine Challenge. The posts are fantastic and I am so awestruck by the brilliance and the emotional honesty displayed. If you are participating, don’t forget to claim your badge! They make nifty souvenirs.

Lately I am not sure where I am headed. Part of me believes that is actually a good thing. But wherever I travel, I am grateful to have my tribe around me.

PS WordPress tells me I have used 1111 tags so far. The signs continue…

milky way image credit: By Anne Dirkse (www.annedirkse.com) (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons


  1. Reblogged this on litebeing chronicles and commented:

    As I ponder what to write for Barbara’s blogging challenging for a Magical New Earth, this song entered my awareness. Enjoy this post and contemplate what kind of world you want to co-create.

    blessings, litebeing


  2. Beautiful post dear Linda.. I was enchanted with the song, I hope more hearts are opening up, and feel our whole new world is slowly emerging.. One by one, we each add our light to that magical diamond sky..
    Loved reading this and I remember the original Aladdin . 🙂 wow.. that dates me a bit 🙂 xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue,
      Really glad you were enchanted by the song. It is timeless and beautifully magical. More hearts are opening, I sense this is true. I think I remember the original. At least, the book?

      xoxoxo Linda

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  3. It really is interesting all these thoughts and ideas flying around cyberspace. I feel a lot of energy changing and I can’t tell if it is the world or just me feeling certain ways inside myself. I do believe we create our own realities, and that the outer world is mostly a mirror for what is within, and whatever disturbs our peace is something we need to heal inside. I love the idea that the planet is ascending as well as the people. I love this planet so much, and feel the losses of species and the rape of Her very deeply. I like living in my imagination about what I would like the world to be like, and who knows…if we create our reality as part of Consciousness, then maybe imagining helps make it so. I also feel myself in those beautiful places or different dimensions. It is hard not to get hooked by the world as I see it – all the stuff I don’t like. When I stay in gratitude for the wonders of my life, in the love in my heart, and presence in the moment, I believe in unlimited miracles and magic. When I get hooked into anger around politics and greed, I don’t feel well, so I try to choose happiness as much as possible. Man! What a rambling nonsensical comment, but maybe there is somethinhg in it that makes sense. 🙂 It is such an interesting conversation. Thanks for bringing it up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Mary,
      Thank you for such a great fluid comment that covers the different nuances of this post. I enjoy discussion here which is why I pose questions and encourage dialogue among readers.I am very curious how people see the world, especially now.

      Thanks for adding to the mix.

      peace, Linda


  4. I’ve been following along all the posts on Welcome to Brenda’s Blog about moving into 5D and big changes but I have to say I mostly feel puzzled as I read. I do feel like a lot of energy is moving through me at times but I still feel bogged down in the final stages of physical healing. The whole 5D thing just seems beyond me and since I’ve worked hard to create a better me/life in THIS world, I’m having troubled getting excited about moving on to another one…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for adding your insights to the discussion. This topic confuses and excites me simultaneously and I welcome discussion from like minded folks. I do not see us moving literally anywhere. I see it as having more access to other realms, dimensions while staying in our bodies on the Earth. I have a question for you: What is THIS world? If you can answer it, cool! I am perceiving it so much differently and do not know what this world is anymore. Brenda’s blog is good. I take most of this with grains of salt and attempt to intuit my way towards the truth…

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      1. I just mean the world as I basically know it. Sometimes Brenda’s posts sound like we’re moving into a world so different from anything we’ve known that I just can’t comprehend it. Being on earth as a human with some extra capacity re dimensions and time sounds doesn’t sound as intimidating though even that is beyond my capacity to imagine what that will be like…

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  5. The song is beautiful, and it played in my mind often during the past weeks.

    It is interesting that your perception of time and space has changed. How does it feel? Can you describe that in more detail ?

    I don’t know about moving into a new world order or other dimensions.
    But I do have to report some interesting synchronicities during the last month.

    In the middle of September, after a stressful week at work with time pressure, I lost my watch. It was like sign that time is over or that I am no slave to time anymore.

    End of September, both of my children wanted to watch the movies Deja Vu and Matrix. Both movies are about the nature of the illusion. And my children didn’t know anything about Sept 28.

    In the beginning of October, I had the opportunity to voice all my anger about a situation in which I feel exploited and to declare that I intend to step away from this which has been bothering me for years. It was kind of a showdown and felt incredibly freeing.

    Last night, I had a dream that I was in a train full of people and this train arrived on a small train station on a sunny green meadow. It was time to get off, unload our luggage and prepare food for everyone.
    Since all train and bus drives in my dreams always are a symbol for ‘the spiritual journey’ , I took this as a metaphor for that we have arrived somewhere.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Karin,
      Thank you for such a thoughtful and information filled comment. It is a synchronicity to me that this song has been in your head recently.It is an old song which I have not thought of in quite some time until I saw the FB mention. It is such an ethereal song that I think was intended to have many meanings by the songwriter.
      Time keeps moving ahead of me at a faster and faster rate. I also notice how the clock is often at a significant numerical sequence when I wake up throughout the evening.These sequences follow me throughout each day. I also get set back in time more and more through music or visual media. And then there are those rare times where I have a convergence while awake that includes people in 3D ( My Indian restaurant post, for example)

      With space, it occurs often in dreams ( as does time travel , which is typically backwards, but occasionally forwards) but also in terms of energy differences. While in nature or visiting highly charged locations, I will sense a glow and palpable energy differences. Not easy to describe but worth the effort!

      I am not clear on if this first wave is in effect and if I am on that train ( trains are very important symbols for me too!) but your synchronicities seem quite significant to me. Losing a watch is a big one. That does not happen to everyone. Your kids requesting those films is also important. Your dream in beautiful – nurture yourself and others in your new home ( self).

      hugs, Linda

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