Grasshopper Riding Shotgun


Howdy litebeings,

I am continuing to digest this past summer as we swirl into Scorpio season next week ( woohoo!). Early August found me immersed in animal magick and it was truly wonderful to behold.


Since it  is likely that I will be trading in my purple car soon, I am glad that the featured photos present my faithful ” Sascha ” in all her glory.



On 8-4-16 I  found a grasshopper on my car on windshield. It rode with me all the way to work, hanging on even at 60 mph on a busy freeway. He ( or she) hung out all day at work in the parking lot ( where I took a few photos).  Grasshopper later accompanied me back all the way from work and stayed a couple more hours upon my arrival home. It was astonishing to me as I have not experienced anything like this before.

On 8-6-16 after reading Shelley’s grasshopper post where she responds to my otter post for inspiration, I see a large otter in my backyard. It is practically screaming for me to take its pic. So I go outside to do so and it immediately moves away. I took a shot anyway, hoping to capture the moment.


Then on 8-13-16 I found a gray feather by my car while parked at home. Two days later I spot another gray feather at my office parking lot. A couple of weeks later I discovered a blueish gray feather in my front yard. Here is a shot of the gray feathers. The blue one vanished before I was able to photograph it.



I found myself mesmerized by the grasshopper and began to develop an attachment to it. I was relating to it as if it was my companion, in a Dexterly fashion. The symbolism for grasshopper is very strongly rooted in mysticism and resonated with me very deeply:

The grasshopper chooses those of us who are innovators, forward-thinkers, and those who progress in life by unorthodox methods. This is because grasshopper symbolism recognizes tremendous leaps of faith, impressive jumps in progress and consistent forward momentum. Those with this totem are likely to aim high, and achieve amazing feats – they take great leaps where others fear to tread (or jump, in this case).

Another special feature of the grasshopper totem is that it calls to those who have natural clairvoyant abilities. Just as the grasshopper uses thousands of tiny eyes to formulate the “big picture” so too do those whom the grasshopper is called. In other words, those with this totem are visionaries. They see things intuitively, seeing beyond what the concrete world holds, and they use this special vision to see the world with a childlike wonder.

I have blogged about the otter before and have appreciated all the otter love from readers.  I can definitely relate to their quirky, unconventional nature and admire their ability to be playful. I cannot be certain though that I was spotting otters, or another species such as beaver, groundhog, or muskrat. Or perhaps another unidentified creature that shares similar traits. I will continue to focus on noticing whomever crosses my path with the intention of seeking wisdom in their messages. Indigenous cultures revered the natural world and I see this practice becoming more critical now than ever before.

The awareness of the extraordinary residing in the ordinary is a primary part of my blog and I believe that August was very significant for me in terms of protection and guidance. The trick is to be able to discern the messages and apply them with reverence and care.

Check out this site for reliable insights on a variety of beloved creatures that inhabit our planet.


  1. What an amazing journey by the grasshopper! I am trying to picture it hanging on for dear life going down the highway. Whatever environmental cues trigger it to take a leap in the natural world thankfully didn’t reach it on the highway! It is also amazing how our cars have these little pockets of quiet, like behind the rearview mirrors, where no matter how fast we go it is relatively calm…


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    1. Hi Michael,
      So pleased you can relate to my little friend. I truly believe he was sent to visit me because he made such an impact. I do not understand his ( or her) ways, but expect he made it safely to his next location.

      peace, Linda

      PS, I would love it if you wrote a poem for my challenge 🙂

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  2. Seems the grasshopper knew it had to go back home with you.. And yes the Signs are being shown to us all the time.. Yet often we fail to pick up on them.. When we become aware we notice them more and more..
    And I just love how these signs followed on from one another.. Lots in there to digest for you Linda.. And the messages I think are profound right now..
    Glad all is well with you my friend xx
    Hugs Sue ❤

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    1. Yes Sue, we often miss the signs and even when I tell myself to stay alert, it doesn’t last. There is plenty to digest and sometimes I need to take it slowly. Thanks for sharing my journey with me. ❤ Linda

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    1. Hi Aleya,

      I do agree that it is amazing and lightens my load during the rough moments. I took a mindfulness training yesterday and it reinforced my desire to slow down by choice and pay attention.

      love, Linda


  3. Thanks for a lovely posting (and postings, as I haven´t been commenting lately), Linda dear. I had a special moment with a grasshopper sitting on my lap in August, too. Affirming our mutual synchronicity again. 🙂 Love and cosmic hugs, Deelia

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      1. I´m fine, thanks for asking. 🙂 Energy work & all related continue to inspire me.

        I was amused by this synchronicity again wishing I had the date, playing with the thought that could it even have been the same as yours. (I had just deleted my FB update about it,so wasn´t able to check that anymore.)

        Liked by 1 person

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