The Golden Road to Transformation public domain


What a long strange trip it’s been, indeed.

My inspiration for the Time Machine Challenge started on a crisp and brilliant afternoon in September. If you are new to my blog or would like to catch up on your reading, please visit here to find the entire roster of spectacular challenge blogs. Reminiscing about my first September in Philly and the man who represented that era took me back to a state of excitement and joy.  I was amazed how my instantaneous flash of insight was later validated when I visited a website where that former boyfriend currently works. According to Michael Lutin, this time period before the New Scorpio Moon accentuates preoccupation and/or random encounters with past lovers or folks who trigger memories of former flames.

A few connections from Leigh and Laura gently guided me on a path of forgiveness and acceptance of the past. Leigh’s post on the  ho’oponopono prayer got me thinking of all the guilt and regret that still remains within me. An unexpected email from a stranger set in motion a fresh attempt to reframe any past relationships. I am speaking of the ones that seemed to stick with me, defying all my efforts to sever lingering cords. That stranger who contacted me is now a friend who readers know as Laura.

So I set out on an adventure to forgive all my past romantic entanglements, beginning with the first and moving towards present time. I would recite ho’oponono before falling asleep and visualize myself back in time with these former flames. It was often unpleasant as long forgotten details resurfaced. I was also looking to explore with fresh eyes the circumstances in which my ex from college would re-enter my life. I am seeking clues as to what his presence symbolizes for me now. I expected this process would eventually lead to healing. Truth be told, this exercise has been met with much resistance. However, I still am pursuing this path, hoping it is a “path with heart.”

But it is a path unfinished and did not reveal a story for the challenge. Around the same time ( late September) I followed up by contacting the director of the group practice where my ex works to inquire about employment. I did so because my ex works at their other location and my friend spoke so highly of the director. This contact led me to the discovery that I cannot get re-credentialed at my level of licensure. Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise because if I was hired and unable to work, the fallout would have been more upsetting and more time would have been wasted.

So I put off writing a post and hoped for the best. After reading Fiona’s challenge offering, I remembered an unfinished draft from July. Oddly enough, it addresses the challenge beautifully. Why am I surprised to discover that yet again Spirit has other plans?

So without further adieu I bring you my nonlinear, unplanned, but totally cool trip back in time:

See that girl, barefootin’ along,
Whistlin’ and singin’, she’s a carryin’ on.
There’s laughing in her eyes, dancing in her feet,
She’s a neon-light diamond and she can live on the street.

Hey hey, hey, come right away
Come and join the party every day.

Well everybody’s dancin’ in a ring around the sun
Nobody’s finished, we ain’t even begun.
So take off your shoes, child, and take off your hat.
Try on your wings and find our where it’s at. *

Was it 2015 or 1978 or perhaps 1967 ?  You decide:

July 4, 2015:

I had just received some long over -due money. I noticed that the Grateful Dead were live streaming their Chicago Fare Thee Well  50 year anniversary reunion concerts on On Demand. The fees were pricey but I had extra money. I deserved to splurge on something fun and purely entertaining. I had not seen any assembly of the Dead in decades and I was not going to be teleported to Chicago, sans an airplane ticket and place to stay. The concerts were to be held over 3 nights. This could be my last chance to see them perform, ever. Which night do I choose?

I could not justify viewing all 3 shows. I finally decided that July 4th would be the one. My reasoning was they would be settled in after the 1st show and since I associate the Dead with parties, why not celebrate America’s birthday in style? This decision was an arduous process. As an INFJ, I like to ponder and deliberate, often to a fault. In this case, I am glad I took my time.

Earlier that day I spotted a HUGE beetle like creature on my bedroom door. It seemed almost alien-like. I was terrified but managed to flush it down the toilet. Dexter was oblivious to this terrifying menace, but it certainly got a reaction out of me. I looked up beetle online to see what I could find here.

By J. Coelho [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

This image is a rather close approximation. While I found the various interpretations fascinating, the following paragraph holds true till the present:

Perhaps the most profound lesson the beetle shares with us is the lesson of transformation and adaptation. Beetles engage in metamorphosis for development and growth. From egg to adult, they are a marvel of transformation illustrated in a short lifetime. They go through these revolutionary transformations with aplomb, very nonchalantly and matter-of-factly. Beetles embrace the flow of life and all its transitions without question. They surrender to change.

Looking back, I realize that this was my final complete weekend with Dexter. I was blissfully unaware that he would be leaving me so soon. Yet I did surrender to change and enter into a phase of transformation. The beetle sighting was fortuitous as it signals a new way of being on the planet. I would venture a guess that Dexter is more adaptive than I have been, given his loving demeanor in spite of multiple placements and tricky health issues.  We have so much to gain from the natural world.

Post beetle episode, I am ready for the concert. There was so much to take in and integrate.  Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined watching a live concert on TV in this fashion. The word surreal is not superfluous in this instance. The telecast was filmed so you were truly in the moment, without commercials and artificial editing. I cannot exactly describe it, but it was quite close to being there in Chicago.

It turns out I almost lived in Chicago. My parents traveled their often as it was where my dad’s company’s main headquarters were located. It is also where they purchased my very first astrology book. I still have it and it was published in the 1960s. I also made a wonderful friend from Chicago who I met in Miami. We both stayed at the same hotel for 2 years over Xmas holidays. We became pen pals and I never forgotten her. Plus I have some online blogger buddies from Chicago so the city keeps appearing in my life.  I recently found out that we almost moved there when I was young. My mother revealed that my dad was offered a big promotion at the main headquarters. I was shocked to hear that he turned it down, given we moved around so often.  So here I am focusing in on elusive and mysterious Chicago. Here’s yet another example of the road not traveled. public domain

The music itself was very moving. The pace was slow and many of the songs were folksy and bluegrass style. The evening progressed like a heartfelt lullaby. Yet at certain points the mood shifted and the pace quickened. I had not been feeling well and was functioning on little energy. But I was propelled to get off my couch and dance. One song in particular set me in motion like a dervish. The Golden Road to Unlimited Devotion was playing. I could have been hallucinating , but I was lucid and sober. As Dexter watched, I began to swirl. This is MY song and I have never heard it performed live. I felt as if another force was propelling me into seamless, graceful, dizzying, flight. How did I get so energized? What was the source of all this power inside of me? I was floating on air, whizzing in circles, free of obstructions or constraints. I was on fire!

Later I researched the show online to read about the setlist. I came upon this article that blew my mind wide open. Here is what was written about the Golden Road performance:

Next up was “The Golden Road (To Unlimited Devotion),” a song Jerry Garcia wrote about the Haight hippie scene that The Grateful Dead only played a handful of times in 1967. Bruce Hornsby and Trey Anastasio fronted the group on the obscurity.

My favorite ( among favorites such as Eyes of the World, Sugar Magnolia, Truckin’, Scarlet Begonias, US Blues, and Box of Rain, to name a few) is basically a favorite of the few. It was last performed in 1967. I had not even heard of the band until 1977 and had not attended my first show until 1978.  It is probably a statistical anomaly that this song was performed on the exact night I decided to watch the show. This is not just a song to me. It is an anthem. I was this chick in the song in high school and college. Or at least I imagined myself to be like her. She was free and blissful and at peace. Perhaps I longed to get out of my own way so I could be her.

I actually transformed into her a few months earlier. Here is an excerpt of my May 26th post on dream number 3 of an incredibly active sojourn of slumber.

May 26, 2015 ( circa 1978?)

And now for something completely different:

3 – Went back in time to the 1970s. Lots of teens around, big crowd. I run into a friend.We will call him “Sam.” He used to be my dream prompt. Seeing him meant I was dreaming. He has not appeared in years though. There was to be a 1970s party. I was excited about this. My friend “Sam” said I would like to dance with you , big smile. I was so excited and I typically don’t like to dance. Lots of love between me and Sam, unlike real life where we were longtime yet intermittent, platonic friends. I knew him from when I first moved to NJ in the middle of 6th grade through the summer after HS grad when our families vacationed at the same hotel down the shore. At the party, there was such a joyous atmosphere. The room was dark and the music was psychedelic. Sam and I hit the dance floor and did our thing. We were both young but I danced with the confidence of a more mature person. In high school I would have not felt as eager to express myself this freely.

When I turned around I saw a young Bob Weir singing Grateful Dead music. It was a big surprise. I have dreamed of Bob and Jerry( Garcia) many times before over the years. Sometimes while dreaming I talk with them. In this dream I did not know Bob, nor did I interact with him. I was so excited and remembered Sam was there at my first Grateful Dead concert in 1978. The same day he and his band performed a concert at the high school. A group of us began to chant the date of that concert 5-13-78. ( later I checked and that was the actual date of the concert. How did I remember that?) It was wild. I said to him “You were in a band!” I think he was the lead singer. My friends who attended the concert with me were at this party or at the very least I mentioned them to Sam. Some of Sam’s friends were also there. Sam and I were becoming a couple and were very happy. I felt loved and adored.

What was so interesting was the Bob Weir became the face of the Dead once Jerry Garcia passed away. He was my favorite anyway so I would always focus on Bobby. I was also stunned to realize the prophetic nature of this dream. I was seeing Bob Weir perform and dancing as if no one was watching. I was imbuing my current knowingness into the past.  What a wild ride of past and future morphing together in Dreamtime. You could say that for a few short minutes I was livin’ the dream.

I said Fare Thee Well to Dexter one week later. I also learned that the farewell concerts were not the last. A newly formed group called Dead and Company featuring Bob Weir, John Mayer ( another Libra with loads of Scorpio) , Mickey Hart, and others have begun touring recently so the music apparently never stops in some form.

Update: Apparently Dead and Company were performing in Philadelphia last night ( 11-5-15) while I was completing this post. The synchronicity continues…

We never know how much or how little is happening at any given time. I did not know that my current physical body possessed that much energy. I certainly never expected to hear the Golden Road performed live and in real-time in my living room. Life is a mystery that keeps surprising me, just when I think I’ve got it all figured out.

But I have figured out one important lesson. I want to play! Perhaps having the experience of both spontaneity, exuberance, and confidence will assist me in replicating this behavior going forward. My birthday is approaching as I type and I have set my intention to be that girl from the Golden Road. Being free and playful and in motion is the way. 

The time machine kept me quite busy, transporting me to and from Philly to Chicago and to 1967 ( around the year I began studying astrology), 1978,  2015 and beyond. My consciousness flowed from waking state to frenzied ecstasy to Dreamtime. My challenge was not what I intended upon its inception in September. Yet I took the steps necessary to get me to this point. Now I am ready to try on my wings.

*lyrics credit

Here’s a video of the original 67 performance.

Here’s what I saw on 7-4-15.

Thanks to all for another spectacular blogging challenge. They keep getting better because WE keep getting better.

image credits: beetle by J. Coelho [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons dervishes images,, public domain
header image,, public domain


  1. As I stopped in to see this post, I found that you have, in this moment, “33 Thoughts” (comments) on it. That’s a lotta thoughts 😉 … reminded me of a project I worked on long ago called “Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Claiming Your Personal Power,” with Stuart Wilde. 33 is a “biggie” number. Anyway. I do go on. I’m pretty darn positive you MUST have seen the Bob Weir documentary, The Other One on Netflix – possibly multiple times? I enjoyed that; I hadn’t known much about him. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The number 33 or 333 has begun to show up more for me lately so thanks for adding to this newish pattern. I really enjoyed the Other One and may view again if it is still on Netflix.

      You are welcome W 🙂


    1. Hi Sue, so good to hear from you. I wanted to fully read and comment on your last post but some banner kept appearing and obscuring my view. I will be returning. Getting to see some free Dead and Company livestream had inspired me. The music can take you back to places you had forgotten to recall 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thankfully The banner cookie bar issue is now resolved Linda, I had to inform WP experts about it and they told me how to solve. it.. It appeared since the New GDPR laws as you no doubt know, Everyone has been upgrading their rules etc.. Well as I had put the cookie bar in to comply as I hadnt before.. It appears at around the same time WP upgraded free sites by default the bar also. So this caused a glitch.. I have seen a few other sites with the same problem.. So the solution was I take my widget of the cookie bar down and theirs now disappears when clicked upon.. But it is now permanent, as WP installed it, and its now on every other site more or less I have visited this week..

        So pleased to see you posting and being inspired again Linda,, and no worries about my post visits.. Just ENJOY your weekend.. and BEing YOU. xx ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Linda, this journey of ours only keeps on getting better.. Loved how all of those synchronisities played out.. I had not heard of this band.. and will play the video’s later..
    You said you want to play…
    Quote “But I have figured out one important lesson. I want to play! Perhaps having the experience of both spontaneity, exuberance, and confidence will assist me in replicating this behavior going forward. My birthday is approaching as I type and I have set my intention to be that girl from the Golden Road. Being free and playful and in motion is the way.”

    Finding our ‘inner child’ and learning to let go, dance, and spin with arms outstretched.. Trusting in the moment, and going with the flow… Knowing that there is often no right or wrong way.. Just the journey..
    Loved reading your experiences Linda.. and I so thank you for allowing me to take part in the challenge.. I so enjoyed the posts I read..

    Wishing you Love and Birthday wishes.. I do not know if I have arrived too late to wish you a Many Happy returns.. but you know you are wished them with love..

    Blessings Sue xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue,
      It is never too late to send me birthday wishes. One birthday someone came up and said ” I am very glad you were born.” I never forgot that.

      thanks as always for all the encouragement. I desire freedom and joy and more vitality in the moment. Dexter taught me that, but I have other teachers as well.

      Hope you enjoy the music. It is very happy and playful. Perhaps your granddaughter would like it too 🙂

      xo Linda

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for sharing your fascinating stories with us.

    Amazing how past and future got mixed in the dream with Sam.

    The song has an encouraging theme and title. Devotion is about joy, freedom, and dance. That is a great reminder (for me) not to take things too seriously.

    Amazing that the song catapulted you out of the chair into a dance.

    Try on your wings.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Karin,
      What was so amazing was the surge in my energy level. I was lifted by the pull of the music and my happy memories. I bet Sam saw some of the concerts, wherever he is. 🙂
      I do take life way too seriously and feel so much lighter when I get out of my own way.

      Let’s try on our wings together !

      Blessings back, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Life is indeed a mystery, Linda. I enjoyed the journey through times near and far with you, and love how you filled with the energy of life in this synchronous encounter with meaning and music. I also love the idea of the beetle, and our surrendering to the processes of transformation… I think it is a very apt metaphor for our times and what is asked of us…

    Much Love

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Michael,
      I had hoped this post would convey the magic of life and energy through time and space, despite the verbosity and tangential direction that came out in the actual writing process. Music is a constant in my life and is such a source of healing. The beetle was an unexpected guest star in the weekend of holiday surprises.

      love and miracles, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy Birthday Linda~ Loved your post and synchronicity. Play, play, play, and have Fun!
    Smile you are beautiful ❤
    and a good friend.
    ღ✿ƸӜƷ ✿ღ
    Lots & Lots of Love ❤
    Blissful Blessings
    Joyous Abundant Manifestations
    Radiant, Energetic Health
    Harmony & Peace
    ღ✿ƸӜƷ ✿ღ
    Sistar Sindy Sue

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Mary,
      Thanks for reading my lengthy challenge post and being part of the time machine team. I see more clearly how little I know and how much I know at the same time. Life is very much a paradox. 🙂


      1. Hey! Happy Birthday!! I don’t know the actual day, but I hope it was/is/will be a wonderful day and that the year is full of music, fun, dancing, health, good friends, deep knowledge, contentment, fabulous dreams and all gnawing questions answered.
        Happy everything and merry always.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Linda,

    Goodness, I love the title of your post! “The Golden Road to Transformation.” It makes me think of a John Lennon quote, “Life is a journey, not a destination.” Was that John Lennon? I’m not too familiar with the Grateful Dead, although I have heard a few tunes.

    Can I wish you a glorious solar return?! Linda, I am glad that we have met circa 2015 (circa who knows when before ;-).

    Blessings to you, friend! ❤ Lovely post on transformation, and process ❤
    Sail on the air with those wonderful wings of yours…As you say: "We never know how much or how little is happening at any given time." You can say that again!

    xoxo Ka

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi sweet Ka,
      My local friend who is both far away and in my heart <3. Just discovering that more of each comment is included in admin dashboard than actual post sometimes. strange, huh? John Lennon said ( I think ) life is what is happening while you are making other plans. And this is
      true! Glad we met and keep meeting…. Love you dear and let's sail together thru the galaxy.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow. Amazing stories in that post. I’m honored to be part of your ho’oponopono story. And I enjoyed your Grateful Dead tale.
    I know that feeling you describe of getting past the illness for a while and longing to be that person again. We’re on the way my friend…

    Liked by 1 person

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