Ready, Set , Blog! Divine Mission- Possible

Ready, set, blog!

Blog challenge season is upon us once again at litebeing chronicles. Every Autumn since the blog’s inception in 2013 has resulted in a wonderful opportunity to build community and “cross-pollinate” ideas and sentiments across the blogosphere.

2018 is no different in that regard. My idea for 2018’s challenge came quickly and clearly.  I am interested in exploring the incarnated soul’s life purpose. I have been longingly inquiring about the meaning of life since my adolescence. Eventually I discovered that there is no absolute meaning, it is an inside job. Okay, then, but what are the particulars? Why are we here and what are we doing with the guidance we receive? A few days later I received validation through my Louise Hay Desk Calendar:

Like many of my blog posts, I invite my readers to look at issues that fascinate and/or frustrate me. This is no different. I would love to be able to regularly say ” I chose to come here and I am delighted to be here.” I cannot say that today. What I will say that going on an arduous job search has left me tired and bewildered. The first few weeks I was swept away in shock, a certainty about surrender, and illuminating synchronicity. Presently I am asking myself if I have more to do here and am I aware of my entire mission. I do believe in reincarnation and the concept of in between life planning. But I am also curious about how souls get to leave the wheel and move on entirely.  I also wonder if many of us readily asked to come to Earth now to participate in the anchoring of light.  Is this just a Cosmic soundbite or something sacred and precious?

The title for the challenge came swiftly: a play on the Mission Impossible franchise where the protagonist is faced with a mission in a briefcase with a time bomb attached. ” Here’s your mission, if you choose to accept it,  … “ And then the adventure begins! From this premise the blog challenge concept was born!

The rules are simple, but this time with a twist that I will reveal later in the post:


1 – Write about your spiritual mission here on Gaia. Are you a lightworker, Starseed, forerunner, Indigo, or none of the above? What have you incarnated to do or to be? Describe your mission and your journey to achieve it. Are you delighted to be here? There is no correct answer, by the way. Make it your own.

2- Pick a date and inform me here in the comments section.

3- Include ” Divine Mission-Possible blog challenge ” in the text and link back to this blog post.

4 Copy the blog badge and add it to your site.

There are some modifications to this format. If you are stuck on your mission, you are free to write about lacking a mission or your process on discovering what it is. You can also write why you don’t have a mission and how that impacts you. As long as you stay on this topic, you are golden.

Now here’s the twists:

More that one person can post on the same date! That’s right, pick a date ( preferably starting on 11-1-18) and let me know. I do not care if 2 or more folks choose the same date. I do not want that issue to get in the way of participation.

Here’s the final twist : I want this challenge to grow in numbers organically and reach way beyond my own group of readers. I think this topic is very important in the times we are living in, where the pressure is on to evolve or perish, or dis-engage from living a well lived life. 

So in that spirit, I am asking that every participant volunteer at least one other blogger to join. That person will volunteer someone new, and so on…

I am volunteering all my readers, but I will also ask someone specifically to get the ball rolling. If you ask someone and they decline, that’s alright. Try again! My intention is for a wave of creative passion to flood cyberspace with intense love and solidarity. Please contact me here with any questions. I will provide a schedule here on the bottom of this post. Please refer back here to keep up with the posting dates.

( Look for the cat in the montage! )

So let’s keep encouraging each other to wake up and complete our Divine missions. It is possible! I know it in my heart. I have met so many glorious souls through participating in blog challenges. Let Source flow through us as we celebrate our time here together. Unity consciousness is more than a platitude, it is a life skill! Please share this invite across your social media platforms. Thanks in advance for all the blogger love.

As the fairy godmother sang in Cinderella , impossible things are happening everyday!

So who am I volunteering? I have chosen Leigh, a longtime blogger buddy and dear friend who has taught me more than words can say.

I am so excited to get started. Please join me now!


Challenge Schedule




3- Linda

4- Dayna





9- Dace

10- Michael

11- Tania

12- Barbara


14- Kristen Ann



17- Linette

18- Cindy






24– Wendy

25- Shree , Edith

26- Sue

27- Tom

28- Alexis Ray








5- David

26 – Carolyn




  1. Hello Linda – Carolyn Page here – good to meet you!
    Dace from My Way to Truth has invited me to join the challenge. I accepted and have a post under construction now… I will post it today December 26 2018.
    I do hope this is okay. 🙂


  2. Hi again Linda,
    So, as I haven’t a clue how to select a date or how to ‘link back’ , just to let you know that I shall be posting my contribution on 05.12.18 on my own blog ‘ under the title of ‘Divine Mission – Possible’
    Love, David.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Linda, good to meet you – via Sue Dreamwalker. I am not very good at negotiating these things, but I would like to join in. Is it possible to view what others have written? And how can I give you what I have written please? Kindest regards, Love, David

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi David. All the links are on the schedule of my post that is pasted at the top of my blog page. You are to post your contribution on your own site and link to my post. Read some of the others to see how to do it, I find that the easiest way to learn how to do a challenge. I am thrilled you want to join in and happy to meet you too 😉


  4. Hi Linda, we don’t know another yet… I am Edith from New Beginnings Guatemala… Barbara Franken nominated me and as it was my pleasure several times before to participate in her “True Awakening Experiences” and other e-book collections, I would love to take her up on it and join also your possible mission. I can schedule it for November 25th… its the first double, hope that’s fine anyway! Will get back to you as for who I wanna nominate – taking a minute on that one to see who resonates in me, to make sure my choice makes sense
    Blessings to all participants and joyfully manifested missions!! Edith Boyer-Telmer

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Edith, Happy to meet you. I believe that read your post for Barbara’s ebook series. I participated in that one too. 🙂 i will put you down for the 25th. I am not limiting the dates to one person in order to accomodate more people.

      looking forward. peace, Linda
      PS, this may sound strange but lately I keep seeing references to Guatemala 🙂


      1. Hi Linda, thanks for the chance to share with you as well… not surprised you hear Guatemala calling… its a spiritually incredibly rich country… and lake Atitlan where I am living, is a vortex of change and creation. Pure magic! Don’t miss to check in with me when the call is getting louder :-)!

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  5. Hello Linda. I’ve already invited several people so I guess I’d better pick a date myself, huh? lol I’d like the 28th, please. Excitedly yours, ARay of Light 😉

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  6. I’d love to take the 14th. I did your blogging challenge for the first time last year and really enjoyed it :0). I’m going to share the challenge on twitter to further get the word out. Thanks for doing this and creating community!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I ‘ll put you on the schedule and glad you enjoyed it last time. Please remember that I am asking everyone to personally recommend another writer to join us. thanks! 🙂


  7. Hi, Linda! Tania asked if I would like to join this challenge, and I certainly would! I’d love to share my mission on the 17th, and I will be spreading the invitation in my favorite Facebook group.
    Looking forward to reading everyone’s shares!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Linette! Happy to meet you and thrilled to include you on the 17th. Thanks for spreading the word and I am eager to visit your site. Please spread the love by inviting a blogger, writer, etc to join in. This is how the magic happens ❤

      peace, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for the welcome! My pool of writer friends and acquaintances is rather limited, but I believe I do know someone who would be interested. I will post again once that is confirmed. So excited to write on this topic!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Great! You can either invite her ahead of time or pass it along to her by linkiing her to your post? My aim is for the message of divine intent to become part of the collective and spread through cyberspace like a field of wildflowers. ❤

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